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spore is fun :)



  • Neox
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    You're right... honestly i have to say i'm not that excited, the evolution part is funny but thats it the rts part is just waaaaay to simple to compete with any rts game, i'd play only the two first episodes as long as i can but at some time you have to evolve and whats coming next is just boring.
  • Rox
    Ged wrote: »
    The thing that bothers me is that spore claimed that I could interact with other peoples creations, which is true. But they neglected to say that I would be interacting with AI npcs that have been skinned to look like other peoples creations through downloaded content. Is there really no real player and player action online? is it all npcs or am I wrong?
    Eh? Since that video back in 2005, Will Wright has repeatedly called Spore the first "massively singleplayer online game", as there is no multiplayer at all but most content is made by other players and is asynchronously downloaded to your game as you play. How can you have missed that??

    Even that sentence, "interact with other players' creations", suggests that you don't actually interact with other players, just their creations.

    Also, I agree with the first stages passing by far too quickly. Cell and Creature were some of the most fun I've had in a while. Tribe and Civ suck pretty bad if you ask me. The only fun I found in either of those was making the first three vecihles in Civ, back when the parts actually mattered. I'm having a ton of fun in Space, however. It started out hideous to me, but the more I play the better it gets. Enemies finally started realizing attacking me every two minutes doesn't help them, and with better technology, travelling and fighting is much faster and easier than it is in the beginning of the stage.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    Rox wrote: »
    Eh? Since that video back in 2005, Will Wright has repeatedly called Spore the first "massively singleplayer online game", as there is no multiplayer at all but most content is made by other players and is asynchronously downloaded to your game as you play. How can you have missed that??

    yup, somehow I totally missed that nugget of information. I didnt read any of the spore hype and ignored it until its release and then, just watched some videos of gameplay and read some reviews before buying, part of me still hoped that the creations would be under the control of real people not AI at some point.
    I only realised it was always going to be NPCs when I started to explore space and found all the creatures reacting to my presence in similar ways and got bored. Hopefully the RPG elements of weapons tools etc will give spore a bit more life.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    Why do I get the feeling you guys, as experienced gamers, are playing through the game on easy difficulty, with the "kill anything that moves" mentality, and disappointed with the quick progression of the game? Tell me you're not. Try playing on Hard, with different traits. I never appreciate the critiques from a reviewer that can play through a game in a day that would normally take me 2 months, and a casual gamer even longer.

    From the very beginning, Will Wright has stated that all content was player created, and synchronize, not controlled. From the release of the Creature Creator, and the avalanche of penis monsters, this is a good thing for quality control. And a new innovation in online games, as I get unlimited content, with no chanced of anyone ruining the experience for me. The focus has always been content creation and sharing, placed into a dynamic world that's fun to play. And for anything that disappoints...there is always Spore 2. You know there will be.

    Looking back at the earlier videos from 2005, the game has changed a great deal. But, those early videos were tech demonstrations. The developer showing you only what they want you to see. The water level had no game play elements. The tribal stage looks much improved, and slowly introduced the player to the following stage. The city building and civ leves have been combined. You can see how those early demos have been refined to allow a fluid, balanced, and fun gameplay experience. Having played on different planets, I've just now reached the space stage with one of my species, and it's been fun. The replay value is high, so I want to see how everything differs with a new planet and species.

    I'm having much more fun with this game than I was expecting, and losing sleep.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Just got my copy today, can't wait to install it tonight.

    I was wondering, has anyone crested a hill or visited a new planet and saw a whole race of wii-motes or motorcycle creatures? That's something I don't want to see.
  • moose
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    Slum wrote: »
    moose: yeah, for sure.. my name is CaptainJeremy.

    also, Dom, I totally mutilated a village of kovichi. EAT IT!

    hahahah i started a new game last night and had some of your critters in there. cool!
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    for anyone who hasn't seen it, check out the last entry on http://antispore.com/

    this dude just won the internet
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    yeah spores got some replay value with all the different paths available, I intend to play it again in a less aggresive fashion. I play games with the settings that I feel like playing them on, I feel like playing spore casually so easy settings suit me just fine and I get time to play about twice or 3 times a week. Still havent had time to really dig into space mode fully. two species are telling me to pay them large amounts of money, I think they might attack my planet some time soon =/.

