I've been using that Zune theme for as long as it's been available. I absolutely love it. Might have to give that black mouse pointer thing a try as well, though I've got no problem with the 'stock stuff'. As for Vista, I like the way it looks by default with all the goodies enabled.
I used to use the Zune theme when I was on XP and it was awesome. Now that I'm on Vista, I just use Aero Black, which is also awesome. This black cursor set goes nicely with that, so thanks!
Windows classic with both parts of the gradient set to a poisonous green.
Maybe I'll give one of those clearlooks ports a go sometime though, I quite like the look of those! For those who don't know, it's a theme for gtk2/metacity/whateveridon'treallyknow for linux. A bit childish-looking still, but far from the vomit-inducing Luna xp, which is that terrible default style of xp.
The zune theme's a bit too glassy and large for me, but it's definately an improvement on luna!
I've used this theme on all my systems for months now. Very nice. I'm surprised I didn't get comments on it from a tutorial with screenshots I recently wrote.
wow thanks a lot! i used to use the basic stuff 'cause i thought that would make a difference in performance. i'll test it out .
so any known firefox themes that go with it?
You can use a whole bunch of unofficial theme's for windows XP without having to use crappy software like Windowblinds.
You just have to replace one .DLL file (uxtheme.dll) with a hacked one, and then you can use themes like this one: http://andymorum.deviantart.com/art/System-5-20568306 (i used this theme for XP for years, pretty and non distracting)
Anyone know anything about the custom setup used in this pict? Would like to find it or something like it for a media center kind of setup I'll be doing soon.
and flaagan, i wouln't try that one, i tried her areao4.2 theme, and after finally being able to install it (didn't have a clue but finally found this tutorial) it turned out to have waaay to small a font. i couln't read SHIT! but the theme itself is nice.
if anybody knows how to make the font just bigger, not different just bigger would be nice .
Japhir.. good to know that the install may be a headache; as for the font, this would be going on a computer hooked up to a projector showing on a 76" widescreen screen, so a small font isn't really an issue.
If there's anything similar to it that you can recommend, I'm all ears.
I like the Zune theme a lot and have been using it for long time, but still, I got too used to spot the orange rectangles on the task bar when someone messages me on MSN/WLM so the orange start button kind of bugs me.
But that's a very minor complaint. I like everything else, and I think it's a much cooler theme than, say, Royale or that Dark Royale (or sumthin').
Maybe I'll give one of those clearlooks ports a go sometime though, I quite like the look of those! For those who don't know, it's a theme for gtk2/metacity/whateveridon'treallyknow for linux. A bit childish-looking still, but far from the vomit-inducing Luna xp, which is that terrible default style of xp.
The zune theme's a bit too glassy and large for me, but it's definately an improvement on luna!
Oh yeah? I use a theme that looks very similar to a doom level editor from 1994 lol
simple efficient theme > glitzy glitz themes
Thanks for the links.
its is nice!
Of course now I'm in la-la land but I find that windows themes are just akin to pouring molasses over your cpu
so any known firefox themes that go with it?
EDIT: but i don't like the orange start button
EDITEDIT: firefox theme: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/8076
It's simple and enjoyable.
You just have to replace one .DLL file (uxtheme.dll) with a hacked one, and then you can use themes like this one:
http://andymorum.deviantart.com/art/System-5-20568306 (i used this theme for XP for years, pretty and non distracting)
You can use this tool to replace the uxtheme.dll file:
It's very easy
Dude. Me too. Awesome.
i've got an almost completely white theme that people hate because they can't find the start, min, max, etc buttons.
I'm pretty sure that has some of the things from that pic.
DAMN nice, thanks for this.
Agreed, quite awesome setup.
and flaagan, i wouln't try that one, i tried her areao4.2 theme, and after finally being able to install it (didn't have a clue but finally found this tutorial) it turned out to have waaay to small a font. i couln't read SHIT! but the theme itself is nice.
if anybody knows how to make the font just bigger, not different just bigger would be nice
If there's anything similar to it that you can recommend, I'm all ears.
it looks really nice, but it also looks like you need tons of stuff to be able to install it, so nah...
Does anybody know how to install a lot of icons at the same time? (from the areao4.2 file)
But that's a very minor complaint. I like everything else, and I think it's a much cooler theme than, say, Royale or that Dark Royale (or sumthin').
Could be google desktop... you have hundreds of gadgets for all possible stuff, including all you see there.