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Baseball Bat

polycounter lvl 9
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Cyph3r polycounter lvl 9
More from me, is anyone getting sick of this yet? =P A baseball bat this time. 310 Tri's, 512x256 Diffuse/Spec/Normals




  • TheSplash
    The diffuse looks quite nice, although i can see an obvious seam on the top of the bat that needs fixing.
    The specular and normals look somewhat horrifying...
    Put some more love into them, did you keep all your layers for your diffuse? If you did it shouldn't be to hard to create a nicer spec than the one you have now from crazybump.
  • Cyph3r
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    Cyph3r polycounter lvl 9
    TheSplash wrote: »
    The diffuse looks quite nice, although i can see an obvious seam on the top of the bat that needs fixing.
    The specular and normals look somewhat horrifying...
    Put some more love into them, did you keep all your layers for your diffuse? If you did it shouldn't be to hard to create a nicer spec than the one you have now from crazybump.

    Yeah i kept all the layers seperate on the diffuse. and i just noticed the seam on the top... how can i fix it?

    And yeah, i'll make a better spec now =]
  • Cyph3r
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    Cyph3r polycounter lvl 9
  • Cyph3r
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    Cyph3r polycounter lvl 9
    New Spec:

    Slightly Toned Down:

    Which is better do you think?
  • Deathead
    I can't help to notice a slight seam on the top of the bat. But the overall mesh and texture looks pretty solid.
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    GOBEE polycounter lvl 10
    I don't mind the seam at the top of the bat. Technically, isn't there a seam on top of the bat anyway? Maybe move the seam like one more row up so it cannot be seen from the side.

    The seam that is bothering me is the one closer to the grip. It's not a big deal because it's barely noticable but still, it's noticable. Maybe bring that seam up and hide it with that gray patch you have on your texture? Or bring that gray patch down to help hide it? I don't know what will look better.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 18
    I don't mind the seams either. The use of the specular appears to have improved. But, how? Show them as well. Also, for some reason, the shape of the bat appears flat close to the handle, which makes me wonder if the normal map is right. Maybe it's just the lighting. The diffuse looks good. If the other images are done properly, then this is a good prop. It would be a nice addition to a baseball player.

    Also, please crop your images. Just because sites like photobucket exist does not give you the excuse to waste space and bandwidth. :P
  • m.roanhaus
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    m.roanhaus polycounter lvl 14
    Looks goo Cyph3r, the one thing that stands out to me though is the normal map. Before you crazybump filter the bat, you need to go into your photoshop file and change the black tape to white so it pops out instead of being carved in like it currently is. Other than that it's quite nice, the attention to detail is good, like the dirt/lower spec on the handle and where the ball makes contact with the bat. Keep going man:)
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