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Sci-fi Rifle - Hi Poly

polycounter lvl 18
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EmAr polycounter lvl 18
Hi guys! I think I'm finally getting into SubD modeling. I modeled this one in Silo. I'm working on the low-poly now. Any C&C are more than welcome. Thanks for looking:



  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    it looks pretty cool. that bottom nozzle better be a beam weapon or flashlight. maybe slowly secretes meat, but not bullets.
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 19
    I second the meat idea.
    Silo ftw.
    Good work. moar.
  • rhoymand
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    I 3rd the meat idea!
    top nozzle should pump out gravy

    the sci-fi gun looks very nerf-like. its very thick and heavy in the front and the butt end is really wimpy. the weight distribution is unbalanced. if you made the butt, handle, and magazine bolder like the rest of the gun it would more believable.

    the silhouette confuses me. why is there a plasma dagger coming out of the meat nozzle? I don't see any indication of it in the renders.
  • AlexanderF
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    high caliber fully automatic gravy and meat launcher, for distributing meals at big family meetings across great distances. Can fire up to 10 meals per second!
  • Wafer
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    Cool, I wouldn't want to be on the business end of this rifle!

    The center section is quite conventional compared to the front and back sections?

    The muzzle could be more sci-fi? I like the bayonet profile!
  • EmAr
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    EmAr polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks for all the suggestions guys! I gave up on the bayonet idea while modeling. Maybe I'll get back to it somehow.

    So, what is this meat nozzle thing about? I made the bottom nozzle to be a laser pointer or something like that and I don't understand what is a meat secreteing nozzle is. Forgive me if it's something obvious :D

    Here's the update with a new magazine and slightly beefed up back part and handle:

  • IronHawk
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    IronHawk polycounter lvl 10
    nice modeling but the front end just looks wimpy / melted to me. Like the heat shielding just got to hot and went limp. Not saying it just to be mean but the curve just isnt convincing to me as being a good design for a gun. Whats going on with the skinny handle as well? Its not much wider then the trigger.
  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    all guns are falic at the end of the day, and I`m all for deviations of the gun architype, but jesus this is a flaccid design.
  • Racer445
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    Racer445 polycounter lvl 12
    Pistol grip looks really dinky and the trigger guard doesn't seem like it would be very functional
  • Dante1217
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    yeah grip needs to kinda...fatter, and the triggergaurd looks... kinda...idk jut odd

    i really like the design tho ^^ especially all the little details
  • IronHawk
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    IronHawk polycounter lvl 10
    konstruct wrote: »
    all guns are falic at the end of the day, and I`m all for deviations of the gun architype, but jesus this is a flaccid design.

    haha.. yeah I was doing my best to say it in a nice way but QFT.
  • EmAr
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    EmAr polycounter lvl 18
    lol thanks for being nice. No problem :) I'll complete this one for normal mapping practice though. Thanks for the other comments too :D
  • Scott Ruggels
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    Scott Ruggels polycounter lvl 18
    As the Former Resident Firearms Nut here on the boards, Looking at the design, the curvature of the buttstock is a bit jarring and the weapon is front heavy, Think about what's going on under the shrouds and applique there. The beam or bullet barrel is going to be straight, because beams are straight and The Germans tried Curved barrels in WW2 for their "Krummlauf" add on to the StG 44 Rifle, and those just wore out. Suggestsions would be the fatten the pistol grip to at least the thickness of the lower reciever, and beef up the buttstock, so that at least it looks like the rifle will balance. General for controllability and ease of use you want the center of gravity to be around the pistol grip. Does that Buttstock fold? Telescope? Snap on and off? You also need a moreergonomically obvious place to put your front hand.

    Onthe other hand I did read the lower nozzle as a designator, or a flashlight. You need to make screw holes or tabs or something to indicate a little of how this was made. (unless it was sintered together from directed nanoparticles in a bath of fluid and powdered steel..._

    Hope this helps.

  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    A meat nozzle produces meat. It's function is delicious.
  • EmAr
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    EmAr polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks Scott. That helped a lot. I tried to make the front look lighter and also played with the grip. Maybe I'll start over with the buttstock. Here's an update:


    EDIT: I'm still pretty unsure with the blades. Any comments on those are especially welcome :D
  • rhoymand
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    looking much better since I've last seen it.

    the buttstock still looks weird. compared to everything else it lacks detail. I wouldn't go for a skeleton stock unless you intend for it to be folding. going with a standard stock also gives you more space to add detail.

    the barrel of the gun doesn't match the sci-fi look of the rest of the rifle. I don't think portholes are necessary unless its a machine gun. try a skinny barrel with a fat tip (opposite of yours).

    make the magazine longer. always looks funny to me when the mag is shorter than the trigger handle. if its going at an angle like that it might be best to curve it.

    that front part of the gun is killing the piece. I don't know if its the curve, or if its cuz its so big. try getting rid of the curve (dark grey part) and extending the grip (light grey part).
  • Mark Dygert
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    I like it better with the blades, but they need to be thickened up. Without the blades it just looked like a happy lil puppy taking a sprinkle in a meadow.

    I think the magazine could be bigger but not Space Marine Bolter big.
    It would be kind of neat if the stock folded in some how (oh shit, redesign... maybe not)
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    I think the design is very bad,- techincal execution very good.

    But regarding the design, why I think the design is just bad:

    - clich
  • karera
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    karera polygon
    Im thinking: Why have a scope if the weapon is thought to be used in close combat? And usually a bayonette(spelled like this in english?) kinda screws with the aiming and such from what i've heard.. But like Renderhjs said, nice execution, don't really like the design so far, i would rather want to see u study some real weapons first
  • Xaltar
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    Xaltar polycounter lvl 17
    When designing a weapon you should always do a lot of research first.

    1. What sort of world will it exist in?
    2. What sort of conditions will it be used in?
    3. How easy will it be to produce? Castings/complicated shapes = impractical
    4. What kind of amunition will it fire?
    5. What is its application? Accuracy? Automatic bust fire? Stopping power?
    6. Comfort and ease of use.
    7. Looks

    Note, looks should be your last consideration. Having a pretty gun is useless if it fails to meet the other criteria. This is how it works in the real world and you should try to reflect that in your work.
  • EmAr
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    EmAr polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks again guys :) I guess I should try some real weapons like karera suggested first. Here's my last attempt at modifying the design but it does not appear to be going anywhere great:


    I'll just pause this one here and find a cool real rifle to model.
  • rhoymand
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    LOL it got better and it got worse. now looks like a turtle with a jet pack is throwing up a bottle of shampoo. you made my day EmAr, thanks!
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    the curve isnt really helping it, just making it look retarded, i liked the extended version, but right now it just lacks sense, functionality and purpose, but kudos for the hp modeling skills :)
  • EmAr
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    EmAr polycounter lvl 18
    You know, jet pack turtles can be deadly too lol Oh, I hope I get better someday :P
  • EarthQuake
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    Honestly i would spend some good time researching real weapons, find out why things work the way they do, study the ergonomics of exsisting designs. The design and details seem very random atm. Also a lot of your edges are too hard, to the point of it almost being pointless to have them as sub-d, because you would get nearly the same result just using smoothing groups.

    I would say you could do a lot to step back, take out the details compeltely, focus on getting good main shapes, because as it is right now, it looks lime some random curves, with very little shape other than from the side view.

    Check this out, tons of refs for various weapons:

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