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Warhammer Style Shield WIP

I call it a WIP still because i am texturing the backside of the shield as well with functional leather straps to hold onto to your harm. 512 tris including the skull, Normal/Diffuse/Spec map.


sorry for the larger images, not sure if there is a way to add thumbnails.


  • jocose
    Offline / Send Message
    jocose polycounter lvl 11
    Looks good, but I would suggest you try and bring out some of those hard edges with some sharp highlights. The entire thing looks kind of soft right now.

    There is a really good tutorial over at CGtalk you might want to take a look at if you haven't already.

  • Reich
    would love to see some wires not sure if it the way you textured it or it needs more spec work but the skull seems really flat.
  • ericleekessler
    ok here are some wires and a updated render, i updated the normal map to make some "harder" edges, also added in a little bit of "smaller" grunge to mix up the medium - larger stuff.

  • jocose
    Offline / Send Message
    jocose polycounter lvl 11
    Okay, right now its kind of hard to tell whats what. The various components of the shield (the yellow border, cross, and skull) look half way painted on and half way 3D (like they have depth).

    I don't know which your going for but if the yellow border and the cross are suppose to have depth (they are higher than the surface of the shield) then you need to signify that with some shadows and highlights, which I don't see right now. If they are suppose to flat (flush with the surface of the shield) then I would try and get rid of some of the shadowing you have there to signify that.

    Also your blotchy blood and grime is not helping either. When things get damaged or worn they do so in specific ways. Most of your day to day wear and tear is going to be located on or around hard edges. So sharp angles will have lots of little imperfections near them.

    When blood or some kind of liquid hits a surface it will do so in a spray pattern that is relative to the velocity, viscosity, and angle of the liquid.

    Try to take these things into consideration.

    Specifically, I don't like the brighter red blotches on the silver cross they look as though you just used a paintbrush in Photoshop. There is nothing to signify how that discoloration got there, it just looks kinda faked. If its blood think about how it might of got there and also realize that blood turns brown when it dries. If its rust then it will probably occur in places where moister can hide.

    I think taking this approach to your grime pass and also clearly defining the various elements as either flat or dimensional will help sell this allot more.

    I hope something I said there was helpful :) good luck there is allot of good stuff there already.
  • ericleekessler
    thanks jocose, yea i normal mapped the gold trim of the cross and shield to be raised up above the rest, i can see what you are getting at by it looks half and half right now, thanks for the crit
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