Well, I wrapped up my work on Warhammer. 3 long years and its finally out. I'm relocating to another company and they use Maya so I'm teaching myself as much as possible. I will be doing terrain with them much like Mythic but I will also be modeling.
I have a lot of free time right now since I still have 3 weeks until my start date at my new job and my last day at Mythic was Tuesday. So I'm going simple first just to get the hang of this program and maybe get some helpful hints from other Maya users. So here comes a pillar! yay. Starting with a rough concept.
i hotkey edgeloop selection, insertion and deletion(i made a word up) to the keys around E, makes for fast quad modelling
looking good
Nex, its great. One of the biggest things it features is the ability to preview. And the tools it adds are great. Its no polyboost but it made maya much much easier to use.
Also check out Maya's Bonus Level Tools, lots of great tools for placing instanced objects, joining objects, aligning objects... bla bla bla
Keep it up, looking good so far
if you do an opperation all the time stick it in a custom shelf, if your used to working on a grid, you can have a load of instance and move buttons set up, so that placing objs becomes a case of click click click.
I've bound my extra mouse buttons to toggle btwn component/object mode, select vertices (component mode), and select faces (component mode). makes it waaaay faster for me.
I believe you can alter the menus too in the UI editor thingie so you can really customize it.
I've been setting up for our going away party but I've done a little bit more...
It'd be interesting to hear how people hotkey Maya. I'm tempted to mimic Silo as much as I can, how possible is that? Was surprised to see that they have a tweak mode (seems to be a bit more pixel perfect then Silos, but nice to see), double click edge loops, etc so it seems like some of the core functions are there.
personally I'd actually recommend trying to do it the "maya way" before remapping like mad. why? cause trying out new ways always teaches you something new. I guess if you're in a hurry you should remap but ya.
another thing to try is the artisan tool for poly sculpting (and weight painting and whatever else it is used for). it is pretty neat to do large scale adjustments to fix up proportions. just suggesting it cause I dont remember if max got it or not.
you wont need to re-map your hotkeys on your first day, just take your preferences folder (here abouts-Documents\maya\8.5\prefs) to work on a stick, copy them onto the machine there and you'll have all your hotkeys and custom buttons
You can't see it because of how I cropped the image but I left space at the top for a few trims if I run out of room on the second texture sheet.