    Sectaurs wrote: »
    for anyone who hasn't seen it, check out the last entry on http://antispore.com/

    this dude just won the internet

    so all that was a person making a parody of christian fundementalism? kinda funny or sad or at least interesting as a social experiment. Kinda sucks for non fundamentalist christians though cause people believe that this stuff is true and we often get tarred with the same brush :(.
  • moose
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    Sectaurs wrote: »
    for anyone who hasn't seen it, check out the last entry on http://antispore.com/

    this dude just won the internet

    hahah awesome!

    wow these comments rule!
    You my stupid fuckface friend hav enraged the videogame gods and now they will send their fanboy minions here to flame u so hardcore ur “god” wont be brave enough to come save ur stupid fucking ass!! srsly wtf is wrong with u!!!! u fucking ppl piss me off, yes u hav an opinion, u dont need to post it on the internet in a stupid blog and act like Spore is the devil and every 5 yr old kid will die if he so much as looks at it in the shop!! FUCK OFF!!!
    You are one of the saddest persons I have seen in my life… Get a hobby.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    just added you guys as buddys, really enjoying seeing your creations :) very cool and I like the mouths and stuff on some of yours Moose, like the latest one alllinus or whatever its called :P makes me want to play the game all over again with a cooler race :D
  • Davision3D
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    Davision3D polycounter
    Really enyoing the game, its a lot of fun creating everything, just the gameplay is too simple sometimes.
    My name in Spore is Davision: http://www.spore.com/sporepedia#qry=srch-Davision
    add me as a buddy if you want :)
  • Rob Galanakis
    Sectaurs wrote: »
    for anyone who hasn't seen it, check out the last entry on http://antispore.com/

    this dude just won the internet

    Well he just revealed it is a hoax in his recent post. This guy/girl is awesome.
    “21. The LORD smelled the pleasing aroma and said in his heart: “Never again will I curse the ground because of man, even though every inclination of his heart is evil from childhood. And never gonna give you up. 22. “Never gonna let you down.” 23.”Never gonna run around and desert you.” 24. “Never gonna make you cry.” 25. “Never gonna say goodbye.” 26. “Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you.” 27.”Never truly believe anything you read on the Internet. There will always be cases of Poe’s Law.”
  • Steviant
    I hold my hands up to antispore.com, I really do. That was good.

    Problem is, it COULD have been serious.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    got home at 6pm, started playing and I just realized it's 2am!
    Been playing on Hard mode, I'm seriously getting spanked in civ mode
  • Rox

    We've been Rickrolled.

    And it was the most epic Rickroll ever.

    I still haven't finished Spore, actually! I'm still running around in space, doing things, trading spice, trying not to grow depressed from being attacked all the time. Things got a slight bit easier by removing one of my sworn enemies from the face of the galaxy, but I hear if you manage to befriend everyone, a new enemy will show up from nowhere... so I think I'll settle with having a mere two more mortal enemies... Hopefully my colonies will hold up on their own, because I'm about to explore as much of space as I possibly can!
  • e-freak
    Well he just revealed it is a hoax in his recent post. This guy/girl is awesome.

    I wouldn't be surprised if this was all a marketing gag by EA.

    On a more serious note towards the site - it's funny someone can say he's christian, put some stuff that's completely awkward on the web and you get a bunch of hatred on christianity in general (same applies for every other kind of group).

    On Spore - the games are fun - I don't really see too much of connection between the minigames (allthough I played not too much of it since I don't own the game myself and played it at a friend's)
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    seriously doubt it's a marketing gag, I don't think that kind of stuff would fly with Will Wright.

    ElysiumGX: do you have any tips on playing the Civ stage in hard?
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    im having too much fun with the creature editor :P

    i progressed to the space stage last night... but after getting 5 badges and awards... the game crashed. I lost everything from 1/2 way through my civ phase to there. ANGER. My tip of the day: SAVE OFTEN.

    I didnt bother loading it up again and just started making creatures.

  • Xenobond
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    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18
    Crap! I just got owned by an epic Plesioth.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    At least it wasn't an epic penis.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    I discovered that religous vehicles can charm epic monsters into following them.

    Get a few religous vehicles to attack an epic creature since 1 or 2 will get one-shotted by the monster. Eventually the creature will start dancing and musical notes will float around him, then you can make the creature follow your vehicles around.

    I was trading with all the other civilizations on my continent so I didn't try leading the creature there to attack it but that sounds like something cool to try out.
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer polycounter
    I'm not going to play the game, because i don't like it, but i found surprising this notice:

    Spore piracy problem!

