I want to render a turn around of a low poly model, but unlit and with no anti aliasing or crazy filtering. Can someone please link me to or tell me what would be the easiest way to do this? either in max or maya, doesn't matter which.
may be a bit of a silly question but what the hey
or you could turn on snap rotate and rotate the car instead of animating a camera
- Draw a circle spline around your object.
- In the top viewport create a target camera, place its target near the center of your object. Or quick snap (Shift-A) it to the center of the circle.
- With the camera selected go Animation > Constraints > Path constraint, click on the circle.
- It will put two key frames in your time line. These are the % Along Path it automatically generates 0-100% based on your time line.
- Right click the viewport label and go Views > Camera01. Click render and you're done!
- You can select the spline circle and raise/lower it to move the camera up or down. Scale the circle to move the camera farther away.
- You can turn on auto key and animate the % Along Path to speed/slow the camera down at different points if you want to speed more or less time looking at a part of the object.
- save your turn around camera/spline to a separate file (File > Save Selected) and you can import/render turn arounds really quickly without having to animate objects.
- Put this set up on its own layer, to make hiding it easier.
under rendering settings disable texture filtering, in the material set it to 100 self illumination, in customize > preferences somewhere set dont anti-alias against background.
then render
as for turntable animations:
I like to link the model always to a proxy or plane (something invisble) and animate that object instead with a linear interpolation.
That way you can easily add more objects to the to be rotated model.
under the animation go to animate>turntable
then go to window>playblast
the playblast pretty much just takes an animated screenshot of your viewport. you can either save it frame by frame or if your comp is fast enough, render it out realtime. you have to set your camera before you do your turntable.