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Portfolio stuff: my concept or yours?

I want to add another character to my portfolio (in addition to doing another pass on the ones I've already done). I'm weighing the pros and cons of using my own concept or working from someone else's. I was recently told that it might be a good idea to show that I can work from someone else's design (which is most likely what I'd be doing in a studio anyway right?). I want to hurry up and start working the 3D already and working from an established concept will allow me to do that for the most part. However, taking the time to create my own solid concept will (hopefully) show that can design (and build) an interesting character. I have a dilemma.



  • Neo_God
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    Neo_God polycounter lvl 18
    Both are great things to have in your portfolio. Also doing your own take on a pre-existing character from a show, book, or film is good too.

    However, since it seems that you want to jump right into 3d, go ahead and find a concept you enjoy and go at it. But remember always give the original artist credit.
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    I've heard this debate come up before, and there's really no right answer. You've pretty much already stated the pros and cons: Showing your own design skills vs. them not knowing how creative you are, or creating something from someone's elses image and showing them you can work off someone else's work as expected in the industry.
    Personally for myself, I prefer to do my own concepting, but that's really because I'm passionate for wanting to one day work up to being a concept artist. I want to give myself enough experience as I can with it, and I really enjoy creating my own concepts.
    BUT, working off someone else's work can be a really good thing to show in a portfolio, especially if it is a really amazing concept piece that will make your own model seem even better.

    I'd say that it's up to what ideas you have right now: If there's someone bouncing around in your head going, 'Create me!! Create me!!", then I'd say try to do your own concept. But if there's nothing yelling in your head and you want something already done and amazing to work from, go with someone else's concept.

    Or screw thinking this all through and just go with whatever the hell you feel like doing :P
  • TWilson
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    TWilson polycounter lvl 18
    Jobs in the industry are very specialized these days. I would work off someone else's amazing concept. Chances are if that's their specialty the design is stronger than what you can come up with. In the end the model will be better and you'll look better too. In a studio you'll be working off someone else's concept 75% of the time ...the other 25% is you designing based on an existing style so its easy anyway. That 25% is still awesome for a modeler. IMO
  • ImSlightlyBored
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    ImSlightlyBored polycounter lvl 13
    TWilson wrote: »
    Jobs in the industry are very specialized these days. I would work off someone else's amazing concept. Chances are if that's their specialty the design is stronger than what you can come up with. In the end the model will be better and you'll look better too. In a studio you'll be working off someone else's concept 75% of the time ...the other 25% is you designing based on an existing style so its easy anyway. That 25% is still awesome for a modeler. IMO

    I'll also add my input/thoughts.
    I'm also currently working on my portfolio, and to begin with I was going to concept the whole thing, every single piece, by myself. But after some consideration I came to the conclusion that it was a positive thing to work from other's concepts.
    Yeah, i know portfolios are a chance to show your creativity, but they're also a platform to show you know how to do the work, and obviously in this line of work it'll be important that you can work from other's concepts well.

    So I came up with the idea that I'd do roughly half of it my own concepts, and the other half, off someone else (crediting the original designers) I'm sorry if I'm teaching you to suck eggs (no doubt) but I believe that's the ideal way to go, and you get the best of both worlds.
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