Dave King- Sydney Based senior freelance artist.
10+ years experience delivering AAA content!
6+ years Lead Artist / Art Director experience
Unreal Tournament 04 (Characters)
Dungeons & Dragons Online:Stormreach (Character textures, items, creatures)
Fury (cinematic characters)
Dragonage (Lead Cinematic Characters)
Civilization IV (Cinematic characters)
Bigworld (Lead artist)
Mythos (Characters)
and many more...
Concept, storyboard, model, texture, rig

Hellminion 2 - female mutant
A design for something The Predator could hunt.
The redesign of The Skaarj I did for Unreal Tournament 04, I also made and textured the game characters for that project.
Inghast priest - (this picture inspired the sushi eating 'intergalactic predator' 3d image that did the rounds a few years back.)
A personal redesign of Uriel from Quake Arena.