    OMG! This is not fun now.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Necks are for losers!
  • Rob Galanakis
    Everyone has been having so much fun, I think I am going to need to get this game. The DRM thing I am so morally against, I'll probably use my EA points to buy it and pirate it anyway. I often end up doing that since I've so often found the pirated version to have far fewer problems than a product with DRM (software, games, music, etc.). Anyway, this probably isn't the thread for DRM discussion, but yeah, its given Spore hell.

    About how long would a single Spore 'experience' take? Is it like a single player game with a beginning and end, or a MP game that can just continue forever? How quickly does it get repetitive? I don't want to play a game I know I will lose more than a couple weeks of my life in.
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    BOOOOO this game has so many things that displease me.

    first mode is fun, but not fun in a tripple a big budget game way. fun in the could be a lil web browser game.

    second mode slightly less fun than the first but still ok. i'm a violent man so i choose to wipe out all opposistion. and its just.. easy.. even playing on hard mode. i just plow thru kill kill kill, then evolve.

    tribe mode. i like this one, but again like 2 its pretty shallow i got thru it by makin babys and creaming tribes as soon as they pop up. more advanced tribes i would wait till they attack me, kill their troops in my town, then just heal up and wipe out the remainder.

    civ mode. this is the anoying bit. i can't stand rts games.. so poof at this point. it turns ito a game i would not ever want to play. i tried to do it just to beat the game. but itss too contantly boring and anoying.

    space mode, never saw it.

    the game is not the sandbox it was made out to be.. well it is.. as long as you don't wanna get the good stuff. in the tribes stage for example theres only a verry limited ammount of items for top level damage/health. so on both my times thru it, i ended up gearing my guy nearly exactly the same. same way with creature mode. if you are a carnivore, theres 3 mouth options with lvl 5 bite and dna point costs keep you from doing crazy stuff like we was doing in the creature creator with tons of pieces.

    i may give the civ mode another go, but on hard dificulty the game had such a steep curve there it was retarded. i just moseyed thru the first 3 stages no problem.
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 18
    Rhinokey wrote: »
    the game is not the sandbox it was made out to be.. well it is.. as long as you don't wanna get the good stuff. in the tribes stage for example theres only a verry limited ammount of items for top level damage/health. so on both my times thru it, i ended up gearing my guy nearly exactly the same. same way with creature mode. if you are a carnivore, theres 3 mouth options with lvl 5 bite and dna point costs keep you from doing crazy stuff like we was doing in the creature creator with tons of pieces.

    Yea, I've noticed that it's really just aesthetic choices you make. There are very limited choices that actually affect gameplay, and the majority of the gameplay I've experienced so far has been super shallow so those choices barely even matter. Haven't got to Civ mode yet, but so far I'm generally unimpressed. I guess it's a decent for giving the illusion of being able to create your own creature and stuff, but so far I've still found it fairly lacking.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    If you've made it to the Civ mode, then you've unlocked the Space mode. At least try it before giving your opinion of the whole game.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    if you've ever sat down and played Sim City for 8 hours straight without realizing it then watch out for Spore.

    I just terraformed the frozen moon of a gas giant! It was rough but it was the only source of pink spice I could find (haven't found purple spice anywhere). I brought it up from T0 to T3 and the view is great.

    The game is more challenging during the early stages if you don't play aggressively, by the time you get to the Civ stage I feel like diplomacy and religion are pretty powerful. When the space stage rolls around you can't afford to be blasting everyone or your planets will be getting attacked every 3 minutes.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    I took a weekend break from the game because, as you just mentioned, I was playing long hours late into the night without realizing. The space stage is a challenge for me now.

    Aside from all the complaints about the use of DRM, and that the game didn't deliver what the masses assumed it would be from simple tech demos, this is one thing that really bugs me.


    Having read the manual before playing, this is in fact clearly printed and got MY hopes up. I spent a good amount of time trying to get a second account to work. I instead share an account, which works well, but gets cluttered quickly.

    If the game gives me any trouble in the future due to DRM, I will perhaps pirate it. It would be the only pirated game I have. But, as I've read, there are fewer frustrations than the legal copy.

    stoofoo wrote: »
    Guys. Seriously. I fucked up that first terraforming planet and it got cold? I dont have the mythical volcano ray thing. What do i do to fix this?

