did a quick drawing for fun a couple months ago and decided to
model it. Idea is its a magical golem made by some shaman out of various animal bones.
I imagine him as being some common enemy or lesser-miniboss you'd fight in a video game.
I'm thinking that once i have one done, I'll switch up some of the parts and change the red blood/paint pattern to look like a couple different bone golems. Also want to do a creepy little
crawling version that would scurry under the feet of the bigger golems.

target was around 9000 and I'm at 7125 so I'm pretty happy.
The little cards are going to be feathers and the planes in the rings are going to be dreamcatchers
just finished the UVing now going to do some simple zbrushing
looks pretty good though. mind showing UVs too?
I plan on making it a bit fancier in the future.
heres the UVs
Skull is done, looked at both herbivore and carnivore skulls for ref
looking great so far, loving the proportions and silhouette. uv's not so much.
what're you working on?
thanks for crits so far!
..hmm, I guess I could add an extra walrus tusk to the crotch region.. lol
I'm working on a dungeon explorer based game with a few friends. Something like diablo meets nethack, and we're actually using a similar semi cartoony graphic style. I would go in more detail, but i feel this is not the place to discuss it.
Anyway, great model and concept. Cant wait to see it textured.
ya he's about 100 separate pieces.
Looking sweet besides that!
Nonsense. We're talking about a magically animated creature composed by a random assortment of bones here. No hips just make it more awsome. Screw anatomy for a while, this is the stuff of what dreams are made of. The low poly mesh however, could use a bit less in someparts since the normal map is so heavily detailed.
chest fur and spikes done last night. Right arm is done too but i'll post it with the other limbs.
good point about the hip disting. If i have time later I might experiment giving him and actual hip, but for now I'm going to see how the current one turns out. I did try to make it a little more 'hip-like' than the concept. Hope to have all the zbrushing done today
there it is. A bunch of the little things arent on there because they are either just repeats or I'm just painting them, the rings, dreamcatcher etc.
otherwise I'm on to baking ambients and norms then texturing.
- BoBo
the low poly is my focus, using the the hp for baking and sculpting fun