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Announcing Vivaty Create

polycounter lvl 18
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HellMark polycounter lvl 18
Wanted to share the announcement for a project I've been in involved with at Vivaty called Vivaty Create. I'll let the press release give the specifics but if anyone has questions or feedback please let me know. Thanks.

Vivaty is announcing Vivaty Create, the pilot phase of its new developer program. As we prepare to open the platform to outside developers, we are starting to take content submissions, hosting a contest, and asking interested 3D content developers to give us feedback. We’ve already heard from a few content creators like Cassiopeia , Bryan Ogden, Len Bullard and others.

As part of this program, we are giving away Vivaty Studio for free at http://www.vivaty.com/downloads/studio. Formerly known as Flux Studio, Vivaty Studio is an authoring and web publishing tool that imports COLLADA and other formats and exports X3D files. More details at http://developer.vivaty.com.

In case you missed our public beta a few weeks ago, Vivaty is a web-based virtual community that’s currently available at Facebook and AIM.
Vivaty Scenes on Facebook  http://apps.facebook.com/vivatybeta
Vivaty Scenes on AIM  http://gallery.aim.com/detail/551
Techcrunch launch article  http://tinyurl.com/6my24v

What is Vivaty Studio?
Vivaty Studio, formerly known as Flux Studio, is a publishing and creation tool for the 3D web, and is available for free download at: http://www.vivaty.com/downloads/studio. It is designed to simplify the complicated aspects of 3D for the casual creator, while exposing more powerful features to advanced creators. Vivaty Studio can be used as a lightweight modeling tool for creating 3D content from the ground up, or it can be used to import COLLADA content from a range of tools (3D studio Max, Maya, Google Sketchup, Blender, Milkshape and many others).

What’s the process by which someone would submit content to Vivaty Create?
For Vivaty Create, developers must export their COLLADA files, open them in Vivaty Studio, save them as .x3d files, then send them to vivatycreate@vivaty.com. We are working towards a more automatic submission process in the future, we’re just at the beginning of phase 1… More details are at developer.vivaty.com.

What types of 3D content can I submit now to Vivaty Create?
Currently, you can create Scenes and Objects. More details on technical requirements can be found at developer.vivaty.com.

What are the details of the first Vivaty Create contest?
We primarily want to hear from 3D content creators about what they want. There is a survey and multiple ways of getting in touch with us on our developer site.

We are also offering $1,000 cash towards a trip to visit the team in the Bay Area. Five winners will also get $200 each and 20 more will get t-shirts.

Submissions for contest are open from 8/5 through 9/22. Winners will be announced by 10/13. Additional specs and rules are at developer.vivaty.com


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