Is there any way to do brightness/contrast or any type of adjustment to the colors you've painted onto a model with Polypaint other than exporting and bringing it into PS? Basically I think I painted the colors too dark on my character and I'd like to lighten them in Zbrush without having to do a bunch of exporting and whatnot.
"Adjustments allow you to make color corrections to the final render without permanently altering it. The four curves at the bottom of this subpalette are, respectively, the RGB Level, Red Level, Green Level, and Blue Level adjustment curves "
If you re baking the polypaint after tweaking those values it will bake with the corrected colors.
Not sure if you can tweak levels there tho. Not having Z in front of me (yay internet cafes)
IIRC it should work.
Other than baking out and tweaking, are there still no controls to modify your polypaint? I can get the desired result with small changes in the render adjustments as fr0gg1e mentioned above, but unless I'm missing something, this doesn't bake and is purely a screen overlay effect.
The only method I've found that can work is storing multiple views for ZAppLink, editing each layer/view in PS with the same settings and bringing it back for ZBrush to project.
I'm amazed that Pixologic haven't added the ability to hue shift, change brightness, etc. of polypaint yet.
Anyway, I don't any other workaround for this.
Hence why I said:
But you're right, atleast using ZApplink first to preview it with the material/shading on, I can then copy my adjustment layers to my baked polypaint and reapply it from the texture.
Sometimes I will set my RGB value really low, like 5, and then fill the entire model slowly towards the hue I want. It washes out all the other painting tho. If you only need a little adjustment or if you are not too far along with the details it might be ok. You can do the same trick with filling a layer and lowering the intensity then baking it down.
Unless I missed something, you can do all of those basic stuffs like Darken/Lighten colors.