just been messing around with sketchup free, seems like a really nice and quick method of prototyping level design and buildings (hello there unearthly challenge). however, since the free one doesnt let you export to a usable format i've no idea what kind of mesh comes out the other end. anyone had any experience with the pro version? is it worth the dosh?
specifically is the mesh hideous or is it usable with some cleanup?
Here are some things I found while googling: http://sketchuptips.blogspot.com/2007/01/wavefront-obj-exporter.html
http://alexvaqp.googlepages.com/sketchupblender Just rename to .zip and import the resultant collada, I suppose.
Let me know how that goes, alright?
model looks fine too, comes in triangulated but with a bit of tweaking here and there it's fine. Edges are pretty much as you'd imagine an automatic process to make them.
I'm actually going to use this for modelling architecture.. (although I would leave the circular booleans to whatever native program you have, no control over the number of sides)
thanks a bunch!
EDIT: oh for anyone who tries this, remember you need to export to google earth 4 format not the default setting (i thought it didnt work at first)
I've done a pretty good bit of exporting from SketchUp and most of the time all that is required upon import is some vert collapsing. Sometimes, though, faces get created inside of models and have to be deleted.
Good luck!