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Palin interview, better than a nip slip



  • EarthQuake
    Theres a big difference between being unexperienced, and being a blatant fucking moron.
  • JDinges
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    JDinges polycounter lvl 18
    earthquake wrote: »
    theres a big difference between being unexperienced, and being a blatant fucking moron.

  • Jonathan
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    Theres a big difference between being unexperienced, and being a blatant fucking moron.

    I love the effort you put into your responses.

    "Can we ask?"
    (or maybe we should do the "good" thing and stick our heads in the ground, while Obama uses Monopoly money to further socialist ideas)
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    Jonathan wrote: »
    Would you rather Mrs. Palin act pedantic and constantly not answer questions like Mr. Obama? What has he done, what makes him qualified to be President?

    Ahhh, but Obama is a different topic! We can tear him up in another thread if you like, but for now, I think any defense of Palin should happen independent of who her opponents are.

    [/QUOTE]I like neither option for President, but I'd much rather have McCain in office than just-as-inexperienced-as-Palin Barack Hussein Obama.[/QUOTE]

    Gee, I wonder why you chose to write Obama's middle name. Really, I just can't imagine a reason why you, a Christian and a conservative, would casually inject his very Muslim-sounding middle name into your sentence... Maybe you didn't want us to get him confused with all the other Barack Obamas in the public eye?

    Subtle as a fucking shotgun, mate.
  • Mark Dygert
    On fiscal responsibility can we ask Barack Obama how he will pay for $660 billion in new spending? Yes we can
    Can we ask Barack Obama who's administration took a budget surplus and turned it into a deficit?
    Yes we can.

    Can we ask Barack Obama who's father said "read my lips no new taxes?" and then raised taxes?
    Yes we can.

    Can we ask Barack Obama who said "mission accomplished" and then can't seem to explain why we need to spend more money on war that is "over"?
    Yes we can.

    Can we ask Barack Obama how many years the GOP controlled the white house and the congress and still managed to pass nothing but crimes agaist civil liberties?
    Yes we can.

    Can we stop posting partisan GOP attack ads in a thread about Governor Palin?
    Yes we can.
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    Jonathan, if your only defense against palin is that her opponent also happens to be inexperienced, you're missing the point here.

    For the sake of argument, I'll go ahead and concede that Obama is indeed inexperienced. Again, for the sake of argument, I'll go ahead and say that makes the two of them equal. Palin is a complete fucking idiot. Obama is not a complete fucking idiot. That kind of settles it.
  • Jonathan
    I've never been a fan for defending anything regarding McCain, and the only reason I do so now is I do not want the alternative. I didn't intend on posting in this thread, as those opposite my political views have already plowed through a whole field full of straw men, so it didn't seem helpful to reply, until asked.
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    Palin is a twit. she has all the personality of a loaf of bread
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    Dammit. I was hoping her entire boob would fall out of her shirt since you said it was better than a nip slip.

    Instead of seeing a boob I saw an interview with what appears to be some kind of insane ultra conservative with sense of morals that also has no idea about how the world works.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    low odor wrote: »
    Palin is a twit. she has all the personality of a loaf of bread

    I don't care much for USA politics, but this made me laugh!
  • t4paN
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    t4paN polycounter lvl 10
    aesir wrote: »

    she's a soccer mom.


    Like Matt Damon said, it's like a bad Disney movie.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
  • PixelGoat
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    PixelGoat polycounter lvl 12
    vermilion wrote: »
    Subtle as a fucking shotgun, mate.

    HAHAHA that made me laugh!
  • Rob Galanakis
    Jonathan wrote: »
    I've never been a fan for defending anything regarding McCain, and the only reason I do so now is I do not want the alternative. I didn't intend on posting in this thread, as those opposite my political views have already plowed through a whole field full of straw men, so

    So you are aware what you are doing is entirely nonconstructive towards political discourse and merely attempts to move the conversation off-topic?
    it didn't seem helpful to reply, until asked.
    Your reply was another straw man. It still wasn't a helpful reply.

    Anyway... watching this over and over last night didn't really make me laugh... first it made me feel bad for this woman that is obviously not ready for this job, and then it scared, no, terrified, me that she could potentially even be near the person running the country.
  • Joshua Stubbles
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    Jonathan wrote: »
    I love the effort you put into your responses.

    I'm your huckleberry.

