I am pressed for time, and I agree, that may affect the quality. In a perfect world I would not be so... lazy?
What I am asking here is, in large environments that are modeled and not BSP based, is frowned upon to use tiling textures and a quick "UVW Map" modifier, -if- it looks alright? OR, is it generally more encouraged that you unwrap the huge place and place all it's textures on a sheet? I'm not using massive textures; and at the end of the day do textures take up the same amount of space no matter if they are on a sheet or not?
I do plan to unwrap the props individually.
Lastly, I have a circular walkway, that will receive a texture. I can place 1 Planar map on there, but it doesn't look like the texture follows the path (nor did I expect it to); to achieve this effect however, I have no choice -but- to unwrap and play with it; correct?
Thanks for your patience, I know I have been asking a lot of noob questions these past few days.
and yes, you'll need to straighten out the uvs 'by hand' if you want them to follow around the curve