Hey all, I know there have been countless questions about normals and UE3 but I thought I'd get some insight on my particular issue as I simply can't wrap my head around it.
I realize that UE3 can't handle mirrored normals well, but the larger issue is the normals on my separate uv islands.
Here's what I'm getting:
the one at the right is just a flat grey in diffuse so you can see the shading issues.
with a blank normal map of 128,128,255, I still get this result:
AND so in all my vast noobdom, I ask you good sirs: How can I remove these normal issues at each uv shell?
I've tried with the mirrored uvs ontop of eachother, shifted +1 or -1 in U and squished into 0-1 with a 2:1 map which all result in variants of the same problem.
The results are also the same after building and playing.
The mesh is all merged and everything too. I thought maybe my normals were screwed upon export, but there aren't too many options I could have messed up
I don't think the issue is the map because when i squish the layout to a 1024x512 with unique uv's it still has this issue, and even with a completely blank normal map i still get this result
but it's only mild when i have no normal map at all on it. Could it still be a problem with the map? or is there something screwy with my vertex normals
I've heard of this issue before, by default UE3 will just load it as a standard RGB texture, you have to enable a checkbox somewhere (not sure where, I haven't used UE3) to make the game treat the texture as a normal-map. Apparently that fixes these issues.
I hadn't heard of that issue, Shep. thanks for the heads up.
I'm exporting out of 3ds max and i've tried dumping my normals,redoing them, or exporting them - but it still leaves me with this same issue.
I also hadn't heard of that normal map compression issue MoP, thanks for the tip.
I tried changing the normal map compression in the texture viewer, but it seems to leave me with the same results in this case.
I must be doing something fundamentally dumb and wrong...
Edit: Also make sure that it isn't a material instance but just a regular material... that solution doesn't seem to work with instances for some reason.
I guess if you don't apply the correct settings upon import (rather than changing it after import) it'll filter the colors regardless.
Thanks a million to you all