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I literally wanted to kill myself ...

polycounter lvl 11
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pangarang polycounter lvl 11
they say misery loves company so I hope I'm not the only one this has happened to ...

So i was preparing a gift for good friend - photos of us from our childhood all the way up to our early 20's, touched up in photoshop to look old and worn out and slipped into an aged photo album.

took the digital photos, uploaded them onto my flash drive and off I go to the local photo developer at Save On Foods grocery store. There's a long line up for the digital photo print station so I join in and wait my turn.

by the time I get to the machine - they're equipped with big screens for optimum resolution - there is a long line up behind me. Put in my zip drive and the photos on there come up. I'm expecting the photos of me and my friend to be displayed, but NOOOOOOO ...

It's my anatomy references i use for character modeling. Men and women of every age and build in T poses with all their parts displayed for the artist to see ... and the people behind me. I hear some lady behind me let out this soft gasp and go soooo beet red in the face ... i'm going red just recalling the incident.

you guys are probably getting a good laugh out of this, lol. Just hope someone else has an equally embarassing story so I don't feel alone in this :(


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