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Female (Nudity)

polycounter lvl 17
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movento polycounter lvl 17
I'm working on a new model,a woman. I never really modeled females before.
I'm not sure which clothes or accesoires i'll give her yet. Maybe i'll turn her into a stripper and pos e her with my Duke Nukem model ;o
I'm aware that the hands and feet are to small,is there a way in mudbox 2009 to scale selected parts?



  • woogity
    hey man might just be the angle, but the angle of her lowerleg to her upper looks awquard to me, i think the leg needs to be a bit straighter, also the torso looks pretty nice, but the lower body seems a bit neglected as far as musculature goes. Also can we get a few more angles of the whole body? nice rough tho, not bad for your first lady.

  • penrod
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    penrod polycounter lvl 14
    I haven't used the new mudbox yet, but you could probably maskout her hand. Then, invert that mask to mask everything but her hand, and then scale that up.

    As far as the model goes...it looks like she is currently missing her skeleton. I would look at some reference of the human skeleton, and see where the boney landmarks of the body are. Once you place the boney landmarks (hips, knees, ankles, elbows...ect.) it makes placing the muscles much easier.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    Actually, the torso needs lots of attention to proportions. The lower landmark of the ribcage under the breasts is sitting far too high. The breasts also are too high on her chest. Try to imagine what sort of skeleton would create this figure, and you'll see its inaccuracies. Find an image of the ribcage, and observe how much shape it gives to the torso. The mesh also needs iliac crest landmarks and attached muscles (pelvis). The arms, legs, neck, and face all need more refined muscular shape.

    My advice to you is to find six reference images. Images of a nude female front and back. Medical images of human skeleton and muscles, front and back. Study which muscles, and which bones create surface landmarks on the body. Examine their distance and size in relation to nearby landmarks. In short, study anatomy. If you like a challenge, study the attachment origin and insertions of the most visible muscle groups.. You don't want to add small details to an incorrect base shape. Find examples of other artists work to compare with. Here is one of mine. Good luck.
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    ElysiumGX gave some really good advice, so I'll just say I notice the nipples appear to be in the wrong place. Should be lower and more towards her side and probably bigger too. Higher belly button as well.
  • woogity
    breasts also look outlined and strangely flat, definatly find more reference mats, try and keep and anatomy book with lots of images of different body types in different poses at your comp.

  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    All some really good points, the only thing I have to add is take a close look at how muscles affect the exact shape and curves of the body. I notice this mostly in the legs, where they look more like plastic than flesh with veins and bones and muscle inside. It's not a perfect curve from the waist to the knee, the knee to the ankle, etc. Certain bumps and directions of curves from muscle affect the exact shape, and adding this would help a lot for added realism. Just check out some good reference, as mentioned!

    Good start though, keep it up!
  • etsuja
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    etsuja polycounter lvl 17
    Pretty decent for your first, just needs more detail, as others have mentioned.
  • movento
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    movento polycounter lvl 17
    Thanks for the comments guys.I took a look at some skeleton and anatomy references.
    I lowered her breasts,made the hands and feet bigger and tried to fix some other parts.
  • movento
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    movento polycounter lvl 17
    Here's the low poly version so far.
    Textures still need a lot of work.
  • woogity
    dude first off i totally dig the haircut . secondly the torso looks real good right now, only crit on proportions is maybe the lower leg is a lil too cone shaped, not an equal amount of definition there. srry to be responding to proportions so late in the game looks like your texturing already. :(

    Well she looks very awesome in a Leisure Suit Larry kinda way. No crits on the proportions, thats solid. The hat I think could use a little more tiling so the fabric/mesh is a little finer. Okay I'm gonna stop looking now!
  • movento
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    movento polycounter lvl 17
    Thanks for the comments.
    I made the pattern on her hat smaller and tried to give the lower leg a better shape.
    I also made the upper arm longer,and did some more texture work. I know that the textures arent very good,so comments on that would be nice :)
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    I have nothing to offer here, but I really got a kick out of you posting a woman only wearing a cowboy hat, giant high heel shoes and a loose fitting thong. Do fish get thirsty?
  • Em.
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    Em. polycounter lvl 17
    Um..besides what Cholden said...
    I'm not a character artist, but nipples don't look like that and I think the placement is too high and I've never seen a pair of heels that look like that either. Her mouth looks pinched, like she just ate something sour. Sitting down and looking at more reference would do you wonders. Before you consider doing any more texturing, nail the anatomy/model first. Good luck.
  • System
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    System admin
    The first thing that actually hit me was the face, she looks like she has 6 o clock shadow! Better blending of the cheeks area into the rest of the face is needed. Other problems to me are in the arms, where the forearm meets the bicep, there's a seam at the front there, also there's no bicep definition.There's something strange about the hand and wrist joining at the back (palm) doesn't look right.
    Overall I get the impression that she is quite a fit girl and so the thighs could do with a little tuck on the insides closest to the groin, the shoes are kind of yukky, some sandals or wedges would look nicer and some photosourcing wouldn't hurt either.
  • Harry
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    Harry polycounter lvl 13
    to my eye the shoulders look too wide compared to the hips
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