At a glance, you have some interesting level of detail modeled into the hinges , but not so much anywhere else. The rivets are upside-down, but they shouldn't have lighting in the diffuse anyway since you're using a normal map. Unfortunately, your normal map isn't doing anything because I reckon it's a single pass in nvidia filter. Not sure what's going on at the top with the fan.
Besides what cholden has said I think you could spare some extra polys and make the fan at the top of your model look like it has more depth. I think a transparency map should let you get away with that. Maybe model a rim on your high res model around the inside edge of the fan, and then stick a poly plane inside the fan housing with the acutal blade texture as well as it's transparency, then on the outside just have the texture for the cross beams and the transparency for that as well and volia.
Also looks like you have some excess edgeloops you can delete as well. Looks like theres one right below the handle and a few on the right of the door. Keep at it tho man, the harder you work on it the better it'll turn out.
Sorry for deleting original image but I made some changes;
I fixed the upside down shadow.
I gave the fan some more contrast. I am still not sold in modeling the fan. I might try it. maybe an alpha plane would do the trick...
- Not sure why you flipped the door texture? I kind of know why, "so the 5 would be right reading" but why not flip the UV?
- The hinges are kind of weak, and I don't see any way to open or close the door other then manually?
- The door doesn't really have inner locking pieces that brace the door cracks so instead of both doors working together they are left to fail on their own. It might help to flesh out the door frame a bit more and work out a stair stepped seal so the doors would be forced into the seal
- It looks like you put a lot of lighting info (shadows, highlights) into the diffuse, while that's a great skill to have and you pulled it off really well, you have to be careful not to do that with everything. A little bit of lighting info like AO or possibly a touch up after the asset has been placed in the scene, can help the engine lighting for sure but you don't want to fight it.
- Also you might want to tinker around with Normal Maps if you haven't already, they're pretty standard fair these days.
I fixed a few more things. Thanks for all the's a's a blast door to a Soviet missle base, not the exterior blast door, hence the ventilation fan units with the soviet liquid cool generators.
jackd up
Really like the textures you have going on in the lower part but the area where the fans reside and the wooden outlay looks wrong. Instead of garbling on here made u a paintover...
One thing I didn't mention was to maybe add a interlocking lever system to the doors, like in a bank vault, afterall this is a heavy structure designed for heavy use. The locks would only be seen half the time but they would add that extra touch and realism.
The brown concrete (?) at the top is a difficult material to read. I would reduce the saturation and bump up the specular. Overall, it and the material of the fan have too much dirtiness over detail. Additionally none of the dirtiness matches thow the environment would effect the model. As in, dirty coming up from the floor, water rusting from above, etc.
The way to the top and bottom of the door are different bugs me. The top is good the way to brack fits neatly into the warning strip area, but at the bottom it's going over the middle of the rectangular spots.
This model may have the size to support the rectangular indentions modeled in. It sems to me if you're got the level of detail in the bolts in rivets, the rest of the model should carry that level of detail.
totally agree with Eric about the 5.
I like the big brackets idea of gcmp, but a light on a swing door pointing at nothing? Can't really say I agree with that or the dome/rounded backets.
At a glance, you have some interesting level of detail modeled into the hinges , but not so much anywhere else. The rivets are upside-down, but they shouldn't have lighting in the diffuse anyway since you're using a normal map. Unfortunately, your normal map isn't doing anything because I reckon it's a single pass in nvidia filter. Not sure what's going on at the top with the fan.
Also looks like you have some excess edgeloops you can delete as well. Looks like theres one right below the handle and a few on the right of the door. Keep at it tho man, the harder you work on it the better it'll turn out.
Sorry for deleting original image but I made some changes;
I fixed the upside down shadow.
I gave the fan some more contrast. I am still not sold in modeling the fan. I might try it. maybe an alpha plane would do the trick...
- Not sure why you flipped the door texture? I kind of know why, "so the 5 would be right reading" but why not flip the UV?
- The hinges are kind of weak, and I don't see any way to open or close the door other then manually?
- The door doesn't really have inner locking pieces that brace the door cracks so instead of both doors working together they are left to fail on their own. It might help to flesh out the door frame a bit more and work out a stair stepped seal so the doors would be forced into the seal
- It looks like you put a lot of lighting info (shadows, highlights) into the diffuse, while that's a great skill to have and you pulled it off really well, you have to be careful not to do that with everything. A little bit of lighting info like AO or possibly a touch up after the asset has been placed in the scene, can help the engine lighting for sure but you don't want to fight it.
- Also you might want to tinker around with Normal Maps if you haven't already, they're pretty standard fair these days.
Great piece, I look forward to seeing more!
I fixed a few more things. Thanks for all the's a's a blast door to a Soviet missle base, not the exterior blast door, hence the ventilation fan units with the soviet liquid cool generators.
jackd up
One thing I didn't mention was to maybe add a interlocking lever system to the doors, like in a bank vault, afterall this is a heavy structure designed for heavy use. The locks would only be seen half the time but they would add that extra touch and realism.
Hope this helps
The way to the top and bottom of the door are different bugs me. The top is good the way to brack fits neatly into the warning strip area, but at the bottom it's going over the middle of the rectangular spots.
This model may have the size to support the rectangular indentions modeled in. It sems to me if you're got the level of detail in the bolts in rivets, the rest of the model should carry that level of detail.
totally agree with Eric about the 5.
I like the big brackets idea of gcmp, but a light on a swing door pointing at nothing? Can't really say I agree with that or the dome/rounded backets.