Okay, this may sound like a pretty stupid question, plus my english isn't all that good. But I need to find a website that contains information about triangles in existing video games/ pc games.
I need to find information about how many triangles there are in total in two random games, I know this will be a pretty high number, but I need this for a school project.
I've googled my ass off but the only thing I can find is the triangle count for single objects.
Please, help a dame in need.
Are you looking for the total amount of triangles used in the entire game, or did I misunderstand that?
If that's what you need, then I'm afraid you're going to have to use a game's editor to open every single level and player character and read the numbers for yourself. Or you could hope someone will know the numbers for a game they've worked on.
If you're looking for tri counts for objects then Ricks article nails it.
it can also do some nifty things like forcing a game into wireframe mode which I've found pretty educational.
you can dl it here... http://www.deep-shadows.com/hax/3DRipperDX.htm... I wouldn't use it on any online game that has any kind of hacking protection though as it will probably set it off.
"Typical environments contain 1000-5000 total renderable objects, including static meshes and skeletal meshes. For reasonable performance on current 3D cards, we aim to keep the number of visible objects in any given scene to 300-1000 visible objects. Our larger scenes typically peak at 500,000 to 1,500,000 rendered triangles."
I'm guessing other engines have their tech sheets available too