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Hey guys,

I'm currently doing an internship putting textures on models and I wanted to get some feedback. Here's the back and front of X-Mens Cyclops. This was my first attempt at this so please forgive forgive the mediocrity of the work. Any feedback would be great from the members on this forum. Thanks in advance.

- Joe




  • steady
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    steady polycounter lvl 18
    cool flyclops but it looks like you just painted this over some screenshots, is that right? Why not properly paint on the skin uvmap? If you end up cutting up these pictures to make the skin, he will have dark lines around the middle and sides of him. Wierd that the company where you intern had you do this...
    Nice painting though, the anatomy seems a bit off but that is probably the models fault. His head and face seem small. Also, feels like I've seen that torso somewhere before...
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