Home 3D Art Showcase & Critiques

My first showreel

Hi there,

So this is my first post, I've only recently discovered this place and it looks like it has a great community and I'm looking forward to contributing.

At the moment I'm currently looking for junior game art jobs as I don't have any experience yet working in the industry.

Gallery - http://gallery.me.com/will_hurst
Video(same stuff as above but moving) - [ame]http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=CowDeWiVl40[/ame]

I'm aware that I could really do with an environment or two and am currently working on one at the moment. I could also do with making my own website rather than throwing it up on MobileMe but that'll come in time. I'm really after some constructive criticism here and hope I can take lots of your comments on board and improve.

Thanks for taking the time to look :)


  • Kawe
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    Kawe polycounter lvl 8
    the swords look like knives for some reason, heh.

    also the textures dont really show up too well in that youtube video. like the normal maps are barely visible. you should probably add a tricount somewhere in the video.

    another thing... everything seems to be uniquely unwrapped. nothing wrong with that but you should show some pieces that aren't just uniquely wrapped. it helps to show that you are an efficient person. I mean.. people can can make whole building blocks with the texture space you use for your container.

    the stuff looks good. nothing that is really sticking out that seems amazing though.
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    GOBEE polycounter lvl 10
    I would get rid of the circle base you have your objects spinning on. It's too basic and has been done way too many times. I would assume developers want to vomit every time they see something like that. Now, if you are going to do it, make the base into something creative. Like if its your tank, sculpt something for the tank to be driving on or rolling over, like a small dirt path or have it going downhill through a river or crushing an enemy vehicle. With the airplane, maybe model and texture a simple runway, or don't do anything at all and show it spinning by itself or animate it flying by the camera and then have it spin a bit to show off your hard work. Like with your swords, I liked your swords. You had 2 spinning and you were able to show off the normal map and spec I thought pretty nicely. You didn't really need to do much else with those. Maybe have it spinning upright though? Just a thought.

    Oh and yes, please post your poly count in your video. Developers will want to know the count in relation to the quality of your work.

    This is all my opinion so just keep at it! You're on the right path, you just need to push the envelope a bit more. get creative. Think of your objects and what might surround those objects. Model those extras NOT to show them off as well but to ADD to the object you're trying to show off. ie, Tank- add dirt, grass, weeds, trees, mud, water.. rocks etc. It will compliment it nicely and will not go unnoticed.
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