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Dual Monitor and Dual Graphic Card Qs

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BradMyers82 interpolator
Dual Monitor and Dual Graphic Card Qs

Hello, I figured it would make the most sense to ask the polycount community about these questions as my rig is setup primarily for making 3d art and playing 3d games isn't really as important.

So here is the hardware my computer is running.

Intel core2 quad processor 2.4 GHz
1 x 8800GT 512mb (core clock 670MHz and SLI compatible)
2 x Sceptre 24'' LCD monitors running 1920x1200 resolution
8 gigs of RAM
Vista Ultimate 64 bit
3 x 500 gig hard drives
650 watt powersupply

Also, I just picked up and installed a fancy:
ASUS Maximus II Formula Mother Board http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131319R

I upgraded my motherboard primarily so I can make a number of upgrades in the future not really to overclock because (although they say it is easy with this board) I am not too knowledgeable about that stuff and I would rather reduce performance than risk ruining my hardware.

Like I said my goal is to run my programs as best I can (mudbox2009 64bit, 3ds max2009 64bit, zbrush3.1, BodypaintR3, photoshopCS3), and I am not really concerned about playing video games at the highest frame rates possible (it already does the job anyways).

So here are my questions:

I see that I can buy another 8800GT graphics card for 100 bucks (after rebates) which is a great deal. http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=3971944&CatId=1826

-Does it have to be the exact same model? (like running at the same core clock of 670MHz and have the same serial number and such) The link provided to the tigerdirect 8800GT is not exactly the same. Also, would a 9800GT that is easier to get a hold of ATM be compatible?

-Would it really benefit me to get another graphic card?

-How does one set it up? Do you plug the DVI cable from one monitor into card A, and the other DVI cable into card B? Or do you plug them both into Card A and SLI figures it out? Do you have to make sure somewhere in settings SLI mode is turned ON or OFF?

-I am thinking that having two cards would be easier on the dual monitor setup because you could theoretically setup 1 graphic card dedicated to each individual monitor, is that how it could work?

I know its a lot to ask you guys for this info because its so independent of my personal setup, but its far better to ask here than all the egomaniacs and know it alls elsewhere, who usually misinform anyways.

Any info at all would be much appreciated, Thanks!

P.S. and I realize that if I upgrade to a dual graphic card setup I will probably need a stronger Power Supply than 650 watts (I am already pushing it as is), I'm looking into getting one between 1000-1200 watts to cover it all and future upgrades. This one in particular: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817159067
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