Hey guys, this is looking awesome. I was thinking to make it feel more evil, why not throw a hanging gallows/platform type of thing. Somethign the pirates would do to traitors, or for fun, etc? Maybe throw a plank over a pit of spikes of death, they could make the enemies walk the plank near the docks into something evil and menacing and have a bunch of your skeletons in there and have some on the sides as if people tried crawling out and died on the edges etc. Just a suggestion. Looks awesome..
Are you running a sharpen filter on your shots or not mipping your textures?
We have turned mipmapping off for these shots. also there us no AA of any kind, alot of the noise will go away when we start fine tuning the renders and turn on all the fancy stuff :P
I was thinking about this for a while with your entry....your execution is awesome, and visually it looks great...but I don't really see or feel the 'evil' from this environment. The scene you're putting together looks like something out of treasure planet
Will you be doing a decal / small item pass on the ground? It's fairly flat at the moment and could stand to get some irregular design tossed at it. Stains, stones, pieces of wood, junk, etc. etc.
Yeah, we are leaving the ground for last right now. We are gonna finish up the last props, and then we will start polishing the scene by adding exactly those kind of things. there's alot of prop placement left to be done aswell
I'm really loving this scene, lots of nice little details, keep it up!
Only thing that bothers me is how you're using the same texture on the ground and walls, it makes sense I guess, and I've seen large cement type platforms like that before, but I feel it kinda hurts the scenes readability. Guess a bit of grunge work and decals on the wall areas would help maybe.
Update time! Now with some real mountains, alot of small details, changed lighting etc, not finetuned renders, so they are a bit noisy, but you'll live with it. Also, a new angle, cause we love angles.
Last shot looks quite 'wow' like Armanguy said. I really want to walk around it.
Trying to find something to crit.......obviously the sign on left needs texturing up from that shot, but what also comes to my attention from this angle is the floor inside the pirate airship on the left. Maybe ruff that up a little.
Really liking the lighting you've got here as well in the scene.
This is looking phenomenal you guys!!!! The only real crit I have is that the edge of the wall on the right side of the building is really blending into the rock face and geting lost. And im sure you already saw this but the grass planes in the lower right corner of the screen are kinda tweaking out. But keep this up and I wouldnt be surprised if you guys take home the gold :poly121:.
Last shot looks quite 'wow' like Armanguy said. I really want to walk around it.
Trying to find something to crit.......obviously the sign on left needs texturing up from that shot, but what also comes to my attention from this angle is the floor inside the pirate airship on the left. Maybe ruff that up a little.
Really liking the lighting you've got here as well in the scene.
The boats are not even textured yet Snefer is working on that, but he´s a bit slow! :P
As for the sign, its just a PH, will soon be replaced by the real glorious sign!
Thanks for all the nice comments Its mostly fixing up stuff right now, so not much new to show, here's the supportpillar I made earlier with some improved, yet sloppy texturework had to finish it off, and we were not friend anyway ^^
Only thing that bothers me is how you're using the same texture on the ground and walls, it makes sense I guess, and I've seen large cement type platforms like that before, but I feel it kinda hurts the scenes readability. Guess a bit of grunge work and decals on the wall areas would help maybe.
PS. Evil stuff, like skulls and shit!
some more tweaks on the render
Trying to find something to crit.......obviously the sign on left needs texturing up from that shot, but what also comes to my attention from this angle is the floor inside the pirate airship on the left. Maybe ruff that up a little.
Really liking the lighting you've got here as well in the scene.
that's amazing!
the hanging skeletons really add a lot to the feel
its brilliant!
gj guys, gj
It would look 100x better.
The boats are not even textured yet
As for the sign, its just a PH, will soon be replaced by the real glorious sign!
Glad you all like it!
Still though, looking very good
reduce the intensity of the glow,
and maybe kill a few of the letters [to show decay / damage]
lookin sexy otherwise!
Edit: I took a second glance and I'm guessing you did that to save UV space, so nevermind
We will see, we are testing it in the scene tonight.
Can't wait to see it finished.
Cheers! and good luck!
good luck