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IK, FK, or blend for 1st person animation?

Which is the general preference for 1st person animations (hands, guns, etc for FPS)? Or is a blend rig the best way to go?

Using 3ds btw.


  • Eric Chadwick
    I'd say IK, so you can link/unlink the hands onto/from the gun during the animations, like reloading ammo.
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    LEViATHAN polycounter lvl 11
    Ik with link constraints for the magazine and arms.
  • bpears
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    bpears polycounter lvl 4
    I'm digging up this thread because I would like to make the best choice. I see what you guys are saying about the parenting unparenting for reloading, but you only need to parent the weapon to one hand for FK right? So the unparented hand could be the reloading hand.

    Can FK be jittery with proper animation? Or are they both smooth? What method is used by the pros? Can you use IK for just the wrist/hands/elbow/arms, and then FK the fingers and gun pieces simultaneously? I would think FK would be more versitile, and that IK causes complications.

    But idk, what do you guys think; you know more than me about this?
  • Mrfred
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    Mrfred polycounter lvl 4
    bpears wrote: »
    What method is used by the pros?

    I never use nor would I recommend someone to use the link constraint (it's the crappiest tool in max imo).
    There are some tools that can be found on the net that works way better than the linkconstraint or make yourself your own link constraint.

    About the IK / FK : I would do both then build a quick fk/IK switch with both a blending option and a snap/align option.
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