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Debates on :)

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JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
Well... I figured we could talk and flame in here about what was said (or is said) in the presidential debate.

Have funz!


  • Rob Galanakis
    This moderator is awesome (Jim Leher from PBS). He is actually trying to get them to talk to each other.
  • Jonathan
    It's quite interesting. Now all I need is popcorn. :)
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    We ordered some pizza and just got here as the debate started, and I completely agree Rob, its good he is trying to get them to talk to each other... not working to well just yet, but I'm thinking once it gets a bit more into it, maybe it'll work :)

    Very interesting anyways.
  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    obama said orgy! :poly144:
  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    Dog and pony show alright...
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    Streaming it from NPR.com. Good listenin.

    Can't wait for Palin vs Biden. Now THAT is going to be hilarious.
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    I need to read up on Bidon and Palin to get some background, but I'm excited for that as well.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    the moderator isn't cutting them off as he should. he keeps letting Tom, er, Jim, er..John McCain to continue telling anecdotes about people he's met that are quite honestly putting me to sleep. and so less important questions are being asked due to time. questions that Obama is making every effort to answer with facts and figures.

  • Jonathan
    Well, it's over for tonight. :)
  • Marcus Dublin
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    Marcus Dublin polycounter lvl 17
    The Young Turks have a pretty good wrap up on the debates: [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdGbRPVxP2c[/ame]
  • Ephesians 2:8-9
    Good debate. McCain Owned it. Totaly put that boyscout in his place.
  • Parnell
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    Parnell polycounter lvl 18
    Good debate. McCain Owned it. Totaly put that boyscout in his place.

    meh I wouldn't go that far. I think they both did well. I think McCain said some good things and I think Obama said some good things. I really didn't think one person totally dominated the other. I wouldn't mind reading up on some of the fact checks either. I did find it totally strange that McCain refused to look at Obama, and would only look at the host. Anyone else notice that?
  • Ephesians 2:8-9
    yeah,...seemed sorta "iconic" in a way.
  • IronHawk
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    IronHawk polycounter lvl 10
    Good debate. McCain Owned it. Totaly put that boyscout in his place.

    pretty much a draw. your deluded.
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    yeah,...seemed sorta "iconic" in a way.

    i was thinking robotic, but sounds a bit like iconic... ;) That could just be the clips i saw. I'll try and watch the full thing tomorrow.
  • FensterMayhew
    yeah,...seemed sorta "iconic" in a way.
    iconic? what a pretentious comment! whilst I should expect no more from a flauntless sheep such as yourself! why don't you jump off a cliff if the church asertains as such! (keep your dogma)

    intellectuals on polycount may have a initimate interest in politics, but we all know the true answer to our nation's problems. heard of kendo? or bushido? that's right, the code of the warrior, which Japane's current government is based on. with hideo kojima's masterpieces such as snatcher or mgs4. (thankyou kojima-san) the japanese displayed a true understatement of human paradigm conflicts.

    ephesians don't you know the bible isn't true. watch this movie called zeitgeist, gee your ignorant the internet documentary proclaims that it was a forgery by mere incongruous men trying to substantiate their beliefs over other men, thus creating an Orvellion society in which us men have no choice!

    FM out, au revwa. keep your hominous words inside you, and shut your mouth while the class is in session!
  • J Randall
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    J Randall polycounter lvl 15
    Is this it for the debate? no 2nd one? I don't like how they tiptoed around the economy, I want to hear some plans that don't involve the government buying businesses that we have to pay for down the line.
    aiight Fenster outta the gates picking fights woohoo ... oh wait don't feed the troll.
    Zeitgeist was great I loved it, totally explained why the moses and crew were lost in the desert for 40 years, oh wait ... eating nothing but magic mushrooms for 40 years ... where do I sign up, in a desert?
  • Michael Knubben
    iconic? what a pretentious comment! whilst I should expect no more from a flauntless sheep such as yourself! why don't you jump off a cliff if the church asertains as such! (keep your dogma)

    intellectuals on polycount may have a initimate interest in politics, but we all know the true answer to our nation's problems. heard of kendo? or bushido? that's right, the code of the warrior, which Japane's current government is based on. with hideo kojima's masterpieces such as snatcher or mgs4. (thankyou kojima-san) the japanese displayed a true understatement of human paradigm conflicts.

    ephesians don't you know the bible isn't true. watch this movie called zeitgeist, gee your ignorant the internet documentary proclaims that it was a forgery by mere incongruous men trying to substantiate their beliefs over other men, thus creating an Orvellion society in which us men have no choice!

