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Old Coke Vending Machine

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EvilPixills polygon
Hey all, I've been working on this off and on for a few weeks and i'm at the point where i'm ready for some crits. For some reason i'm not quite happy with the normal map yet. I'm hoping to get some honest feedback so I can improve on what I have. Thanks for taking the time to look, cheers.



  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    deja vu
    (even the text is similar) - apart from that I have seen not to long ago other similar items

    I think the texture and even more the viewport have a greyish layer over them. Perhaps push a little bit more the hue, give it slightly more color. Also a propper light setup could improve the viewport grab alot.
    Normal map could use some scrathes.
  • imb3nt
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    imb3nt polycounter lvl 14
    Looks good.

    I like it. :thumbup:
  • EvilPixills
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    EvilPixills polygon
    renderhjs wrote: »
    deja vu
    (even the text is similar) - apart from that I have seen not to long ago other similar items

    I think the texture and even more the viewport have a greyish layer over them. Perhaps push a little bit more the hue, give it slightly more color. Also a propper light setup could improve the viewport grab alot.
    Normal map could use some scrathes.

    The reason the image is the same on my last post was because I overwrote the the image with an update and kept the same name so I guess it just updated itself in the last thread.

    I did desaturate the diffuse map to show the paint has aged but I guess I kinda went overboard on it. I'll go in and fix it up. Thanks for the lighting tip, didn't think of it at first.

    imb3nt, thank you sir.
  • Talbot
    Looks like it could be in a valve game. It reminds me of that style. Keep it up!
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    The model looks great. It's a good choice. The texture is nice. You could use better lighting to show it off. Mainly, the image looks flat. Most of the left image is hidden in shadow. The low poly mesh is very rounded, so I can't tell what the normal map is doing to improve it. The normal map itself looks fine.

    But, as it seems many artists tend to do, you've put no attention at all into what your specular map is doing for your render. You took the diffuse image, converted to greyscale, and darkened it.

    The areas painted in white have more specular value than the areas painted in red. Yet, they're both the same painted surface, and so should have the same reflective value. The same applies to the coke logo in the specular. Why should it have less specular vaule than the surrounding white surface?

    Good work, but improve your lighting to show that you understand how the addition maps work. Use a good strong light, with one or more secondary lights to fill in shapes.
  • EvilPixills
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    EvilPixills polygon
    Thanks a lot for the feedback guys. I appreciate every last drop of it. I tweaked the saturation, tried to improve my spec map and added some lights in the scene to bring the textures out more. I will post the updated flats tomorrow morning when I have more time. Crits are still welcome.

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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    looking at the first post i was gonna comment on the lighting too, id say you could still push some of the colours in the lighting, and darken the background a bit, maybe put it against a gradient

    ps is the back ultra boring, you havent shown it? if it is id suggest adding some nice detail there like the rear end of a fridge or something, could be really interesting
  • EvilPixills
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    EvilPixills polygon
    SHEPEIRO, thanks for the feedback. I will try some diff bg variations and toy around with the lighting some more.

    The reason i'm not showing the back is because I intended it to be a model where the back is constantly against a wall where the camera/player couldn't see easily. I was actually thinking about that today, whether I should add some cooling coils to the back as well as a compressor of some sort on the bottom. It makes sense if I import it into a game with crazy physics like hl2 or something.
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    i would add some extra interest to it, wouldnt take long neither
  • Cheapjuevos
    Looking really cool man, keep it coming!

    Was gonna comment about the lights but its been said. Maybe add some interesting grafitti and/or old stickers on the sides and front. Maybe some duct tape that's covering up a hole or keeping a panel closed. This thing has been around for a while, right?

  • EvilPixills
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    EvilPixills polygon
    Got a chance to get around to almost finishing the new edition (cooling unit on the back) I think i'm at the point now where I wanna get some feedback before I go on adding in the finishing touches. Please give me crits you all may have. Thanks for checking it out!

    Added on 1086 more tris bringing it to a total of 2322 tris. You think I could go lower?

  • Daaark
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    Daaark polycounter lvl 17
    There is a guy a few blocks away who has something similar at the end of his driveway, just sitting there outside. I'm surprised that no one has stolen it. Although, it looks to be a decade or two newer, and not as round.
  • EvilPixills
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    LEViATHAN polycounter lvl 11
    You know, you could've just normal mapped the grill at the back.

    Also that 8-sided thing at the back looks shit compared to the rest, which is pretty smooth.
  • svcoyle
    I disagree I think the grill in the back should stay as geometry. Normally those units extrude out from the back of those machines and adds to the sillhouette of the model. I think if that was just a normal map it would always read very flat.

    Model looks very nice.
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