Cipher (not registered)
Project name: (Working in Progress)Brief description:
Tactic Turned based RPG battle engine with a new twist. (World game play is still in discussion).
You know how in RPG games all you do is attack... attack and attack... maybe
heal a little bit... but most of the time, you attack or get attacked.
But now, I've designed an Offense-Defense system that will make RPG battles much more challenging and especially rewarding for future hardcore players that enjoy tactic games.
Let's say you predict that A will attack low on his next turn. So what can you do? You can do two things to avoid it in order to increase chances of winning: one is to block low, two is to jump. But A already knew that you will think that way, thus A will just charge up, letting you waste your turn doing nothing.
In a nutshell, the game will reward those that mind reads their opponents and counter it strategically. At the same time, if you get it wrong, you might get punished. Reward-punishment is essentially what makes a game fun and addictive ; this is why gambling can become very addictive.
Goal: To make a tactic game fun for everyone and very addictive, yet uses simple mechanics. Another goal is to encourage low lvls PVP against high lvls, while actually allowing weaker players a chance to win. Epics lvls might always have better gears, but in a game that requires some extra brain cells, outcome might not be so easy to predict.
Finally, we'll try our best to avoid bloating the game with "staff-items" or "staff characters." From past experiences, projects tend to get slowed down because of all the fancy features request from staff. For this project, I'd like to put these fan-services aside and try to stay on track.
Target aim:
To start off, Beta testing will have to be Free-to-play, then when traffic gets high enough, we'll add a pay-to-play area with extra features for those who supports us. Finally, if Free-To-Play starts to exploiting the game a little too much with alternative accounts and hogging maps using bots, then we'll start getting rid of Free-to-play areas.
I will offer a percentage of potential revenue (although I'm really not in it for any profit). But I think it's only fair to reward those hard working staff once it does become a hit in the gaming business.
Target system: PC
programming language: C# or C++ for client, C++ for server
artist tools: Photoshop, 3D Max, LightWave 3D
sound tools: Note Worthy Composer, Fruity Loop, Gold Wave
Talent needed:
Need 3D modelers. Although 3D models do not require fine detail in this project, some levels of professionalism is needed as some conceptual designs might be a bit complex and intimidating. Thus modelers must feel comfortable working with artists to either modify the design or think of an alternative solution together.
Team structure:
Team Work is very important for any project, it's very important that you let me know if there seems to be some kind of problem so we can resolve it early.
The following are people who are currently in the team
agentspinhead: music
Blind: pixel artist
(me)kokocipher: Concept Artist, Pixel artist, composer
Shabadage: music
straydoginc: web development (java, php, xml), writer for concept documents.
aig0d: illustrator
varthonai: coder, writer, animator
kylesthebomb: coder
anddna: coder
This is our forum
Email Address: kokocipher(at)
AIM: kokocipher
MSN: c3ooo@hotmail (use it once a week)
Additional Info:
Since most people judge things by how they look rather than how the game actually works, I'll post my concept art for the monsters here.
Concept drawings:
non-colored were drawn by me
mushroom species: Size generally increases with age, these are conceptual ideas, please keep in mind that as a creature matures, the model size should also increase.

immature mushroom monster with some abilities of poisoning. These guys have no legs, thus they can only hop to get around. If their teeth is sharp enough, they'll bite.
drops: Mushroom tissue (can be used as fabric)

grown up mushroom monster with horns for defense and physical attack
drops: (same as above), Mush throne

Fully developed mushroom. Notice that the horns are much more grown up, thus it'd have greater capability of poisoning bewitchment.
drops: (same as above), Mush ancestral throne
I call it Shroom-Crawlers, but feel free to suggest a better name

These walking type fungus have greater speed. These guys can sometimes jump up high enough to avoid your attacks.
drops: Mush tissue, fungus legs

A bit matured version. Tiny mushrooms growing on its head allows for greater variety of poison or bewitchment capabilities, some can even heal.
drops: (same as above), mini shrooms (used for potions)
Shroom Runners:

Evolved from the original Mushrooms, these guys grew arms and legs which dramatically increased their speed and physical attack abilities.
drops: Fungi arms, Fungi legs, soft mush hat

Some has even evolved their own biological defense mechanism.
drops: (same as above), mush pieces (used for crafting gears)

color image by aig0d
Although this big guy is the next evolution of the fungus family, what was original legs have now evolved into a second pair of arms, since no legs no longer can support its body weight. This causes the creature to lose speed; however, now with two pairs of arms, will he not only able to slap you four times in a roll, he'll also be able to cast weird Fungi Black Magic while you're distracted by other two hands.
drops: Fungi arms, tiny mushrooms, mush hat (can be modified into shield)

fig1. Grown up boar and an immature boar.
Animals are very important in MMORPG games as they provide the resources players must gather in order to craft new equipments.
Immature boar
drops: young boar leather, young boar hair, warm blood
drops: boar tusks, boar leather, boar hair, boar snout, boar hooves
Armed Boar
drops: (same as above), metal plates, ear ring
plates can be modified and then be made into amours suitable for wearing on humans. ear rings can be modified and made into rings or necklaces.

War-chief boar, notice that it has no pupil. This boar is essentially blind, thus it never attacks first. But if he's annoyed by some Emo-kid trying to stab him with a noob sword, then he'll thrust the !^%#@ out of 'em with his trucks. War-chiefs have terrible speed, but its strength and resistances make up for it. War-chiefs can also perform "war cry," a loud angry scream, to buff his teammates against you.
drops: War-chief leather, ~hair, ~hooves, ~tusk, ~bones, ear ring, ~tongue, ~ blood, ~pale eye ball (extremely rare)
Armed War-chief Boar drops: (same as above), large metal plates
item pixel arts:

Character poses:

Block Normal and Block Low

Jump up

dash foward
Music samples (incomplete) by kokocipher by kokocipher by nebidaan
We're currently working on a text battle system via php in order to better explain the theory. Battle Engine is still WIP
For more detailed descriptions of these monsters, please check out the conceptual section of our forum. You'll be glad that you did, I'll guarantee it.