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Old Fuel Pumps

polycounter lvl 20
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ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
From a time when gasoline was less than $1.

My project for the past couple nights. It has been on my todo list for months. I'm trying for strong portfolio pieces as I send out resumes looking for work.

1436 Triangles each. The image below is rendered in real-time.
High and Low poly modeled using XSI 4.2.

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I have the urge to create a clean shiny green version, and put them all in engine.

Comments, advice, threats and bacon are welcomed.

Edit: New Version



  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    Looks nice? Are you going to make a gas station for those pumps?
  • sub_roland
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    sub_roland polycounter lvl 12
    I like, but i get a feeling of leather on the center areas. maybe try to have less scratchs
  • -DN-
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    -DN- polycounter lvl 18
    The main paint material is reading as velvet, or some kinda cloth to me. I think if you pump more contrast into your specular you will get more of a chiped/worn paint look. Specular is just to smooth for either paint, or metal.

    A detail you might want to add that's easy, change up the brightness on the dollar amount dials. Some of them wear differently in the sun, get replaced, etc. So some numbers and letters should be faded more than others.

    Geometry wise I do not see why you spent so many polys on the globe thing in the center, top area. If the viewer if going to mostly see this piece from a front perspective those poly's could easily be show with the normal map. Looks like you could cut about 50 triangles out of the globe area without any detail loss. You could use those polys to smooth out the gas line silhouette because it looks low poly at the moment.
  • motives
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    motives polycounter lvl 18
    why not reuse some of that uv space rather than map everyhing uniqe. for example sides and front back piece. the stickers could be decals and the $$ / gallons dash could be intersecting.
  • karera
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    karera polygon
    I don't know, i don't think that the normal map is popping so much on these two.
    Can't put my finger on it though, although the rough texture is popping a lot, the smooth surfaces aren't
    but don't get me wrong, i like it!
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    I'd also suggest some AO or something. It's lacking a bit of depth right now. Otherwise nice! Looks like something out of Badlands/madmax :)
  • Kawe
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    Kawe polycounter lvl 8
    the red and blue parts makes me think of leather sofas.. did you try changing the spec power a little? not sure why but the spec seems to have this even change everywhere so the spec seems a little softer than it is I think. EDIT: also I think it is hard for painted metal to get so evenly scratched everywhere... or rather.. scratched and corroded. at a pump like this I think some areas would be a LOT more severe than others.
  • Mechadus
    Really nice work man. I love the shape / lines of your model - it really looks like a survivor from the 50's. I have to agree that the textures don't seem quite 100% tho.. In my opinion, it looks like the paint is much too deeply scratched and pitted for the amount of wear that appears on your diffuse map. When I have seen very old painted metal, either the paint is bubbling and rusting away, or it has began to chalk up, and become flat and dull. I think if you focus your spec and bump maps to highlight a few damaged ares, rather than making the entire model appear so worn it could help push the realism of the model.. Just my opinions, but awesome model either way - I would love to see it in a scene!

  • EarthQuake
    The texture is a mess of noise and doesn't really read as the material its supposed to be at all. It reads more as leather than anything. You need to study materials and how they act, simply throwing a rust metal overlay when you want to do rusty metal isn't going to get you anywhere close to where you want to be. You need to study the physical properties and how the different parts of a material react.

    Clean up the cloudyness and noise, and focus on defining specific details. Break it down to clean areas, with simple diffuse and a clean spec, just a little subtle scratches and such in the spec. Old rusty areas that have almost no spec, and look *different* from the clean areas. And then a few freshly exposed areas that have a simple color in diffuse and a lot of spec.

    Theres plenty of ref out there for this sort of stuff, so find yourself a nice goal to match, and study the properties of the actual materials instead of texturing it how you "think" metal looks.
  • Pedro Amorim
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    The texture is a mess of noise and doesn't really read as the material its supposed to be at all. It reads more as leather than anything. You need to study materials and how they act, simply throwing a rust metal overlay when you want to do rusty metal isn't going to get you anywhere close to where you want to be. You need to study the physical properties and how the different parts of a material react.