    FM out, au revwa. keep your hominous words inside you, and shut your mouth while the class is in session!

    How can you put anyone down for being 'pretentious'? While I don't find myself agreeing with anything Ephesians has said on the topic of politics, you're possibly more annoying, and certainly the more pretentious of the two. If you're such an 'intellectual', I'd suggest either using less big words, or to at least learn to spell them.

    You pompous git.
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    FensterMayhew, what you said made absolutely no sense, had nothing to do with the debates, and showed you get your perspectives on the world through video games.

    I enjoyed the debate very much. I wouldn't say that either of them dominated, but it was nice to see the contrast in styles. Parnell, yeah I did notice how he wouldn't look or address Obama directly, and that's not being "Iconic" in my opinion it called being condescending and rude.

    Mcain+Lieberman= Might have had a chance.
    Obama=Biden=Lesser of Two Evils
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    ephesians don't you know the bible isn't true. watch this movie called zeitgeist, gee your ignorant the internet documentary proclaims that it was a forgery by mere incongruous men trying to substantiate their beliefs over other men, thus creating an Orvellion society in which us men have no choice!

    FensterMayhew I find it troubling that you put so much faith in one perpective on a very complex topic, zietgiest although interesting is by no means telling the whole story from every angle or even telling the story honestly with reliable sources. For instance here is some people debunking zietgiest mythology


    now I dont necessarily align myself with all these peoples ideas but it shows that the internet can be a misleading teacher and personal research is needed if you want something closer to truth.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    Good debate. McCain Owned it. Totaly put that boyscout in his place.

    Jesus Christ!
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Hold on, did i seriously come into a thread expecting people to squabble about debates and learn that BUSHIDO, THE ANCIENT CODE OF THE SAMURAI WARRIOR was the true solution to our nation's problems?

    Would that mean politicans would carry two swords and could kill commoners without legal oversight?
  • Rob Galanakis
    ElysiumGX wrote: »
    Jesus Christ!

    He is just a troll. I don't even believe he is religious, he just makes posts like that for kicks.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    He is just a troll. I don't even believe he is religious, he just makes posts like that for kicks.

    Oh, even worse than a troll, he's a friend of cheapy's.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    I DVR'd it, so I'll have to watch it today at some point. The fact than John never looked at or addressed Barack makes him quite the ass, imo. It just proves that McCain has a bad attitude and temper towards people he dislikes. Politics requires hiding emotions and being DIPLOMATIC. If McCain can't do that for a single American that he's running against, what the fuck is he going to do if Putin or Kim Jong rub him the wrong way?
  • Mark Dygert
    Its up on Hulu.

    Good debate. I could go either way but leaning toward obama.
    • I'm still left in the dark about why McCain picked Palin. He says wait till you get to know her and then keeps her away from the media. And when we do, its highly scripted or she looks like a twat.
    • I don't understand why McCain supports off shore drilling when it won't do jack.
    • I don't understand how a R president will get anything done with a D congress. Deadlock doesn't move us forward and considering we've been running in reverse for the last 8 years we can't sit in park for the next 4 years.
    • I don't know how well McCain will work with the remaining of members of his party, considering most of them hate him.
    • I don't like they kept trying to define each other with campaign crap. At least obama didn't get angry when the definition was rebutted and proven wrong.
    • I really didn't like that McCain tried to talk over Obama when it wasn't his turn to talk. You have your chance for rebuttal, being rude like that doesn't make me feel any better about the McCain Palin ticket.
    • He may have a little bit more worldly experience then Obama but what other leaders want to have to outshout America? We have a bad rap for being highly opinionated, rash, stuborn and not open to listening to others, I saw more of that in McCain...
    • I like that Obama praised McCain on many issues and stated that they agree on somethings but McCain was pretty much on the attack all the time even when their positions pretty much lined up.
    • I don't like how McCain kept bringing up the surge the only stabilizing factor in the war. What about the Sons of Iraq, what about the mehdi army cease fire? Not making me feel like he actually knows whats going on.
  • doc rob
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    doc rob polycounter lvl 19
    I think this debate was pretty even and people will say who "won" based on their lens.

    What was absolutely great was that the entire thing was entirely substantive and about the issues - no cheap character attacks, no jokes or anything below the belt. McCain did try and steal the mic a bit, but they were even on minutes. I hope the rest of the debates go so well.
  • stimpack
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    stimpack polycounter lvl 10
    I gotta take the opposite side to most. I found that to be a useless waist of 2 hours. They tippy toed around answering any one question, then proceeded to try to belittle the other person. If this was a real debate, they would have used there two minutes to nail the question, then move on. Not squable over who said what, ect ect.

    In the end based of what little info either of them said, i came out with this.... Mccain likes to play his vet card constantly. He wants everyone to pitty him, and vote just b/c he had it hard and put in his uncle sam time. Also his upper lip does not move..... at all. Obama put fowarth an effort to seem interested, and open to what most things were said, even agreeing with mccain on certain topics. He smiled and gave a plesant vibe off. I would pick obama at this point just based off his ability to stay on task and do it with a smile.

    I dont know about anyone else but im tired of having old and ugly leaders. christ, it makes us seem like the land of old and dieing. I want another jfk! and if obama is as close as we get, ill take it! ps. his wife was kinda a looker too.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    iconic? what a pretentious comment! whilst I should expect no more from a flauntless sheep such as yourself! why don't you jump off a cliff if the church asertains as such! (keep your dogma)

    intellectuals on polycount may have a initimate interest in politics, but we all know the true answer to our nation's problems. heard of kendo? or bushido? that's right, the code of the warrior, which Japane's current government is based on. with hideo kojima's masterpieces such as snatcher or mgs4. (thankyou kojima-san) the japanese displayed a true understatement of human paradigm conflicts.

    ephesians don't you know the bible isn't true. watch this movie called zeitgeist, gee your ignorant the internet documentary proclaims that it was a forgery by mere incongruous men trying to substantiate their beliefs over other men, thus creating an Orvellion society in which us men have no choice!

    FM out, au revwa. keep your hominous words inside you, and shut your mouth while the class is in session!

    What the fuck just happened right here??
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    In terms of content, how the candidates responded, I'd call it a draw. Both of them were fairly well prepared and defended their positions.

    In terms of how they appeared, I go with Obama. McCain often acted frustrated and irritable, and his refusal to address Obama directly was childish. Reminded me of Al Gore's juvenile sighing at Bush's debate responses in 2000 (I understand how Gore felt, but I want my president to act presidential.)

    I can't wait to see what Palin has to say - an hour of unscripted debate, I expect plenty of Youtube quality moments.
  • SkullboX
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    SkullboX polycounter lvl 18
    doc_rob wrote: »
    I think this debate was pretty even and people will say who "won" based on their lens.

    I guess this is true, still looking at this as objectively as I can I don't really see how most would say this was a draw. Obama seemed more constructive and didn't repeat himself, which is something McCain did do a couple of times. The low point on his part definitely was using the 'sitting across the table with a man who wants to wipe out the state of Isreal' analogy three times in quick succession all while Obama continuously provided arguments as well as retorts on the subject of diplomacy. Having said that McCain came through better than I had expected as he obviously prepared well to cope with Obama's superior rhetoric, though rarely with an argument.

    The only thing McCain did better than Obama in my opinion was attacking, which mcCain did far more often while Obama was too busy conceeding (which is probably going to make up McCain's next campaign ad :P). Obama's attacks were more accurate, but far too few.

