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3dsmax Double click no longer selects child objects

On Friday I lost the ability to double click on an object and have it select all of the children objects. I worked around it and didn't feel like restarting 3dsmax or my machine which I figured would fix it. I get in today and the same problem.

I've trolled through the preferences and keyboard shortcuts, and help ref files, found nothing. I reset the UI and I'm about to reinstall 3dsmax (after backing up half a dozen scripts and custom plugins) but I have to wait until our IT guy is back in. Google doesn't seem to be much help either =/

It's kind of a pain in the ass to animate an 8 legged octopus without this abality.

I'm pretty sure it must have been some fluke keyboard stroke that toggles "select childern on double click" or someone being a particularly cruel, which a few people have been known to be... no doubt if this is the case its payback for April 1st...


  • low odor
    Offline / Send Message
    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    are you using 2009 vig??
  • Mark Dygert
    yep, 2009 32bit, with creative extensions, SP1.

    EDIT: I started using schematic view (double click select worked there) and after saving and re-opening the file it works in the viewport now.


    I suspect they broke something when they added that functionality to bones in 2009. I fired off a bug report and an example file. It doesn't work in the example file unless you use schematic view at least once, then save and re-open. We'll see what Autodesk has to say about it...
  • System
    Offline / Send Message
    System admin
    Maybe you could have looked at the customise menu - keyboard shortcuts to see if the option was there or if it was a glitch, things like that play on your mind.
  • low odor
    Offline / Send Message
    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    max 2009 is buggy as hell..whenever I use it, it randomly switches my viewport to perspective mode..it also decides to stop giving me undos once and awhile
  • gamedev
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    gamedev polycounter lvl 12
    ..it also decides to stop giving me undos once and awhile
    I've noticed that as well. Whats even more strange, sometimes when undoing, if you unselect the object or mesh you're working with, then continue pressing CTRL+Z undo continues to work again.
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