we are a small team of hobby game developers.
We create shareware games and sell them in webshops and from our homepage.
We are currently working on a 3d space shooter (mostly 2d gameplay but 3D GFX), with an epic background story and one or 2 player option.
The screens still need better and more models

The game is being programmed with BDS2006 (Delphi) using DirectX9.
All objects are 3D Meshes (we use an own format MDJX can be exported from most common formats)
We are one Developer (me), one Sound and Music Artist, and two Graphic Artists, we create the game in our free time.
The game is already playable (early stage) and has an Intro done.
We are searching for support:
One Concept artist, who creates alien Races with Aliens itself (for communication interface mostly) and alien spaceships, maybe alien buildings.
Modellers which help us create Meshes for Spaceships and Buildings mostly.
Please answer here or write me a PM, then I can give you more information and maybe a link to the current beta.
Eric Behme (Firlefanz)
I made a first Beta teaser movie:
There not enogh spaceships and building in the gameplay, I hope this will soon change.
We are still looking for GFX support
A beta will follow soon.