    You've probably figured this out by now, but when you terraform a planet, it is not stabilized until you add planets and animals. If this was not done, the planet may slowly return to it's original state.
  • moose
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    justin, your neckless dudes were giving me grief in the space mode yesterday, so i destroyed them. sorry :) The space section is cool, just wish some of the smaller planets wouldn't coff at your offers to purchase their system. Stupid aliens.

    My overall / final impresions (almost beat one planet/race evolution cycle)

    Level 2 is the coolest part of the game, and you never revisit it. The Tribal stage is "ok," but starts to feel bland, as with the civilization phase. I was really hoping that the space stage would revisit Level 2's style, allow you to land on a planet and walk around. Instead, it was a rip of level 4 without being able to create a bunch of defenses. The mystery and awe you get when running around the surface of a planet is gone once you start flying to them, exploring isnt nearly as fun, because you cannot see the creatures on the surface from LODs :(

    The epic scale is amazing... im constantly overwhelmed by the size and scope of everything. I just really, really wish they included parts in the Space stage that allowed you to land your ship, get out, and walk around. It would give you scale of your ship too, plus let yousee your badass dudes! Could let you scan critters and wildlife then, set up workers to collect environment bits, etc.

    The space stage is cool, just upset they never once went back to the awesomeness of level 2.

    Teraforming is a pain in the dick, but a fun challenge to do :) Finally got a planet up to T3 last night from scratch (so... annoying... WTB Tscores on plant icons in the cargobay plox).

    My other gripe is the game's loathing and hatred for my creations. I've made a handful of things so far... but none of the fuckers seem to show up in my space level. I did see one of them running around so i abducted them! Unfortunately the game lod's the models to shit and back, so i couldnt see them in their glory :(

    Overall impressions... its about a high high "C" range and low "B" range. If they had done more with the second level of evolution, with including it later in the game, it would be amazing.

    Going to start up a game on some other planets after i can completely own a section of space. :)
  • doc rob
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    doc rob polycounter lvl 19
    Just started playing. My Spore name is docrob100 - lots of creatures up if you want to add me :)

    So far I'm loving it to pieces.
  • BoilingOil
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    BoilingOil polycounter lvl 16
    I'm having such a hard time in space mode. Can't get any money anymore. Seems like every empire is out to get me.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    BoilingOil > purple spice! I can usually get 40,000 to 50,000 sporebucks per spice unit! So find a purple spice planet ASAP, terraform it up to T3, plop down three colonies and one of those spice storage bins.

    About getting attacked: you can't go it alone in space, try to get every race you meet on happy (green smiley) terms with you.

    The easiest way is to do missions, if they give you a mission that involves attacking another race turn it down, you only lose 3 pts on the happy meter for that.

    Another good way to increase your relationship with another race is to up the T score on one of their colonies.

    I've finally got my section of space under control, everyone is my friend except for two jerks who I totally destroyed with the help of my allies. Now I'm just concentrating on making mega-bucks to upgrade my ship.
  • Japhir
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    Japhir polycounter lvl 17
    daaamn frustrating!
    i watched my brother play it this weekend, seemed pretty fun. the stuff rhinokey talks about is absolutely true, but i love it nonetheless :D. So now i got it myself, played through the first stage and then, when i want to go on land it crashes :(. I can create my creature, and it starts paddling up to the surface, but then it crashes and my pc reboots. noooooo!
    it might be because my pc only just has the minimum requirements but i read something about this problem too so maybe they'll be able to fix it ^^.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    if you have a low end PC for the game, are you playing on all the lowest video settings? desktop system? updated drivers?
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    planet buster is within my grasp! It's soooo close!
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    i am gettting my ass kicked heavily in space stage. any more of this and my home planet is gone. i know i made a mistake early on that cost me dearly. i have yet to terraform a planet to T3 and place colonies. :( I'm determined to turn this situation around.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    ElysiumGX wrote: »
    ...And maybe all this talk will have EA change their methods. ...

    I'm only a little annoyed that I can't register a Spore account with my gf's game disc. Why can't games be more like movies? One disc per household.

    told ya...

    The space stage is still kicking my ass. I'm tempted to start a new (easier) character.
  • dejawolf
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    got to the center of the galaxy, for some reason the Grox would still attack me even though I got them up to neutral disposition. Luckily I could stop at a Grox colony and refuel when I got low on health.

    Hologram scout lets you teleport a hologram of your character down onto the surface of the planet
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