    Clean up the cloudyness and noise, and focus on defining specific details. Break it down to clean areas, with simple diffuse and a clean spec, just a little subtle scratches and such in the spec. Old rusty areas that have almost no spec, and look *different* from the clean areas. And then a few freshly exposed areas that have a simple color in diffuse and a lot of spec.

    Theres plenty of ref out there for this sort of stuff, so find yourself a nice goal to match, and study the properties of the actual materials instead of texturing it how you "think" metal looks.

  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    I don't have anything to say about the art itself.. I'm curious why you chose to do this?

    I think there are more 'old fuel pump' models here on polycount (or anywhere for that matter) than crates. Really, we should have a "your first fuel pump" thread.

    In my opinion, if you're trying to get your work noticed, you might want to do something with more 'wow!' and less of the tired old fuel pump that probably 80% of your competition will be showing as well.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    Thanks for the replies.
    Slum wrote: »
    I think there are more 'old fuel pump' models here on polycount (or anywhere for that matter) than crates. Really, we should have a "your first fuel pump" thread.

    I don't recall seeing many fuel pumps here, or anywhere. Honestly, my motivation to do this was to try something that wasn't a crate/barrel/dumpster/AK-47. Also, it's one peice of an entire scene I would like to create. From a quick search, I've only found 4 gas pumps shown here in the past 2 years. Of the 4, 1 was unfinished, and another was a newer boxy style. I don't see that as being anywhere near the popularity of crates. They're obviously not used as often in games, since it's wise not to shoot or throw them. We could more easily have a "Your First Exaggerated Proportioned Space Marine Wearing Unreasonably Sized Weapons and Armor for added Realism", but I'm getting off topic.

    After getting some sleep, and looking again with refreshed eyes, I agree with all of you in that the texture does need some variation between smooth and corroded surfaces. My intention was to have areas of smooth paint to give contrast to the rusted portions, and the bubbly areas in between. And I want it to appear natural, as if worn by the weather. My goal is to show that I understand how the normal and specular are used to properly display materials when effort is put into them. I guess I got a little rushed and lost track of the overall visual result. So thanks for that.

    And to answer other questions. There is AO in the diffuse. It's only subtle, as I'm not a big fan of dark shadowy areas on assets that are found in sunlight, instead of hallways. The rust is made of several different rust types masked into different sections of the image. I think I perhaps went overkill tho. Cleaning up the normal map overlays I made from them would really help. Thanks EQ.

    I will make those changes and post the results.
  • skidu
    Any chance you got inspired by this image on flickr?

    Coincidentally, i just finished making the same one myself and was about to post it over here for some crits. Anyways look forward to seeing the changes you make.
  • okkun
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    okkun polycounter lvl 20
    We sent an art test out with a fuel pump a while back, to about 3 people(2 we hired) and another studio. Somehow fuelpumps started showing up with the exact specs and based on the same photo (Disclaimer, this fuelpump is not it) :)

    Anyway, I agree with what everyone said about the textures, scale back on the small bumps. It almost looks like one of your channels in the normal map is wrong too, there's something not right with how the detail normals are rendered.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20

    skidu: yes i have all the photos of those two pumps I could find, plus a few more for smaller details, the handle, rust, and logos, etc. good find. it is a nice photo. flickr was very useful. but, just fyi, that image is not the scene I had in mind to create. there is a big difference between your piece and mine. but, your use of paint and rust is what I should be aiming for.

    okkun: It would be odd if it was the same fuel pump. I swear this was my own choice without any other persuasion. But more and more this is proving Slum's point. Stop it. :D I should be very careful about my next project. Everything has been done, it seems. Apart from agreeing with everyone's advice, I would be interested in how my piece compares to the art tests you recieved.

    I'm going out of town for the weekend, so I'll get back to this when I return. Thanks.
  • ImSlightlyBored
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    ImSlightlyBored polycounter lvl 13
    not everything has been done... theres a lot of stuff. I'd say for a portfolio try and do some unique stuff, but thats my pov.

    Anyway! Your modelling is very nice, the texturing has been critted more than I could add to, but I'll add one thing maybe.

