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UV Mapping Question

Simple Nub question :)
How can I make sure my text isn't mirrored backwards to the other side?

I Mirrored along the center with the model and uv map to save texture space, but is there a way to keep the text specifically from getting flipped in 3ds Max?



  • killingpeople
    Offline / Send Message
    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    two options:
    1. unique texture space for that face
    2. tricky texture finagling.

    1. make room for a backside. you could make an ingredients label.

    2. the finagling approach would require you to make mesh compromises. if the shape of the bottle was symmetrical, you would be able to mirror the UVs in a desired fashion. adjusting the model so that it's symmetrical just where the logo is, could fly, and the bottle shape above this area could curve all handle-like all it wants. if you cut edges around the logo and aligned the inner face to a logo in your texture, you might get away with it, if you could hide the seams... it would be really stupid and it's very ugly shit , and not efficient, and i would probably punch you in the mouth if i saw you trying this bullshit. just give the backside unique texture space and call it a day.
  • Spock
    Your harsh, slightly intimidating, but fair. *sarcasm*

    I figured I'd probably end up doing something like that.
    Just was hoping there was some infamous magic button i hadn't heard about *rolls eyes* ;)

    Thanks greatly!
  • Mark Dygert
    That was harsh? Then this should really scare you.

    I strongly suggest not sticking around or not being so sensitive, if you thought that was harsh... That kind of helpful advice is exactly what you asked for and I don't see anyone being negative? Don't get me wrong this can be a rough place but in this thread I see none of that stuff?


    1) Flip only the lower bottle polys for the back side.
    2) Why have text at all? If this is just trash, most people will never spend time looking at the bottle this closely. You could use a star burst or some other logo type symbol and it would still "read" the same.
    3) Uniquely unwrap the entire bottle.
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    2 options I see:

    give the entire backside of the bottle separate texture space, and duplicate the logo within the texture to that space.

    Make the logo a Label instead, something that is applied to the bottle like a decal. (More geo, less texture) then you can use the same texture space for the labels on each side of the bottle, but likely get away with mirroring the actual bottle texture.
  • EarthQuake
    Oh man Cory that was a fucking great response. Vig, settle down.

    Another option would be to use a decal for the text, just have a quad that has an alpha'd texture on it slightly above the surface of the mesh, that way you could orientate it any way you like. Pretty similar to TP's #2.
  • Spock
    Vig wrote: »
    That was harsh? Then this should really scare you.

    I strongly suggest not sticking around or not being so sensitive, if you thought that was harsh... That kind of helpful advice is exactly what you asked for and I don't see anyone being negative? Don't get me wrong this can be a rough place but in this thread I see none of that stuff?

    Lol, my apologies vig, my sense of sarcasm can be a little too subtle sometimes for my own good. While his vigor certainly was surprising, I wasn't hurt ;):)

    *gets paper cut, on pointer finger* oh crap... lol.

    I'm not an uptight person in the least, but my humor sometimes comes off funny. For that I am sorry, and I certainly appreciate the help all of you, and everyone else have put in! You certainly didn't have to, so thanks greatly. :)
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Spock wrote: »
    my humor sometimes comes off funny

    Isn't that the best way?
  • killingpeople
    Offline / Send Message
    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    humor shouldn't be funny here! sick of this shit.
    MoP, wouldn't you chaps spell it, humour?
  • Spock
    MoP wrote: »
    Isn't that the best way?

    touche *chuckles*
  • Eric Chadwick
    That's MouP to you.
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