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Some good books to read (I wants to be smarted)

polycounter lvl 18
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JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
Hey all, I'm just looking for some suggestions on some good books to pick up, the last book I read was "The Road" by Cormac McCarthy which was a pretty nice read, but now I hunger for more knowledge then anything else really.

I'm personally interested in the unknown or the human sub-conscience, anything that dives deep into self discovery is something that I really want to pick up on. I've been tired of reading about fictional stories, and I'm having troubles finding a book that talks about what I'm looking for... I mean I really don't know where to start.

It would be interesting to read both analytical and exploratory pieces, both I enjoy very much, maybe finding too books with the same topic, but from different points of view could help balance me out a bit.

I'm also debating on actually reading the bible... I'm not "religious", but I've been interested in reading it for quite sometime now, learning and forming some new opinions is what I enjoy most :)

So if any of you guys or girls out there have suggestions, please feel free and post.

It doesn't have to be a book either, it could be blogs for all I care, just something that revolves around discovery / opinions of the unknown (focusing on humans and the universe).

This should be fun :P


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