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Importing model from max to zbrush

polycounter lvl 18
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kunglao polycounter lvl 18
I have created a hi poly sculpt in zbrush2.5 dropped down to sub div 1 and export to max.
I unwrapped the head and exported it to Deep UV to refine the UV map.I exported it back as an obj to max.The New UV was there.I converted to editable poly and exported to zb2 with the original tool active at sub div 1.However when i go up through the sub div levels it explodes.
I tried the head from max that i had saved earlier that had not been exported to Deep UV.
I repeated the steps above and it works fine.
Can anyone help.
No settings/geometry had been changed on either aside from exporting as obj to and from deep UV.


  • Eric Chadwick
    OBJ could have exploded the faces. After importing from Deep UV, convert to Editable Poly, select all the vertices, Weld with a low tolerance number. Also check the UV in Max to see if anything's strange, like vertices unwelded within your UV islands, or the UVs not being contained within the 0-1 UV space. Z Brush does use UV tile offsets, in whole numbers, to define mesh groups, so maybe that's the problem?
  • fattkid
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    fattkid polycounter lvl 15
    This is a pretty common issue, usually has to do with Max reordering the verts on import/export.
    Deep UV may also have messed with vert order. This plug in below can help.....also check the forums at Zbrushcentral....... I've had this issue as well, and I believe it was using the default .obj export in Max that messed vert orders, as opposed to importing. So I believe I imported using default Max .obj settings, and then used the below plugin for export. I'm running Max 9 and ZBrush 3.1, so there may be differences in the different versions.

  • artstream
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    artstream polycounter lvl 11
    Like Eric said, it could have been the exporter from Max or the transfer from ZBrush >>> Max >>> Deep UV that caused the vertex reorder. Another thing that could cause the changes in vert ID is when you export from ZBrush into Max, the .obj is an Editable Mesh. Converting to an Editable Poly changes the vertex number, so even though the topology may be the same between the meshes in Zbrush and Max, the vertex ids have changed, resulting in the explosion. So in a nutshell, your mesh exploded in ZBrush because of vertex id changes.

    In cases like that, I usually use a) The ProjectAll Function inside of ZBrush (3.1 version only I believe, I could be wrong) b) using displacement maps and applying them or c) Using XNormal for the projection (it takes you out of ZBrush, but it is another solution)
  • kunglao
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    kunglao polycounter lvl 18
    thanks guys,i agree it is most likely the vert order changing between apps.
    Fatkid-thanks i grabbed that plugin,yet to install,does it have any tutorials particularly the settings to use when importing/exporting? could not see any on the link.

    kaoticvisions- i have looked for more info on Poject All function but not found anything,would really appreciate a tutorial or more if anyone could help
    thanks again
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