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Unearthly Challenge | Vassago | Dissolution of liberty

polycounter lvl 20
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Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20

...America is no more. Only a whisper, drifting on clouds of thought. Speak but a word and it's gone forever.

Trepidation clutches the streets of a once great country. The United States recoiled into destitution after it's second civil war. Darkness filled the air and hope itself, became a dangerous idea. This emaciated wasteland of insolence and chaos set the stage for things to come.

Through the ashes of the people rose a new power, wicked and villainous. A snaked-tongue leadership that preached peace and prosperity, equality and redemption. A nation of sick and bleary soldiers bought it wholesale. They signed their own fate.

As the lumbering superpower rose yet again, the iron first of a police state came crashing down on it's people. A modern dictatorship governed by fear and punishment, the United Federation of America (UFA) became a reality.

...a nation of slaves. Prisoners in a country of corruption, power and deceit.
Dissent on the tongue of a friend never seen again. Resist and you vanish from existence. Tyranny knows no boundaries. This is our life, this is our time.



The concept is really just idea kindling. I'll have a similar theme, but it's not based around that specific tower or city. My drawing skills are hooorrrrrible, so don't expect awesome concept work. :)

More to come...


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