    I suppose in terms of appealing to their respective potential constituency they both did well, but in terms of actual debating Obama simply outclassed McCain and he'll continue to do so. But I guess these debates are judged by the former, which is of course what really matters in the end.

    So I guess the only surprise to me was that McCain didn't suck as bad as I thought and apart from that it made up for a pretty boring debate even though it was obviously of a much higher level than what I remember from the previous two elections. I doubt this is going to give Stewart and Colbert a whole lot of writing material, but luckily they haven't tackled Palin's disasterous interview either.

    I'm looking forward to Biden destroying Palin now.
  • root
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    root polycounter lvl 18
    I was watching the debate with a live twitter feed in one window and a live blog feed from the HuffPo running in another one. I thought Obama's performance was more tepid and deferential than I would have liked, he could have showed a lot more teeth and really trounced McCain on the issue of how much the Iraq war has cost and will continue to cost taxpayers and spent more time talking up the fact that the overwhelming majority of Americans will have their taxes reduced more significantly by Obama than by McCain, who plans on giving the majority of his tax cuts to the wealthiest five percent and to the multinationals that sabotaged the economy in the first place.

    However, the consensus from every poll I can dig up has independent and undecided voters swinging in favor of Obama after the debate, which is what really makes him the winner.
  • diminished_Self
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    diminished_Self polycounter lvl 12
    Good debate. McCain Owned it. Totaly put that boyscout in his place.

    that's some serious bullshit right there. personally i feel like they were pretty evenly matched, but i went into it after having followed the elections for the last 20+ months. i know the players, i know the rhetoric and i feel i have a pretty good read on their stances on the issues.

    this debate wasn't for me.

    make no mistake, the debates are for the undecided voters, the people who this is the first time they've actually seen the candidates or heard them speak. people who have already decided who they are voting for are not going to have their minds changed by a debate, no matter how much one guy "wins"

    and according to the people who this debate was truly held for, obama won.

    from cbs: http://www.cbsnews.com/blogs/2008/09/26/politics/horserace/entry4482028.shtml
    cbs wrote:
    Thirty-nine percent of uncommitted voters who watched the debate tonight thought Barack Obama was the winner. Twenty-four percent thought John McCain won. Thirty-seven percent saw it as a draw.

    Forty-six percent of uncommitted voters said their opinion of Obama got better tonight. Thirty-two percent said their opinion of McCain got better.

    Sixty-six percent of uncommitted voters think Obama would make the right decisions about the economy. Forty-two percent think McCain would.

    Forty-eight percent of these voters think Obama would make the right decisions about Iraq. Fifty-six percent think McCain would.

    from fox:

    from cnn: http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/09/27/debate.poll/index.html
    cnn wrote:
    Regardless of which candidate you happen to support, who do you think did the best job in the debate -- Barack Obama or John McCain?
    Obama 51%
    McCain 38%

    Did _______ do a better or worse job than you expected?
    Obama: Better 57%, Worse 20%, Same 23%
    McCain: Better 60%, Worse 20%, Same 18%

    Next, regardless of which presidential candidate you support, please tell me if you think Barack Obama or John McCain would better handle each of the following issues:

    • The war in Iraq: Obama 52%, McCain 47%

    • Terrorism: McCain 49%, Obama 45%

    • The economy: Obama 58%, McCain 37%

    • The current financial crisis: Obama 54%, McCain 36%

    Thinking about the following characteristics and qualities, please say whether you think each one better described Barack Obama or John McCain during tonight's debate:

    • Was more intelligent: Obama 55%, McCain 30%

    • Expressed his views more clearly: Obama 53%, McCain 36%

    • Spent more time attacking his opponent: McCain 60%, Obama 23%

    • Was more sincere and authentic: Obama 46%, McCain 38%

    • Seemed to be the stronger leader: Obama 49%, McCain 43%

    • Was more likeable: Obama 61%, McCain 26%

    • Was more in touch with the needs and problems of people like you: Obama 62%, McCain 32%

    Based on what _______ said and did in tonight's debate, do you think he would be able to handle the job of president if he is elected?
    Obama 69%-29%
    McCain 68%-30%
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