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[Portfolio] – Xavier HENRY - kakikukeko

polycounter lvl 17
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kakikukeko polycounter lvl 17
Hey guys,
I finally finished my new portfolio, would love some comments and critics after all this <html@#CSSgrrrmble/> coding ;)
I' m now officially searching a job in the video game industry!! ;)


  • benclark
    nice stuff, i would stick your email address up on the front page, and possibly on the images too. I cant see it anywhere unless I click contact and go through Outlook
  • bluekangaroo
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    bluekangaroo polycounter lvl 13
    amazing!! It says you are an art director. Im curious, how long have you been in the industry?

    edit, never mind i see you're looking for a job in the game industry
  • wizo
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    wizo polycounter lvl 18
    Salut kakikukeko!!

    Great portfolio! You keep improving so fast. plus your work show a great diversity and skills. I dont have much to crit on the site except you might wanna give some info on what job you are looking for..e.g character modeling, art direction, modeling.

    Best of luck in the job hunt!
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    very nice portfolio- I also think that you have a strong diversity and skills at the same time- not many people have that.
    Good luck finding a job
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Very wide range of stuff, all to a very high standard - impressive!

    My main crit right now is the site, not the art - a vertical layout of tiny thumbnails seems really strange, i have to scroll down a lot in order to find everything, surely they should be neatly laid out, 4x4 pattern maybe?

    Also I can't seem to find a resume/CV on there at all, that would be really important to help your chances in job hunting, I think.

    Cool work, keep it up! :)
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    it looks great, i love your work.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    now this is just me, but everything looks great but there's lots of WIP stuff, everywhere I see a portfolio crits I hear people saying not to show so many WIPs, because it makes it look as you don't complete a lot of stuff. :poly115::poly115:
  • kakikukeko
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    kakikukeko polycounter lvl 17
    Thank you for your answers guys,

    Ben > you are definitly right, I think I'll put the email on the pics.. thx a lot!

    EricV > yes I'm looking for a job as a game artist, but I've been working in 3D for TV and cinema since 2002 and as a storyboarder/ 2D animator since 2000 :)

    Wizo > Hi dude! thx again for your nice advices and comments! I'm not really looking for a specific job, I like to do various things, but the field I probably would have more experience in, video game wise, would be modeler.. :)

    renderhjs> thx, you seem to have a pretty good diversity of skills too! programming/art :thumbup: (edit: oops I pressed the wrong icon ^^)

    Mop> thank you for your input, I didn't feel it needed to scroll that much.. and as there are some categories I didn't really think it was necessary to see all of them at the same time.. may I ask you what your screen resolution is?

    killingpeople> thank you:poly136:

    Dekard> I' m a bit surprised by your comment, I didn't feel I had that many WIPs.. I can see 3 out of 22 pages.. can you tell me what pages give you the impression to be WIP?
  • AlexMGD
    HOLY SMOKES man you got some really kickass portafolio right there! I love your stuff! specially your bird-gator thing and the Final fantasy vibe guy!
    good luck finding a job!
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    I think something's up with your CSS or HTML, since when I view the page in Internet Explorer, the images are laid out nicely (3 rows, 5 columns), but in Firefox the images are all in a single column.
    My display resolution on this monitor is 1280x1024.

    Here's what I'm seeing:

    I find it interesting that it displays better in the browser you choose to place a warning of "site may not display correctly" at the top! :)
  • frubes
    it displays fine in firefox 3.0.3 MoP. You may want to upgrade.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Well, while I may yet upgrade, the stats from last month show that 18% of visitors to W3-tracked sites used Firefox 2, while 11% were using Firefox 3, therefore I think it's still worthwhile making sure it displays properly on "older" versions rather than just the latest ones.

    This seems like something which should work in FF2, since it's fine in IE6 and FF3, therefore I'm inclined to think there's something up with Kakikukeko's CSS or HTML which is causing the issue.
    I've never had any problems getting thumbnails lining up nicely in columns/rows using CSS in FF2, not to mention that there are plenty of sites which work correctly in every browser brand and version I've thrown at them, so it seems like something which should be fairly straightforward to fix.

    Currently nearly 1 in 5 visitors to his site on average will experience the same issue I saw, which seems a tad high, and saying "hey everyone upgrade!" is not really a solution :)
  • kakikukeko
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    kakikukeko polycounter lvl 17
    thank your for the screenshot Mop, Now I understand better your previous remark, that's definitly an issue I was not aware of and will check it as soon as possible, I 've seen the site on IE6 IE7 safari and only firefox 3 ..
    (by the way, if it works well in IE6 and 7 its because there are some special additive rules to the original CSS.. without that, it's a mess :poly124: )
    anyway thx again, back to code!:poly142: I hope it wont be too tricky to fix it!

    (oh and finally, what do you think of the design in IE 7? :))
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