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Unearthly Challenge | The Fantastic Normals | Conquest

Initial Concept:

Current scene WIP:

To see how the scene has progressed from start to where we are currently look here.

Beauty Shot 2:

Most Recent Prop WIP:

Scene Concept:
The concept we are aiming for is an evil futuristic church where an opposing good faction has attacked. The church would be used for televised sacrifices and other science experiment like ceremonies. The church wouldn't have windows and would be lit by different lights sources in the columns, walls, and maybe screens(like televisions). When our evil race dies they disintegrate into ash, and the main focal point would be a spear(from the good race) stuck into the ground in the middle through a robe and maybe some armor. Secondary focal points would be the altar where different beings are sacrificed. Blood from the altar would leak down through channels in the altar and floor towards a "demon pit" in the foreground. Other secondary focal points will be random areas where skirmishes occured between the good and bad(which from a gameplay standpoint would be areas to grab weapons and other items), A broken statue of the evil god to replace jesus in the concept(broken so as to not draw too much attention away from the Main focal point), and a few doorways and stairs leading to other dark glowey places.


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