Hi All!
I apologize but the title is a little misleading. StormSeer Studios is not quite a real company, but actually a team of (currently) 5 volunteers working together and build a somewhat (a casual team can only do so much! lol) innovative multiplayer tactical game. The name of the game is Stratagem and we hope to have something released by March or April of next year. This is a casual project so we are trying not to set our goals too high

Before I get into the positions we need filled, let me post some information about the game.
Stratagem is a multiplayer only tactical battle game where players can test their skills and wits against other players in live competitive battles. Stratagem employs many small features that combine to make a very unique and interesting battle system. Thanks to the class structure, skills, sidekicks, reactions, and reward system no two battles in Stratagem will ever be alike
Instead of going ahead and listing all the different classes and such, Im going to skip a head to some of the more unique features that Stratagem offers. If youre interesting in hearing about the parts I skipped (listed above), please do ask and Ill be happy to share.
Stratagem is being built to encourage fast-moving battles wherever possible. While most of our team is big fans of the tactical genre (FF Tactics, Fire Emblem, Shinning Force, etc), we also do not like how battles can take upwards of an hour or two and how you sometimes have to wait over 5 minutes for your turn. Stratagem is going to change that. Our battle system is not a true turn based system instead, players will have something called overlapping turns. Players will also receive greater rewards at the end of a battle for acting the fastest and/or finishing the battle in under a certain amount of time. Were also employing something called a Reactions into the battle system.
Players in Stratagem do not fight alone, they fight alongside Sidekicks. These sidekicks are purchased using gold earned from battles. Sidekicks are not free, they charge for their service. The fee varies from sidekick to sidekick, but all sidekicks will take their pay at the start of a battle. Sidekicks are like other playable characters. A player can customize and traits and skills for their sidekicks, but to a degree. Sidekicks also level up with your character, at the same exact rate. This means that you cannot have a sidekick that is lower or higher level then yourself. The player controls this sidekick just like he would control his character there is no smart/dumb AI going on here.
A player can hire as many Sidekicks as hed like, but he can only take two into battle with him. Well, thats not actually true either. A player may take two sidekicks into battle in a 1v1 battle. In a 2v2 battle, each player may take only 1 sidekick along. In a 4v4 battle no sidekicks may be used. The exception to these rules is the Leadership specialized Templar. He can take 3 sidekicks into a 1v1 battle and 2 sidekicks into a 2v2 battle. Just like everyone else, he cannot take any sidekicks into a 4v4 battle.
Reactions are actually fairly unique for any game. This system allows players to potentially turn the tide of a battle even though it's not their turn. This works by allowing players to react to what's happening on the playing board.
For example, if a player is being attacked by another player he can, if timed right, dodge or block that attack. He can also initiate counter attacks in this way, even if it's not his turn. This system allows the player to play an active part in the battle, regardless of who's turn it is. He plays a direct role in the amount of damage his character takes and also and amount of damage his character dishes out.
If a character lands a successful Reaction, there's a chance that the character will receive a temporary buff. These buffs come in the form of attribute enhancements, such as extra points to Speed or Attack. There are no negative effects for missing a Reaction or for suffering a Reaction other than the standard negative effect - missing an attack or getting hit with a counter attack.
There are some of the highlights that Stratagem is going to offer. None of it is in great detail so if youre interested in hearing more please do let me know! Anyways, were looking to fill out our team. We are starting the development in about a week (Ive spent nearly two years planning this thing, lol) or two and still need a couple positions to be filled.
As the title stated, this is a casual project and, as such, we cannot offer any compensation other than the typical credit will be given where credit is due. I would love to say we could pay you eventually but we have no plans of actually selling the game. We would love to keep it freeware forever and have even discussed making it open source at some point down the road.
Our team currently consists of 2 concept artists, 2 developers, and 1 designer. The positions we need filled are listed below, with a short description provided. There are no special requirements or experience required. In fact, we would happily welcome anyone whos still a newbie and would like to use this project as a way of gaining experience and building our portfolio.
- 2D/3D modeler/animator We need someone to take the concept arts and create the character models and animations. The game is isometric 2D so the models will need to be 2D. I mention 3D here because an orthographic camera can be applied to a 3D model to get a 2D effect.
- Tileset Artist Someone to create our environments (the playing board). These should be isometric 2D. Again, a 3D artist would here too because you could apply an orthographic camera to a 3D environment to get an isometric 2D look.
- Icon Artist Skill, item, and game icons need to be created.
- Special Effects 2D special effect sprites that we could use for things like spells and such.
- Composer - Sound tracks and sound effects.
- XNA Developer - Hoping to find a developer who has experience creating UIs with XNA.
* Note: These are not all "positions" but instead just the stuff we need done. If one person can fill more than one role then that's cool too! 
Here are some of the concepts we have right now
http://www.stormseerstudios.com/images/concepts/ftemp.jpg - Female Templar, no specialization.
http://www.stormseerstudios.com/images/concepts/fsil.jpg - Female Silencer, no specialization.
http://www.stormseerstudios.com/images/concepts/fsass.jpg - Female Assassin, no specialization.
http://www.stormseerstudios.com/images/concepts/msass.jpg - Male Assassin, no specialization.
http://www.stormseerstudios.com/images/concepts/mdef.jpg - Male Templar, Defense specialized.
If youre interested in helping out and joining our team, please contact me at
Jason@stormseerstudios.com. You can also send me a PM here if thats easier for you. I look forward to hearing from all you talented artists!
Thanks a lot in advance!!