Hey guys, I was importing things into the engine today and I come across a problem with non square textures.
so I imported some 256 x 512 maps into the engine. in the generic browser it seems like unreal recognize it as nonsquare texture. you can see the texture on one side and the other side is filled with black. but once i create a material out of that texture, in the material editor it stretches the texture sample horizontally instead of recognizing it as a rectangle texture. any idea how to handle non square textures in unreal 3? thanks!:)
i cant find any option in the material editor to prevent texture sample from stretching my texture, even though in generic browser it appears to recognize that it's a non square texture and fills the rest with black.
just think of uv's as numbers
uvs are really a float2 that goes from 0,0 at the top right to 1,1 at the bottom (hint this can be used as a gradient
I just checked and in the UT3 editor it has two variables you can adjust. I'm guessing you're using the gears of war editor?
But there's no reason why you need to use a texcoord node. You can use appendVector to join two constants together and feed that into your UV slot.
Of course you can also use the solution provided by JordanW