    You're first video shows a Senator and Obama supporter unable to list Obama's "Acheivements" in the Senate during a tough interview. There are a lot of people in the Senate (100). They all work together as a whole to debate on many issues. Do you expect one of them to have, in mind at any given time, a complete record of one man's efforts? Here's a test. Tell me, without any outside help, did you see a movie in theaters in the month of July in 2005? What movie was it? Did you see it with a friend? Would he remember? If you want to know Obama's accomplishments...do as any intelligent person would and read them for yourself.
    As a member of the Democratic minority in the 109th Congress, he helped create legislation to control conventional weapons and to promote greater public accountability in the use of federal funds. He also made official trips to Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. During the 110th Congress, he helped create legislation regarding lobbying and electoral fraud, climate change, nuclear terrorism, and care for returned U.S. military personnel. After announcing his presidential campaign in February 2007, Obama emphasized withdrawing American troops from Iraq, energy independence, decreasing the influence of lobbyists, and promoting universal health care as top national priorities.

    Your second video. Obama admits he wouldn't be fully prepared for the job as President. In the current political climate, who would be? What sane person would admit it? It's generally said that the most qualified don't run for President. Prior to Obama's run for candidacy, he was viewed as a nice and intelligent guy. I liked him a long time ago, when everyone knew him only for his name, which is close to Osama. Magazines interviewed him, and you can see that he was a down to earth, well spoken, intelligent human being, in US politics. When it was first rumored that he was persuaded to run for President, I was very excited. And as the race for Presidency is shaping him to be a puppet for his party, as both parties do, I know what he aims to do.

    You, obviously being a vocal right-wing christian, should know something about the word Humility. I would rather a man with humility, but courage to do his job, be President, than anyone with Pride and the driving force to do God's will at the blink of an eye. So how does one's modesty to take office make him inexperienced? And how does that place him below those who obviously have no "Acheivements", or say whatever gives them the advantage, or evidently have no clue what they're talking about? Babbling through the tough questions, with a response that actually frightens many. Bush had experience...or people believed he did. But he didn't do his job, in fact, did the opposite. Why? God. Yay! The sheep who put him there followed along. And refused to admit any mistakes.

    What has Palin acheived? NO! WHAT HAS SHE ACHEIVED!?!?!
    -Lots of spending.
    -The start of a gas pipeline from Alaska, to the US...without consulting those it would affect.
    -Found herself under investigation, and with her chosen as a VP candidate, refuses to cooperate.
    -Failed geography.

    In conclusion...
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    Theres a big difference between being inexperienced, and being a blatant fucking moron.

    Spell checked and QFT.

    I'll repeat from the hacking thread, that Palin is simply another distraction from important topics.
  • Joshua Stubbles
  • ElysiumGX
  • Kevin Johnstone
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    Kevin Johnstone polycounter lvl 20
    Obviously... this thread isn't going to end well but my respect for Elysium has gone up
    as he's the only one that's taken the time to rationally follow through on his opinions
    and state the logic behind his thoughts in way that makes enough sense that it might
    make another change their point of view.
  • Jonathan
    So you are aware what you are doing is entirely nonconstructive towards political discourse and merely attempts to move the conversation off-topic?

    Your reply was another straw man. It still wasn't a helpful reply.

    Anyway... watching this over and over last night didn't really make me laugh... first it made me feel bad for this woman that is obviously not ready for this job, and then it scared, no, terrified, me that she could potentially even be near the person running the country.
    Is this thread meant to seek truth in politics, or only drinking the cool-aid for one's personal views? My goal is to, once again, point out the inconsistency in your [now-apparent] hate of Mrs. Palin.

    ElysiumGX wrote: »
    I'll put in some effort.

    You're first video shows a Senator and Obama supporter unable to list Obama's "Acheivements" in the Senate during a tough interview. There are a lot of people in the Senate (100). They all work together as a whole to debate on many issues. Do you expect one of them to have, in mind at any given time, a complete record of one man's efforts? Here's a test. Tell me, without any outside help, did you see a movie in theaters in the month of July in 2005? What movie was it? Did you see it with a friend? Would he remember? If you want to know Obama's accomplishments...do as any intelligent person would and read them for yourself.
    (1) I am not campaigning for movie theaters. Hopefully you see the non sequitur reasoning that would compare one's entertainment to a potential Commander in Chief.
    (2) The reason the question was asked is because no one knows about his "achievements" because they do not exist. Obama has said many things about what he "WILL" do, but alas, we have never see him do anything worthwhile. I guess when you're green behind the ears, have been in the Senate for what, 1-2 years (?), then you don't have all that much time to "bring change" to the US. What does the US really need? It needs the government to become a slug when it comes to our lives and become lightning fast when it comes to matters of national security, whether that be the border, or potential attacks against us.
    Your second video. Obama admits he wouldn't be fully prepared for the job as President. In the current political climate, who would be? What sane person would admit it? It's generally said that the most qualified don't run for President. Prior to Obama's run for candidacy, he was viewed as a nice and intelligent guy. I liked him a long time ago, when everyone knew him only for his name, which is close to Osama. Magazines interviewed him, and you can see that he was a down to earth, well spoken, intelligent human being, in US politics. When it was first rumored that he was persuaded to run for President, I was very excited. And as the race for Presidency is shaping him to be a puppet for his party...I know who he really is. He is a man with humility.
    Obama wasn't going into an emo-driven "Who could lead this troubled nation" diatribe. He was expressing his view that he wasn't ready to be President. I guess even when he himself declares that he isn't ready to become Commander in Chief, it isn't enough for some.
    You, obviously being a vocal right-wing christian, should know something about the word Humility. I would rather a man with humility, but courage to do his job, be President, than anyone with Pride and the driving force to do God's will at the blink of an eye. So how does one's modesty to take office make him inexperienced? And how does that place him below those who obviously have no "Acheivements", or say whatever gives them the advantage, or evidently have no clue what they're talking about? Babbling through the tough questions, with a response that actually frightens many. Bush had experience...or people believed he did. But he didn't do his job, in fact, did the opposite. Why? God. Yay! The sheep who put him there followed along. And refused to admit any mistakes.

