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DeleD Summer Compo -> win $500

The Competition

Over at Delgine.com, we are hosting a little 3D modeling competition to celebrate the summer, and I figured some of you guys might be interested in joining up. :)

The theme is flexible, you can mix-and-match your own from a number of suggested scenes and prerequisites. Feel like modeling Zombie Sheep rampaging a Saloon in Tokyo? Or rather have a Go-Kart race in Outer Space? It's all cool! As long as you create your stuff in DeleD, of course...

Oh, and there is money to be won, too. $500 for first prize, $250 for second and $100 for third place.

The Contenders

For joy and inspiration, here are some work-in-progress screenshots from the current entrants in our little competition.

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The Apologies

I'm aware that posting about a competition after lurking for ages rather lacks style, and I apologize for that. It's just that we are practically giving away $500+ here, which is a lot of money for little indie developers like us, and we'd really really hate for interested folk to miss out on it just because they completely missed the news. :angel:
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