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Brother Marine

polycounter lvl 18
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SyaPed polycounter lvl 18
Not going to score high on originality points for another marine :). But I've always wanted to do a more realistic take on a Warhammer space marine. Which is hard because realistically I don't think their armour works :D

Arsh's basemesh for the head. And using Karl Kopinski's work as inspiration. IMHO the best Warhammer artist by far. http://www.karlkopinski.com/

Please crit!



  • wizo
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    wizo polycounter lvl 18
    hey Sya,

    First off, nice start! I generally like the model, I think the head could be bigger but the way Id start a project like yours, is to find a concept I wanna stick too. Even if you are making it more realist take on the subject, a solid concept or reference will provide you with a strong guide for basic proportions and direction.
    Right now, It looks like a generic Warhammer because all the shapes of the armor is very cylindrical. I suggest accentuating some curves and exaggerating some armor parts on the legs. A bit like what you ve done with the shoulder pads, you ve pulled them off nicely.

    I think you are very good at adding medium detail like the nose,eyes, mouth etc... but there is something off with the general placement of those parts.
    Maybe this site could be of some kind of help with general facial features.http://majorityrights.com/index.php/weblog/comments/the_facial_proportions_of_beautiful_people/

    I hope I wasnt too harsh but I think there is a lot of potential with this model. keep up the good work.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    i met karl on sunday, Gamesday 2008. he's a cool guy! i laughed cos his name tag was like this:

    Karl Kopinski
    Famous Artist

    which chapter are you going for with your marine? an awful lot of chapters have prominant physical traits.
  • Reich
    Head size is tough on a space marine A lot of the concepts and art they have small heads..they are 10 feet tall in a crap ton of armor.


    i think it is due to the fact that once you put the helmet on it looks right to the armor. but without it's a little small.

    So i'd say good start! Get a chapter picked out and beat that armor to hell.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    space marines are typically 7-8 feet tall. not 10.
  • katzeimsack
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    katzeimsack polycounter lvl 19
    space marines are typically 7-8 feet tall. not 10.

    not true!
    I've met so many space marines in London and they all were 9.1256 feet tall (at 2.45 pm)!
    You have to take care! After breakfast spacemariens in real life are normally 9.546 feet tall. During the day they shrink because of their spline having to carry too much...
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    lol, nice...

    not true though. the black carapace they have implanted in their skin links directly to the POWERED armour suit. they feel no strain at all being in the armour.

    i hate being a dork =/
  • SyaPed
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    SyaPed polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks for the crits Wizo, not too harsh at all :) I actually did a lot of testing with proportions as I really want to capture the tall and powerful look Kopinski gets as apposed to the more cartoony shape I see most people model marines in. Usually because they use the miniatures as reference. I used a 9 head tall 'superhero' blueprint for him in the end and I'm also using this painting...
    ...as main reference for the armour design. I think I'm happy with his proportions now but maybe I need some fresh eyes looking at him.

    I'm not sure I can do much about the cylindrical look of the armour, that's pretty much how it's designed :) I will be adding a lot more detail though. Should help break up the largely simple shapes.

    I think your spot on about the head haha. I'll check out that link, see if it can help me get the larger details right as you said. Paintovers also would be awesome if anyone's obliging :D

    Ok time to get my nerd on...

    Almighty_Gir - Haha that's awesome, was he showing anything off? Nice to know he's still doing stuff for Games Workshop.

    Reich - Your right the head size is tough to get right. Too small like those pics and they look like pinheads, too big and they look like regular humans in suits.

    10 ft tall might be a bit of an exaggeration :) I have mine at about 8 ft. I don't think marines should get much shorter because then you could have a regular human as tall as him, and that's not cool :D

    He'll probably be an Ultramarine like the painting I'm using as reference. So I think a romanesque, arrogant prick look would be cool hehe. Otherwise I might go with an unknown chapter. I'm tried of the big chapters being used in every scenario.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    most of his work is for ForgeWorld now, i believe. not that they don't alreaday have enough awesome talent! i got to look through his sketchbook, which was awesome, i took a couple of pics with my phone.

    got him to sign a doodle i did in front of him too lol.

    he's quite a funny guy, but seems a little quiet and introvertive.

    and Ultramarines should be french. with a primark called Roboute Guilleman anyway xD
  • Reich
    Well Gir i guess it's an up in the air thing. Good old google has said that in the novels they are portrayed as 10 feet tall. Off of the GW website it says

    "The Space Marines are the most feared and respected of all of Mankind's warriors. Standing over 7' tall due to genetic modification and absolutely lethal from decades of combat training, Space Marines are the ultimate human fighting machines."

    I guess the true scale space Marines found in some Game Workshop stores are 8 feet+

    So my guess is that 7-8 feet norm troop.
    9-10 feet for terminator armor and like characters of note.

    But i think we might be getting off topic....

    And yes Gir it's okay to be a dork like that when you know that the armor of a space marine works like reverse magnets so it almost is floating off the armor so they feel no weight from it.

    Syaped- Yea i think your best bet is to think of what he would look like with a helm on, maybe a rough block out. Get that to look right then judge how the had would fill it. I think that might help a bit on the scale.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    wel, the fact that they carry a small nuclear reactor on their backs to power the suit, should give an indication as to how little they would need to worry about its weight too :P
  • Mark Dygert
    That looks awesome!

    Also make sure you don't base the head size for a regular marine, on the head size of the marine in terminator armor which is shown in Reichs post, last image.

    They've been drawn is so many different shapes and sizes over the years its hard to be precise. The best you can do is stick to a few ref images closely or wing it and try to hit the middle ground. It looks like you're doing a great job so far so keep at it =)
  • SyaPed
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    SyaPed polycounter lvl 18
    Haha your right Gir, that name does sound french. Recently though their imagery has become heavily roman influenced. Makes you wonder who the 'french' chapter is haha, since most are based on real world countries/warriors.

    No no no! Not magnets! :P The suit has artificial muscles and servo motors that react instantly to the wearers movements making him even stronger and faster :D Haha, oh boy...

    Thanks Vig :) Haha your right about them having been drawn in just about every way possible. Bringing them into 3d makes it even harder to get the shape right too :P

    BTW I remember your days with that old Half-Life 1 40k mod :D I think you tried a Necromunda one too?

    This is the placeholder helmet I've been using. I'll be redoing it completely later. His head actually fits quite nicely inside without having to make the helm too big. Which surprised me :P


    Anyways I need to actually do some more work on him! Gah I work so slow :(
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    i'd actually say that the imperium is heavy set on germanic imagery as well. being the raging space nazis that they are :P

    nice helpet xD
  • Reich
    yea that looks right to me. I want to say now that you have given a side shot that his legs might need some revisiting. Looks a bit bulky. Maybe taper it down a little more.
  • carlo_c
    Looking cool! The top of his legs around the knee looks like it should be thinner, although looking at the concept earlier he's got really bulky legs compared to the models.

    Would be cool to maybe seem some detailing from something earlier than the mkVII armour designs, such as the pointy helmet and studded shoulder pad from the mkVI.
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