    I guess Bill Clinton did much better, letting Osama Bin Laden off the hook, making a mockery of the Oval Office. Sure, he had it "so rough" with oil at $7/barrel. Bush "only had" to deal with the first major terrorist attack on the US (9/11), the outcome of years of de-regulation in money-backed securities, the outcome of not having built a refinery since 1976, etc. I voted for Bush in '04 and would do so again if I had to, as we'd be worse off had Al Gore or John Kerry become President. I don't think Obama is "humble" when he says people "cling to guns and religion," his wife says now is the first time she's been proud of the US, mocks American's while in another country (as if they're going to be voting in this election?), etc. If you think Obama or any other politician practices bone fide humility then you're unfortunately unaware what true humility is. It used to be men went to serve the country as a public servant, now it has turned into a business for the majority of politicians and what "legacy" they want to leave behind.

    Bush has failed on a number of issues, but again, pretty much every time I vote, it isn't voting for the person "I believe in," it is rather voting for the lesser of two evils, unfortunately.
    What has Palin acheived? NO! WHAT HAS SHE ACHEIVED!?!?!
    -Lots of spending.
    -The start of a gas pipeline from Alaska, to the US...without consulting those it would affect.
    -Found herself under investigation, and with her chosen as a VP candidate, refuses to cooperate.
    -Failed geography.
    -So she's "under investigation" for dismissing a man who tasered a 14 year-old kid, threatened the President, among other things. He was the personification of insubordination and she had the authority to remove him from his position. I guess, however, if all you do is mock what the lady says, you have no time to actually hear from her own mouth who she is.
    -Become mayor, then become Governor of Alaska, fighting against crooked Republicans and Democrats, etc.. I guess she's already ahead of Obama, eh?
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
  • Rob Galanakis
    Obviously... this thread isn't going to end well but my respect for Elysium has gone up
    as he's the only one that's taken the time to rationally follow through on his opinions
    and state the logic behind his thoughts in way that makes enough sense that it might
    make another change their point of view.

    That's because we've all spent ample characters responding to, I mean plowing through, his straw men in previous threads. It is becoming hopeless... if someone else wants to approach this with an open head I'm sure they'll be met with level answers.
    Is this thread meant to seek truth in politics, or only drinking the cool-aid for one's personal views? My goal is to, once again, point out the inconsistency in your [now-apparent] hate of Mrs. Palin.
    You've pointed out no inconsistency. We've responded to your points over and over and over again, your so called pointing out of inconsistency. As you yourself stated, you are just supplying straw men- I'm sorry Elysium called you into this thread but you sure have done nothing to demonstrate you are nothing but a troll, your latest post included. You've already said who you vote for (Republican no matter what), why you are voting for them (religion and social views), and after admitting you dislike McCain in a previous thread but like Palin, have absolutely no defense for her abysmal answers in the Couric interview- and instead engage in more straw men. It is time to open your eyes or close your mouth (or stop typing, as things may be).

    And to give you something to do, compare Palin's performance with the quite fair Couric to Obama's performance a couple weeks ago in an O'Reilly interview. Obama almost turned O'Reilly into a likeable guy.
    (edit: There are 4 parts, watch em all)

    And remember, after watching the debate, Obama is supposed to be the one on the ticket weak in foreign policy. I know you watched it so I hope you'll engage Obama in the future with some substance.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    Fair enough. I'm going to hold off spending any more time discussing Palin (it's time wasted) until after the VP Debates on Oct. 2. It should be enlightening. Palin's role is only an importance when considering McCain's age. Dick Cheney shot a man in the face.
  • Jonathan
    Where did I say I'm a Republican no matter what? (strawman) Were there a Democratic nominee with more social conservative views than the Republican, I'd vote for the Democrat, political views aside, as social issues come before politics IMO.

