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model(s) to crit!

polycounter lvl 14
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ChrisG polycounter lvl 14
Im making a old container (maybe make it into a scene) would like some crits where people see fit


I have only really textured the main body, everything else is just block colour over the base (apart from the legs which I have kinda started)

I see the seem in the top picture and have blended in the rust (I hope people can see it as rust!), I still am going to add wear and tear along the lines in the metal


  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    ok here is my go

    - you have some texture seams, have a look here for a possible way to get rid of them:
    alternativly you could use tools such as polyboost, bodyPaint, enzo3d,.. to clone stamp parts over it

    - depending on your final lighting either engine or rendeirng I´d go for more color variation,- the example I painted over has a light sun touch

    - if you have not yet reached the poly limit for the prop,- try for more details (same goes for the texture)- You could add e.g: bolts, signes, wires/ropes, signs, ... and lots of other stuff. In most cases it would add a whole lot more to the game/ or movie.

    - have you tried rendering a ambient occlusion or some other alike dirt map ? ,- it might create soft shadows for you to add to your texture so that it looks like dirt is still between parts soft blending in and out.
    xNormal is a free tool to do such (alternativly also possible in max but a pain to setup)- blender is also quicker with such. But I recomend xNormal,- once installed goto tools and pick simple Ambient Occlusion generation- load your mesh (e.g as obj file) and hit render.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    not much to crit at this point, still a bit early to pimp. remember to rotate your white pole so the repetition isn't as noticeable. Check out http://www.cgtextures.com/ for some bolts and seams and some rust reference. Also you say it's a 'old container' you need to know what type or there's no reason to build it, is it water? Is it for agriculture? all those will look different depending on what they are containing so.. right now it's pretty much just some primitives so amp it up with some nice texturing and you'll have somethign more to pimp soon.
  • ChrisG
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    ChrisG polycounter lvl 14
    renderhjs thanks very much for the crit, all I have textured atm is the main body and the support legs, I didnt even think about a warning sign good idea!
    I did render a ao but I have changed the uvmap since then so maybe a good idea to render another.

    Dekard, I have based it off photos I have found from cgtextures other sites and the ones found in crysis (well the x's running down the side of it was taken from crysis)

    I will carry on later but right now the sun is out and i have been inside too long!

  • Mark Dygert
    Your UV layout has the pieces too close together, if you where to mip-map that texture the pieces would bleed into each other. Always leave some padding and color that padding the same as the material it surrounds.

    Also don't be afraid to detach end caps, on cylinders, it can create smoothing problems if you don't. It also makes for a better arrangement, harder to keep track of but you could weld it while your arranging and detach before you export.

    You need to think of your object as a whole piece not just each UV island as you do the materials. You have A LOT of rust up top, and none of that has trickled down to the lily white poles or even stained the ground. Its a big reason why your pieces aren't working together.

    The top is fairly under-detailed and blocky. I'm not sure what your target or current poly count is, but it won't hurt to round it out a bit more and add some detail. Think about adding a ladder up the side, and cat walk around the top, (for inspectors). If you're concerned about poly counts, you can do some good things with transparency maps, just make sure they aren't grayscale as they'll start to eat up more resources then they're saving.
  • ChrisG
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    ChrisG polycounter lvl 14
    hhi vig thanks for the crit, I have read up on mip mapping and dose unreal use it as that is the engine I import my stuff to?
    the reason for the lack of texture else where is because there isnt any :poly124:. well there is but only a basic colour a metal base and the ao overlay, I have only started the main body, You suggestions about stairs and things is a good idea, I feel it is alittle bare atm , updates soon!
    Also I didnt mean for the model to come out at such a low poly count, 313, so Im going to probably double it to 600, smoothing it out etc.

  • ChrisG
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    ChrisG polycounter lvl 14
    quick mock up of how it could turn out

    what dose anyone reckon, ignore the textures if I went ahead with this idea I would make different textures for the other silos, maybe have one of the silos fall over.

    Also I have used a single plane, which is just to show the floor, ahould I use this and an alpha or use real geometry for the final idea? Im aiming it more for this gen

    crits and comments welcome or a paint over if you are feeling arty:)

    note*sorry about compression
  • Daaark
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    Daaark polycounter lvl 17
    Just my opinion, but that is the biggest waste of 1024x1024 worth of texture space I have ever seen. When I saw the first picture I thought it looked nice and then was expecting a 256x256 texture or something. I just shrunk that thing to 256x256 in Irfanview, and didn't see any lost detail whatsoever.
  • ChrisG
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    ChrisG polycounter lvl 14
    well your not far off, but i think it dose lose detail, but I could easily drop it to 512
  • Cyph3r
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    Cyph3r polycounter lvl 9
    sharpen the texture as you drop the res
  • ChrisG
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    ChrisG polycounter lvl 14

    I think I will lower it to a 512, but 256 is blurry even with sharpen filter
  • stutte
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    stutte polycounter lvl 17
    You should seriously consider reworking your UV layout. There is so much there that is wasted and can be tiled, etc. Optimizing this entire thing for a 512 shouldn't be out of the quesiton. Or if you want to keep it a 1024, you would be able to get much more detail out of what you have....
  • Daaark
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    Daaark polycounter lvl 17
    chrizz1 wrote: »
    well your not far off, but i think it dose lose detail, but I could easily drop it to 512
    It's not any less blurry in the 1024 version, it just has more pixels.
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