I've been trying to render a zbrush generated displacement maps using mental ray's subdiv approximation and displacement approximation nodes in maya 2008 SP1. I've used scott spencer's method, and have been able to get the displacement looking fine with no seams, HOWEVER it would appear the UV's on the subD surface that mental ray generates, has different uv's than the zbrush generated map( stretching and faceting are present. Since the uv's in zbrush arent smoothed, I'd like to be able to just turn off smooth uv's with the subdiv approximation node.
Is there any way to adjust the subdiv approximation node's ability to smooth or not smooth uv's? The catmul clark (CCmesh) setting will match my uv's but will give me those tell tale seams. Does anyone know a fix or a work around? If you know anything please let me know! I'm dying here at work!
this is one of the most frustrating things i've run into in maya so far....so simple yet so impossible?