    And no, I am not a troll. Calling her interview "better than a nip slip" is a lot more trollish than me responding to a thread on some internet forum.

    Either way, let's see how the future debates go. I enjoyed the debate tonight and look forward to the future ones. As for the O'Reilly factor, work was quite hectic when those were on, so I did not catch all of them, but I did watch a large portion of it, and was quite intrigued at how O'Reilly was rather restrained and seemingly quite fair from what I saw.
  • Rob Galanakis
    Jonathan wrote: »
    Were there a Democratic nominee with more social conservative views than the Republican, I'd vote for the Democrat, political views aside, as social issues come before politics IMO.

    Have you ever read "What's the matter with Kansas" (if not, the Wikipedia page has some useful info and good links at the bottom)? Republicans have been in control of the Executive for 20 of the last 28 years. They've controlled both houses of the Legislature, and the Executive, since 2002. They're not going to 'solve' any of the social issues you feel so strongly about.
  • Xenobond
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    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18
    Crap! I just remembered my wife and I haven't registered to vote in the state of Virginia, yet. Doh!
    Gonna get that done on Monday.

    Interesting views guys. Maybe if the text could scream louder someone's opinion might actually change. ._.
  • Marcus Dublin
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    Marcus Dublin polycounter lvl 17
    She's going to get "slaughtered" in the vice presidential debates, can you say "Must see TV"!
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    I'm going to watch it in crystal clear 1080i. Should be action packed. Mmm popcorn.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    WTF.... Some of you guys get way too carried away. I mean seriously. This thread was dedicated to how amazingly dumb this woman in her position sounds.

    Let's stay on topic ok.

    Palin sounds like a woman that is in way over her head. Simple as that. Hell I have seen more of the world and been more places then she has. I have had to deal with more foreign relations issues. Can I be vice president?
  • stimpack
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    stimpack polycounter lvl 10
    I vote jesse moody vp!!!

    really tho, we all know, and its no secret. This dumb broad was put on the ballet to grab all the people that wanted hillary as prez. They just trying to soak up the extra votes, they dont give a shit about america or what it needs.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    Jonathan wrote: »
    -So she's "under investigation" for dismissing a man who tasered a 14 year-old kid, threatened the President, among other things. He was the personification of insubordination and she had the authority to remove him from his position.

    You have this wrong. She did NOT have authority to remove the state trooper, also her former brother-in-law, from his position. She's under investigation for firing Walt Monegan, the Alaska Commissioner of Public Safety. It is claimed that Palin fired Monegan because he wouldn't give in to her pressure to fire the ex brother-in-law. Which, if true, is an abuse of power and illegal.
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18

    She can't even name a newspaper she reads. Awesome!
  • demoncage
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    demoncage polycounter lvl 18
    I WILL wake up from this, I just know it.
  • spyrewolf
    why doesn't she just stop trying to justify "I can't remember the names of the papers" or I get my new from the Internets

    ..why try justify yourself, she just makes herself look dumber, just be straight up lady!
  • Jeremy Wright
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    Jeremy Wright polycounter lvl 17
    spyrewolf wrote: »
    why doesn't she just stop trying to justify "I can't remember the names of the papers" or I get my new from the Internets

    ..why try justify yourself, she just makes herself look dumber, just be straight up lady!

    My guess? She's just fucking lying. Who in the fuck doesn't know what magazines/papers they read? Maybe she can't read.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    8FtSpider wrote: »
    My guess? She's just fucking lying. Who in the fuck doesn't know what magazines/papers they read? Maybe she can't read.

    seriously, even if I was really nervous cause I was on TV, it's not something you have to think hard about.
  • JohnnyRaptor
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    JohnnyRaptor polycounter lvl 15
    shit i wish there was a way to see the palin vs biden live!
  • rooster
  • Zcubed
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    Zcubed polycounter lvl 18
    Debate's going to be happening right outside. Someone send me a Greentooth shirt ;).
  • Joshua Stubbles
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    ]The Truth About Sarah Palin[/url]
    "THE MYTH: "I have protected the taxpayers by vetoing wasteful spending." — Sarah Palin, convention speech

    THE FACTS: As governor, sought travel reimbursement for 312 nights she spent in her own home."
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    This is one dumb bitch

    She'll get elected for sure, bring on WWIII
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