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porfolio piece creation

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Jonas Ronnegard polycount sponsor
i have been browsing the net for like 2 days now, looking for something to do for my portfolio, i have mainly been looking for swords and daggers and armor of all sorts, i really want to show of some clean smooth lines in the hp,, cant seem to find something advanced enough, really want something with very hard smooth lines that will show of some good hp skills hehe.

still want something that i can do alot to in the texture but i guess im asking for too much. Ok so im just asking if anyone know of any good objects to do, doesnt have to be what i described, just anything u think would be good in a porfolio. id be so happy if u guys could help me.


  • Asmuel
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    Asmuel polycounter lvl 17
    I've got something hard and smooth for you...

  • Mark Dygert
    I'd do whatever you think will give you the widest possibility to net the job you're after. Doing armor would be good, but gets done an awful lot. It also might limit the positions you would be considered for.

    I'm not exactly sure what type of job your after, but having a great environment piece like what you would get out of doing the Unearthly Challenge would be a great center piece to have. Nothing saying you can't decorate the area with a few swords and misc armor parts.
  • Eric Chadwick
    Get some inspiration.

    Then design a hybrid of your own, show you're an artist with some creativity, not just a copy machine.
  • Jonas Ronnegard
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    Jonas Ronnegard polycount sponsor
    hehe good one there Asmuel was too much into my 3d talk i forgot how weird that sounds :P.. "maybe that would be good subject though hmm" :P

    well as for now im searching for an internship, still in school. i think i should do something prop like and not something big, as i think that is also what i will be doing in the beginning anyways. I noticed that many companies want enviroment artist, but its not really my thing atleast not yet.

    Eric thanks for the links ill search some more, though for me being a copymachine is something new :P not that my designs have been any good or so but i want to try and do something more ordinary or something from an original concept something that people will recognize, being able to copy well is a great skill as well i think, and very important.
  • monkeyboy_garth
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    monkeyboy_garth polycounter lvl 9
    How about some of Sauron's armour pieces from the Lord of the Rings movies?

    His gauntlets or Helmet would be pretty crazy!
  • Eric Chadwick
    though for me being a copymachine is something new :P not that my designs have been any good or so but i want to try and do something more ordinary or something from an original concept something that people will recognize, being able to copy well is a great skill as well i think, and very important.
    I meant that as a general tip, not as an indictment of your particular skills. I just know that when comparing two applicants with similar technical ability the one who shows more creativity always wins.
  • Jonas Ronnegard
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    Jonas Ronnegard polycount sponsor
    that would probably be true :) dont have that much time to sketch around though will probably stay with a already complete design this time but thanks for the tip Eric :)
  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    Make a plant or tree not many can nail those good, its something you probably havent tried before and they are in many games. Thus a good portfolio piece.
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