Toxic Totalitarian Junkyard
Back Story:
If we could include creatures I would strap (or organically grow) the platforms to giant rinos or hipos taking drinks from a toxic river.
But since we can't, I'm thinking of turning this into a junkyard. The main focus will be on the house where the keeper of the junk lives and runs things. He's a bit paranoid and in addition to the government mandated video cameras and screens he's added a few salvaged cameras and security devices of his own. I plan on putting in a lot spores & toxic sludge since most of his income comes from disposing of waste.
The sky will get an overhaul too pollution makes for some great sunsets and interesting lighting. I possibly put some burned out ruins of a city in the distance or maybe just a vast junk yard, depends on the time I have left. More then likely I'll turn the watery area into a mini canyon and install a bridge. I might switch out the large screens for something more retro. :poly141: