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Californininia Moving questions

polycounter lvl 17
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seforin polycounter lvl 17
Ok so Basically im spending from here till roughly june to save up money along with some other artists I know to move to cali. We all agreed we want to aim for jobs in the game industry and want to be in a area roughly close to some studios, Now Ive never really lived out of the state of Florida before so I have a few questions if anyone is interested in helping. Mainly whats a good area to look into living in cali' in general? We originally where thinking of getting a town house to rent or something in that lines near a suburb , but are suburbs near any game studios ? Or is it all city? Also ,I will be doing alot of side 3d work in my time from here till june so I know im going there just with the idea to move and be close enough to hopefully be a local artist to get a job in a studio, thats the ideal goal. Aside from that people who have lived in the city Ive heard rumor to have a car there is actually a bad thing since theres no real parking anywhere is this really true?

Anywho if some people could shed light on all of this it would be really appreciated for both me and the members of my workshop. Thank you again!


  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    California is expensive. I hope there are other factors leading you there other than proximity to game studios? Texas has just as many dev houses and you could buy a house for the price of renting one in LA.
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 17
    trust me im more then well aware of the pricing costs, but I need to get out of Florida and atleast go somewhere where theres a chance of something better then here.

    Texas was my original plan but other members have personal reasons for cali, I prefer to look there myself to be honest.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    seforin wrote: »
    trust me im more then well aware of the pricing costs, but I need to get out of Florida and atleast go somewhere where theres a chance of something better then here.

    Why not just try and get to be a better artist where you live and then impress a studio enough that they help you relocate?
    Or at least that you have the promise of a job, before you jump into ridiculous rent?

    I cannot imagine moving to California is going to make your portfolio any more impressive. Maybe this advice is completely unwanted, and i'm not in the industry myself, so take it worth a grain of salt, but it looks like you're trying every way except the obvious, right way, to get into the industry.
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 17
    suprore: Im spending from here till june building new content, and I think I pm you some stuff Im uploading soon to my site thats being mistaken for already old work, to be honest man I dont care really about gettin in I care about getting better at art, Im just trying to find all the info out for the members in my workshop and myself. Im moving to cali to be around better artists, right now asside from the 3-4 I know there none here and Im tired of this area (sorry been here my entire life I need something new).

    Look im telling no one on polycount to personally judge me on my work and reasons to moving right now, Im asking if anyone knows anything about the area. Believe me everything people have told me about my personal work and my work ediquite in general I got creamed about recently so I know what I need to work on. But I want to continue to get better with these artists Im friends with so Im leaving with them.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    seforin wrote: »
    (sorry been here my entire life I need something new).

    I can definitely relate to that. Your post just sounded like you thought moving to cali would me a magic bullet for improvement as an artist and finding work, which i imagine is going to be a disappointment -- that really only comes from yourself, as cliched as it sounds.

    Anyway, good luck. Change of scenery is a good thing regardless. :)
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    Listen to what people are saying. This isn't an acting gig and you don't need to be in hollywood. Cali is expensive even if you are WORKING in the industry. lol Please we don't want to see you on the next bum fights because you don't have any food or money.

    Work on your portfolio. Stay in florida. Hell go to North Carolina. There are a few studios up there too and I don't mean just EPIC.

    Anyways. Work on being a better artist and not where you want to live right now.

    Personal story. I lived in San Diego for 9 years. I graduated. Got a job contracting and moved immediately cross country to Maine.

    Cheaper cost of living, Family, Lack of a steady income and being able to enjoy the money I do make a little more.

    Just a heads up.
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    depends on where you want to go, LA or SF Bay? Two areas that are very far apart. For the Bay Area, East Bay is probably cheaper, but South Bay/Penninsula is nicer/closer to most game companies. San Jose, Saratoga, Campbell, Sunnyvale, Mountain View, Palo Alto, San Mateo, San Bruno, SF, are all good spots. . . some more expensive than others.
  • Ott
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    Ott polycounter lvl 13

    I would figure out what areas you are most interested in, and then move somewhere 20-30 miles away (where you can most likely actually afford to live) and then focus on trying to get into those studios.

    Personally I think that June is plenty of time for you to allocate yourself time to build a good enough portfolio to get a decent entry level job at a AAA studio.

    Pick 3-5 small, manageable props or environments and knock the shit out of them. I've seen people get jobs with less, and if you have a good enough grasp of 3d, texturing, and presentation, it's all just a matter of time. You just can't always be picky with your first job.

    Another thing to consider is that most console studios in production for the next 1-3 years are on the last leg or so of THIS gen, and thereafter will be focusing on the NEXT-gen. So your work should probably reflect that as well, depending on what sort of studio you are interested in.

    My brother just took the blind leap to California with almost no money and not much skill other than being a decent cook, but if you (and he) are dead serious about getting into it, I trust you bite the bullet and do whatever you have to to get in.
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 17
    thanks ott thats the original idea is to find the areas with a good amount of studios and live around a good 35minutes - hour away and look for a cheaper place to live, is what they say about the parking in the citys true though?
  • Ott
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    Ott polycounter lvl 13
    As always, depends on the city and the studio. Our studio shares the same parking area with 10ish other buildings, so there's plenty of parking. Some of the bigger inter-city ones aren't as lucky.

    However, most of those cities also have pretty decent public transportation (SF, Portland, some parts of LA, etc) so it really just depends on where you wind up.

    Most all the studios I can think of in Southern Cali have decent parking and are far enough away from downtown that it really isn't an issue.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    That's a crazy idea, what if you move to cali and then you get a job offer in Texas?

    Mythic covered my moving expense to VA, I think the moving truck cost maybe 2-3 grand then after that I had to pay first month of rent on an apartment, security deposits etc... my first apartment here was $1350 a month for a 1 bedroom... although I do think this area of VA has the highest cost of living in the nation, I could be wrong.

    after all the bills etc.. I'm glad I had enough money set aside to plop down $5,000 and that's with $0 costs for moving!

    so basicaly I'm saying: stop thinking crazy thoughts, moving to caly is just going to mean you'll have to work alot harder to pay your bills so you'll be spending less time on your portfolio
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 17
    ah ok I figured, Im debating about getting a new car soon for this reason because mine right now is literally falling apart but I was afraid to get one due to the parking down there , after hearing that if I can find a place more near a suburb I should be fine, thanks ott its appreciated!
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    not a good idea
  • BoBo_the_seal
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    BoBo_the_seal polycounter lvl 18
    Moving doesn’t make a lot of since to me simply on the prospect of getting a job in the game industry. Focus on your portfolio and if a company likes you they will relocate you. I'd just like to see you do one good game quality asset before you make a decision like this. Especially to a place that has outrageous cost of living. I think your focus is off but good luck regardless.

    - BoBo
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    think of the old cliche of struggling actors/directors/writers moving to California hoping to get into the industry only to end up making a career out of bussing tables or driving taxi-cabs

    I just reread your first post, so you're going to save up until June of 2009?
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 15
    Having lived in California my entire life, I've got to say I think this is a really bad idea. Unless you're going to be living in some crappy hick town in the middle of nowhere, California is an extremely expensive place to live—even for people living with a bunch of roommates who share the bills and such.

    Stay in Florida until your portfolio is in really good shape and then move when you have a job lined up. I know what it's like to want to get out and get something new because I'm going through that myself, but I'm waiting on moving out of here until I can get a job at a studio. I know that if I already have the job and I just need to move there, it'll make everything else easier because I won't have to worry about where the money to pay the bills will come from.
  • Jeremy Wright
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    Jeremy Wright polycounter lvl 17
    I think this is a classic case of putting the cart before the horse.

    Also, people on here aren't telling you this is a bad idea, and that your portfolio isn't ready to try and hurt your feelings; they're doing it to help you and protect you from getting hurt IRL.
  • demoncage
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    demoncage polycounter lvl 18
    i can see the obvious sense of people's advice to stay put and work on your stuff. it IS the most practical solution in terms of cost effectiveness, both time/money. but if you got friends going out there with you and you plan to live with people, it doesn't seem all that off the wall to me, especially if you're saving up. if you're young without alot of debt and you really just want to go out there for the experience (which sounds more the case than for a studio job), then i think you could absolutely make it work, but i doubt it will live up to your romantic version of it. there's hostels you can stay in for cheap if you don't know anyone off the bat. again, if you're planning on living with people i'm sure you can find an affordable situation even if you were working for $9 an hour, given you're the type that can tolerate deprivation. best thing you could do is start seeking out work beforehand and hopefully have interviews set up when you go out there. anyway, that's all i have to offer. never lived in cali so maybe there are alot of peripheral costs i'm not taking into consideration.
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 17
    yea I dont think everyone read the key quotes "I dont care about getting a game job I care about getting better at my artwork" And im saving up until june 2009, and working on portfolio stuff from here till then anyway.

    I already mentioned that I already know its expensive area believe me im not being stupid and moving tommorrow this is with time, I was just trying to find out alot of infromation about the general area was all.

    Im still planning on moving with some really talented artists I plan it this way, If I mess up that bad and have to come back home I can always do that (talked with my folks about it) And if the game thing dosent work out backup career is always pro wrestling haha :p

    edit: I also just read the above post, yes I know that people are giving me this advice not to put me down but to make sure I dont get hurt in real life, and I appreciate it, but I need to take a risk if I ever want to get anywhere. I will only fall if I never tried to stand for myself so to say.

    .......and jeeze I realized that all my topics on here lately always become some huge source of debate? :p
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    So is there something in the water out west that makes you a better artist? Why don't you guys get a place in Florida, you guys could live like kings in florida or all share a 1 bedroom in california :-P

    I guess it's a big debate because we all know a few people that did the same thing as you and many years later the magic talent water hasn't taken effect yet. And no I'm not saying you have no talent, just saying your starting to sound like the person who wants to move somewhere "creative" to get better then decides they need a new super computer to get better and then maybe they need just one more degree and they'll be ready.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    it's kind of pointless to keep saying don't do it. he's obviously made up his mind and isn't looking advice [however sound it seems to us]

    good luck finding what you want. sharing a house with a bunch of friends sounds badass. i miss my roommate. :'(
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 17
    Sectaurs wrote: »
    it's kind of pointless to keep saying don't do it. he's obviously made up his mind and isn't looking advice [however sound it seems to us]

    good luck finding what you want. sharing a house with a bunch of friends sounds badass. i miss my roommate. :'(

    no no I appreciate the advice about what people are suggesting I was just more curious about costs and living and such down in that area was really the whole point to this. OTT kinda gave me some good advice of what I was wondering about. Im surprised no one really from the area posted where they live/ roughly pay kinda deal though? I thought cali had alot of people working/ living there?
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    think of the old cliche of struggling actors/directors/writers moving to California hoping to get into the industry only to end up making a career out of bussing tables or driving taxi-cabs
    Or selling your butthole on Hollywood Blvd. I heard that's how Skeet Ulrich made it.
  • Jeremy Wright
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    Jeremy Wright polycounter lvl 17
    Well, best of luck either way. Just remember you can never move far enough away to leave yourself behind. The change you affect in yourself is more important than a geographical one, even though a change of scenery can certainly be a good thing.

    Concerning your artist friends, are you planning on learning by osmosis? Just being around talented people isn't going to make you better. Are they actively going to teach you? Will they have time to help you and themselves? You're saying it's not to get a job only to get better at your artwork, but isn't the end to that sentence"...to get better at my artwork so I can get a job"?

    With that said, it's important to have goals, and it's important to shoot for the moon. You're going to have to set down some shorter term goals, too, if you want to see improvement by next June.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    I thought cali had alot of people working/ living there?

    there are a lot of people working everywhere, doesn't mean you'd like it.

    Before you take the leap and move to LA, you should hop on a plane, and go stay out there for a week, or two. Live out of cheap hotels, or bunk up with friends out there. I think blindly moving somewhere would be fun, in essence, but what happens when you absolutely fucking hate it there?

    Go there first, hang out, do shit, meet people. If you're not going there for a job, you shouldn't be in any rush.

    and not everyone really digs talking publicly about what they pay for rent, etc, which is why there may not be a lot of talk about that. www.rent.com is your friend, or other google searches work to figure it out. Look at personals/ ads if you're out there and check what the avg prices are for roommates (not that you'd be interested since you're going with friends, but you should be able to do math ;)). Also when you're out there you can scope out places to live, talk to realtors, scopre apartment availability, job availability, etc.
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 17
    spider: I said the major goal is to get better at my artwork, and yes the people im moving with are people I work with in my workshop, so ive been learning from them for almost 4 months now and ive learned more things about art from them then I learned in 4 years of school. The ultimate goal is yes to get a game job but realistic one for now is get better at artwork in general which by here till june I will be workin on new pieces and hoping to land a job "HOPEFULLY" but realistically I know im going to be going there and lifting heavy furniture or something for a bit to just pay the bills until something can turn up. If by a years time goes by there and things are no different then they are now between a complete move, away from distractions, living with 4 really talented artists, and still meeting up with some atilier friends on the weekends there, then I really dont know what will really help me improve to be honest.
  • The Mad Artist
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    The Mad Artist polycounter lvl 13
    seforin wrote: »
    If by a years time goes by there and things are no different then they are now between a complete move, away from distractions, living with 4 really talented artists, and still meeting up with some atilier friends on the weekends there, then I really dont know what will really help me improve to be honest.

    The same thing that will help you improve anywhere you go. You keep working at it.
  • JDinges
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    JDinges polycounter lvl 18
    the same thing that will help you improve anywhere you go. You keep working at it.

  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 18
    You talk too much about what you're doing too little of.

    Moving to California without a job lined up is a dumb idea. If after 4 years of school, and 4 months of your "workshop", your artwork is still in the quality it is currently...one year of preparation isn't going to help you. You're more likely going to move there, experience the real cost of living, work your ass off so there's no time for art, and find yourself more accurately resembling your current avatar. Or wake up from your illusions of grandeur.

    Moose has the smart advice. Go visit the place. Check it out. Find some connections. Send out some resumes. Maybe a company will fly you there for an interview. It wouldn't hurt to look in other areas of the country. And until then...try to post one good thing on this forum that's of some visual quality.
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    Ofcourse moving to Cali isn't going to make you a better artist. Ofcourse you'll be paying ridiculous rent. Ofcourse this is not the most logical decision you could make, and you'll probably end up going into debt. Ofcourse California isn't the only place to develop AAA games.

    But...Fuck it, go have an adventure man. No sense in spitting out what I think you should or should not do. I'm assuming you're "still young". No kids/wife? Fuck it. :]
  • Snight
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    Snight polycounter lvl 16
    do not move here unless you have a job lined up already...you will be in a world of hurt.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz polycount lvl 666
    'A rolling Seforin gathers no moss'.

    if you want to move go for it dude. life's too short
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 17
    ruz: Thanks man , Sometimes I really feel like I shouldnt even budge when I post for advice on here.. Thanks for just giving me a short and sweet version :)

    Look I APPRECIATE what everyone is trying to say , I DO understand what you all mean , but I really dont get a chance to train with real artists, so I cant let this pass me by. If I have to suffer I will , if its a chance to get something better in the end. Its better then what ive been doing 2 years here thinking working by myself and in a small place would have got me stable enough to get better. It OBVIOUSLY didnt , and Im not a artist that learns by myself EVER, I NEVER have been, I improve some small steps YES, but I dont really LEARN by it. So I tried school and I just got a hefty bill in the end with nothing to show from it. Look this will be a real way for me to learn one way or another right?

    I give myself alot to you people on here because I learned alot from you guys before and I still do.But please, just respect this one decision I made, and let me learn from it if I can.
  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    2 years ago I knew the basics of modeling, I didnt know how to UV map. I moved up high in the mountains and started practicing... no no i moved out to the country in the middle of nowhere surrounded by forrest and had absolutlety nothing to do except work on my goals.

    California seems like a place you could easily get distracted by but if you are moving there with some friends that have the same goal as you and work together with them it could turn out kickass! Good luck Seforin!
  • Pedro Amorim
    your starting to sound like the person who wants to move somewhere "creative" to get better then decides they need a new super computer to get better and then maybe they need just one more degree and they'll be ready.

    sounds like me when i was younger. i couldnt keep up with my friends when we went riding bike. and i blamed the bike. i needed a new. one. got a new one.. and i still couldnt keep up..
    turns out the problem was me. not the bike. lol. i was fat! BAM!!
  • Vitor
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    Vitor polycounter lvl 18
    Dude, I live in the northen tip of Portugal, a country that most of people think that is on south america, and the artist living closer to me is that fatty guy Bitmap who I never saw in real life (portuguese: temos de marcar um almo
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    Well, Im doing the same thing sef is doing, except a bit easier since I know a ton of people in LA, and am staying with friends till I find a place I like. I know I want to live in LA already cause I like it here. I dont have a job yet, but even if I completely fail at getting one, I know I dont have a problem working at a restaraunt till I get one to pay the rent.

    You guys are right that its much more prudent to get a job first so you can get an apartment close to the job more easily, but its not impossible to live in LA. Plenty of people manage just fine on shit jobs. Sef will have to do this while he looks for a game job no doubt, but so what. Hes moving to a new state with some friends. It'll be a great experience. Even if he wants to move when his lease is up, its hardly a waste to try living in LA for a year.

    Best of luck sef. I'd advise korea town, westchester, marina del rey, playa del rey, culver city, manhattan beach, venice, or anywhere around those places if youre looking for a place in LA. Expect to pay outrageous prices. If all your friends want to live together, you might be able to find a decent house to rent. Dont live on the outskirts of LA in those suburbs. Yea its cheaper, but its also gonna be an hour commute minimum, and more like 2 in rush hour to get anywhere.
  • Pedro Amorim
    FACE IT MEN! you want to go LA because of the PUSSY!


    lol. its true.

    vitor: venha da
  • CrazyMatt
    This guy may want it for that, but all i'll say is this...(Since i've lived in CA my entire life, or the majority so far)...

    Florida girls are damn easy to get into their panties. California girls you might as well look the other way, or jerk off to some internet CA girl porn. All due to the nature of what the entertainment brings around here, we probably have the ditzyiest girls by far in any state to record.

    But skimmin through all the comments, ect.

    CA is a very distractive state to live in if you're aiming to get higher in anyway than where you are now.

    LA, & most of So-Cal is cheaper than northern CA (Except some spots, mostly beach related like Newport Beach).

    But here is my ticking question for the guy who wants to move..
    "What do you really think will happen after using you're dependence upon guidence by learning from others will get you, once you are all alone and have that job you wanted? which would say they aren't around?"


    "What will you do if you move out here and find out alot of companies for some reason won't hire you for misc' reasons? which leaves you in debt owing a butt load of money over the many years of you're life?"

    That's all I'll say, but good luck with what the future can bring.
  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    Ya know...by trying a little harder until June 2009, you will likely have enough money to move and be a better artist...why doesn't that makes sense?

    I have family living in Irvine, I'll ask them about more cost effective places in Cali...since you care more about looking right now.
  • Gav
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    Gav quad damage
    I can't speak personally about California as I've never been...or solid advice on what to do regarding your situation...however, I dropped out of college and moved across the country to live in Vancouver (like, 6 years ago...) and just being surrounded by opportunities and other like minded people lit the fire under my ass and really motivated me to get the job I wanted and to improve my skills. Granted, Nova Scotia and Florida are probably very different...but I can totally understand your point of view. If you want to do it, do it.
  • Pedro Amorim
    isnt armanguy in vancouver?.. just wondering.
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 17
    well I guess everyone here has there own view points and such, but believe me being around other people who artists who want to improve as oppose to being around 9 programmers all day who dont NEED to improve, it can be kinda rewarding to have a fire lite under your butt once in a while by a friendly rival (Polyhertz can always tell you about him making fun of me and frankinbeat...) Or just really good friends who are a little better then you and can just show you the more planned out route they traveled to help you improve, but its like anything else some people work better in groups some are solo, theres nothing wrong with either one.

    anywho aesir: Drop me a line I have a few questions to ask if you dont mind

    pliang: ANY info is appreciated! Thank you!

    bitmap: your totally right I wanna make the bam-boom with the ladies and make them silky smooth
  • demoncage
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    feel free to PM me. Im no expert though. I get all my info from craigslist and westside rentals.
  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    aesir wrote: »
    feel free to PM me. Im no expert though. I get all my info from craigslist and westside rentals.

    Facebook Market is now the norm...Craiglist is so Circa 1997, but I heard the results are easier to backtrack...

    Not trying to advertise though...
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    From what i have seen from your posts (this one and others) you are headed down the path to failure. You seem to be rushing into a plan despite all the good advice contrary to it thats makes no sense and will only lead you to failure. Cali is expensive and no matter what situation you are you will have to find some sort of job to support yourself. A job which will grind you down while you work to pay the rent and will likely zap alot of your energy away which you will need to work at being a better artist. If you are in astable base/situation right now why would you ever seek to plunge yourself into a situation that could be potentially disasterous for your career goals. What happens if you move there,apply at jobs and get turned down by every studio? Move to another part in Cali,start over again? Or like someone mentioned got a job in Texas afterwards.

    I can relate to your situation,i was there as well. I wasnt good enough to get a job,i was getting frustrated with the lack of sucess and blamed everything but myself. I was even considering that plan as well but replace California with Austin. I asked around forums for opinions and advice on what to do and the advice you seem to be ignoring (the good) advice i followed.

    I bit the bullet and lived home with my mom and dad,yes my mom and dad. At my age at the time being an adult is was something that wasnt too helpfull for my pride. But i had a stable place to live(paid no rent),i worked a few hours at a part time job then other non game industry jobs as well to pay for my gasoline and living expenses and the rest of the time I WORKED TO IMPROVE ARTWORK. And i am glad i did. I cant imagine how hard it would have been to work 40 hours,pay rent,gas etc then come home after a long day and work on my 3d enough to improve and get a job.

    On that day you actually get that phone call/letter for a job offer that paitience will be worth it.

    To me it sounds like you have a problem of ability as well as attitude. Get over yourself and take good advice,these guys are pros and know what they are talking about.

    Even if you go through that horrendous plan of your and manage to make it if your attitude remains the same it will hurt your career down the line. Because when it comes to jobs in this industry i think its better to hire an artist less qualified with the right attitude than one who is qualified and has the wrong one because you can train a person with a good attitude to be a good artist instead of changing a persons attitude.

    Ignore all of this advice at your own peril.
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    Ok, when logging into a public pc I decided to check this thread out. My opinion:

    You sir are a fucking moron.

    Yep I said it, you are a big, self conceited moron.

    Why? Because despite all the advice people give you, you keep ignoring it. Many people tried to tell you the exact same thing: your art plain SUCKS and needs a lot of work, and that's why you don't get any good jobs. I told you to go back to the basics, learn lowpoly, learn to texture properly, learn some anatomy, and you kept being your stubborn self and thinking that continuing to pump the same unpolished work would lead you somewhere.

    Stop trying to impress people just because you want a high job in the game industry, this is not an office job where reccomendations and smart talk take you wherever you want. In this industry you have to PROVE yourself, and for that you have to IMPROVE yourself, and WORK for it. However you seem to be one of those people that want to make it based on ego and with a minimal work amount involved.

    There's also the ostrich complex: knowing what's wrong about your stuff and instead blaming the thing that matters the least and sticking your fucking head in the sand.

    I thought you were smarter honestly dude , apparently all the talks I have been having with you went to the drain , and I hate wasted time.

    And as for this Cali issue, on which I agree with most people here, well knock yourself out.
  • seforin
    Offline / Send Message
    seforin polycounter lvl 17
    I really dont get it, im not trying to prove anything, Im planning on moving with 4 other artists? Why is this so bad?

    johny ive shown you the new SDK stuff ive been doing and you told me youve been seeing new improvement out of me?

    Everyone on here is telling me to really improve, and Im spending from here till june doing that? Im not ignoring anyones advice.

    I already know from the LAST few topics on here that yes I know I need to improve and work on many things, and I even said in this thread that from here till june I will be doing that non stop. I Really dont get why this is coming off to everyone as me trying to prove anything.

    IF anything I learned from what you guys told me last time. And I was just trying to find out some info almost a whole year ahead of time of a plan this just mostly talk between 4 friends. Thats all I ever even wanted , I didnt really come to have everyone toss me there great idea of there master plan I asked what where nice areas of cali and that was about really all I asked.

    look heres a example of what I mean , I havent shown much of my new work because ive been busy improving and such but since people think im just talking out of my butt fine.

    Examples of what im doing every night:


    Im really not trying to act big and bad, but jesus man everyone lately is getting the wrong idea. And I dont want artists I really respect (johny for example) To get mixed up either with what I want to do.

    If by june Im that horrible still that things dont work out for me, then I deserve to be a moron.
  • Farfarer
    I gotta agree with everyone else here. This sounds like a poor excuse for your own shortcomings.

    Your not getting better has nothing to do with not being around good artists or anything like that. You're surrounded by some of the best game artists in the world on here and they're all willing to help you (although I suspect that said willingness drops with every post you make disreguarding their advice).

    The problem is not where you live or who you hang out with, it's you. You need to force yourself to practice and push yourself and you need to change your attitude from blaming everything else around you (wasn't it your crappy luck that was the problem a couple of weeks ago? now it's where you live and the fact there are no studios near and that you don't hang out with good artists?) to realising that you're the only one to blame for your lack of improvement. I doubt you'll find a job until you do (especially as you flaunt this undesireable attitude all around these forums).

    I'm guessing where you are now you either have a steady job that allows you to work on your own stuff freely or that you don't need money to live there (i.e. with parents). Trust me when I say there is no better situation to be in to learn your craft short of actually being challenged daily in a game art job, the less outside stuff you have to deal with the more you can just knuckle under and practice. It would be folly to forsake all of that for the sake of moving. Join a mod team instead, something where the work you produce goes towards a purpose and a game you enjoy working on and playing. You won't want to move away once you start doing that :P
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