Hey polycount, this is in my portfolio post aswell, but I would really like to have some crits and advice on it, so I'll go ahead and make a seperate post for it.
Made this for a game project in school, model is ~3170 tris and has a 1024x1024 texture.
Got a wire or texture flat?
And yep the gun could definitely use some worn and age on it...it looks newly built...
Well, what if it is?
Also I think that gun should be made out of plastic... so no shiny scratches
Wires and Texture flats were requested:
looking good, though.
the 'death by ump' decal takes away from the gun unless it were used by mercenaries or something. but it definitely wouldn't be on a private police force gun. they have a chalkboard in the locker room for that...
about the death by ump, its removed in the render, just forgot to remove it from breakdown and flats, will do.
I agree with SupRore, if you just lighten the base colour some more it will make details easier to read and allow the variations in the texture to show up more.
The bullets appear also look a bit too saturated in the diffuse.
Your texturing looks pretty good, but I would bake a bit of ambient lighting (use a skylight + light tracer and a ground plane) and add a bit more grunge to the diffuse to ensure that it looks good at all angles.
Racer445: The pics are maya viewport screenshots which are kind of realtime, In addition to that I tried it out in-engine and all surfaces appered flat there. The option would be to either add more geometry or switch to hard edges. I tried using NormalTools for maya but it did not cooperate :P
i like clean guns
u can paint fake reflection on the bullets to make it more metallic and u can try different colors for different materials, i'd try it on the spec map
f.e. u can make the rubber parts shine with abit red or something
i would also make the metal base color darker with brighter spec
separate it from the plastic