    You say you want to do a green one? How about throwing in a color mask on the A channel (export diffuse as RGBA) and then just change the color in-editor? For a PF piece that could be quite nice, shows you thinking economically.
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    if you dont like to use AO to darken off areas too much (i completely agree) then use it as a mask to do subtle colour shifts (paint fading, dirt), anything that is occluded will collect dirt and be cleaned less, you can also invert the mask and play with the levels to get a good mask for scratches. also mixing a cavity map into the AO can give you the benefit of small cracks being visibly darker within shadowed areas.

    something else that could be improved is poly placement, the large chamfered(beveled) edges on the main body could do with an extra edge loop, as it looks like it should be round but the sillohette really fights with that. Also the light(?) on the front needs a few more sides (12 not 8?)

    to counter the extra polys here you could get rid of the chamfers round the side pods and pull the polys out to prevent the 90 degree edge loop, also the tiny edge loops that effect the sillohette of both the thing on top and the light could be gotten rid of, they add very little compared with giveing the main body a better shape

    ps get some bare metal on the top corners, just for contrast
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    SHEPEIRO wrote: »
    you can also invert the mask and play with the levels to get a good mask for scratches.

    That doesn't really make any sense, since occlusion is for occluded areas, which would naturally be harder to scratch. Crazybump filter over the normals or a cavity/curvature map would be more appropriate for a "scratches" mask.
  • EarthQuake
    MoP wrote: »
    That doesn't really make any sense, since occlusion is for occluded areas, which would naturally be harder to scratch. Crazybump filter over the normals or a cavity/curvature map would be more appropriate for a "scratches" mask.

    Ditto, this really doesnt make any sense at all. Now a better solution is to run your normals through crazybump, turn enhance detail all the way up in the displacement field and you've got a great start for the exposed edges.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    if an occlusion map maps areas that would naturally be harder to scratch, and you invert it, then you have a map that shows you areas that would be naturally easier to scratch. makes sense to me?
  • EarthQuake
    Well, it all depends what you mean by invert really. In an occlusion map DARK = areas that are less likly to be scratched, and LIGHT = areas that are more likely to be scratched. This is simply a natural occurance of an AO map. Inverting it would give the opposite result, unless we're in some crazy land where masks are backwards.

    I multiply my AO on my spec and my diffuse, it helps to give a nice pop/depth to my textures.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    ok so *don't invert it :p i get what shep means anyhow
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    haaha- you got what i mean, sorry in stupid land, i said invert it as im normally using my AO as a dirt etc mask, so when i go to add scratches i select that and invert it.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    The important thing is, I knew what you meant. And it's good advice, all of it. I'll give it a try. :D
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    Updated. I tried following everyone's advice. I did some adjusting to the high poly, re-baked all the maps. Some edges added for a smoother silhouette. Some taken away that did not affect shape. Tried to show contrast between smooth painted surface, and dull rusty metal. Increased the Ambient Occlusion.

    Click here for a turn around view.

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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    fecking loverly
    but glass? on front doesnt hold up and makes front look too flat
  • sub_roland
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    sub_roland polycounter lvl 12
    hadn't looked at thread since my last post, You've come a long ways with it, but i agree with shep the glass display still looks flat.
  • Pedro Amorim
    oh i'm liking this alot now. the only problem that i see right away is that the rust you are using, seems like dirt. looks like it has dirt on top instead of looking like rust. maybe its becaue its very brown. maybe. i dont know.
  • okkun
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    okkun polycounter lvl 20
    much improved. I would add some grime behind the glass as well. For something this old any seal would probably be busted.
  • karera
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    karera polygon
    Bravo! Much better indeed. Nicer contrasts between the materials/rust etc.
    However i agree about the glass thingy, extrude a bit inwards no? It would really sell the normal map. And considering how much polygons u spent on the hose, i think u could ad 10more, no?
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    just playing around.
  • EarthQuake
    It seems like the painted metal has more spec than the exposed metal? this to me doesn't really make a whole lot of sense.
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    I really like this! Only thing I notice is that a few areas could probably be mirrored to make the map more efficient. The contains lead bit if nothing else.
    Its a really small point though, so excellent job.
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