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Blood angels terminator.

polycounter lvl 9
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Nistrum polycounter lvl 9
hey guys and girls. i really need some crits on this guy. so feel free to point out any gripes you have. things to note. 1 this is the OLD terminator from the warhammer 40k range. so alot of things have changed. first up im sticking to the model if i can so crys of "just do the new terminator" arent going to help much.

that said
the count is 4600 polys(tris)
theres 2 1024 textures (yes i know thats alot, but i wanted the uvspace).
the plan is to make this guy into a blood angels (as the tpoic) terminator.
atm im working on the tex. the flamethrower is just block red. and the "crux" on his shoulder isnt finnished. outside of that i think hes fair game. so thanks for reading and all help is welcome



  • bounchfx
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    bounchfx mod
    wireframe asap!
  • Nistrum
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    Nistrum polycounter lvl 9
    haha i wondered how long it would be :P im dointhat as we speak
    gimmie about 5 mins? ill not post it ill edit this post with it in

    heres the wires.

    if its wanted i can grab a shot of the back. but most the action is going on here
  • illadam
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    illadam polycounter lvl 14
    Right now it looks new, and what I loved about all the warhammer models is how scratched up they were and how it looked as if they had been in battle. I think if you give it that sort of detail it'll give it a lot more personality and story.

    Also if you plan on animating it you may need to rework the legs a bit so they are more animation friendly. Here's a good guide on deformation http://www.pig-brain.com/tut02/tut02_01.htm

    I like where you're going with it. Keep it up.
  • Nistrum
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    Nistrum polycounter lvl 9
    yeh hes going to get dirty. i generally like to get him looking new... then mess him up :P im not sure how its gonna work with the low res... ill see how it looks whe i start adding grunge..

    he should be OK to animate. i might be going a really short cinematic. i got a wave serpent planned.. im gonna have him powerfist it down :P should be a good shot.
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