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Noisy neighbors (apartments)

Recently moved for the new job (going great!), and I like the apartments I'm in.

However, a neighbor apparently insists on playing oh-so-repetitive "rave/trance" music for hours on end.

It'd be one thing if it was just during the day for a short time, but it goes for hours, and often into the evening.

Not sure if I should tell the office, or ask them to stop/turn it down, or something. If I tell they office, the tenant won't count me as their "enemy" or try to get me somehow in trouble with the management. This is annoying. I'm paying too much in rent to have this go on.

I wish this situation was in Photoshop, as I'd just throw a gaussian blur on it to remove the NOISE! (corny, I know)


  • Murdoc
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    Murdoc polycounter lvl 11
    Oh sorry, I'll turn it down...

    Seriously though I have the same thing going on, but I've been here for awhile and so has my neighbours, but they insist on making my coffee table rattle.

    I ratted out my neighbours to the building manager more then once and they more or less dont play music everyday for hours really loud, but I'm pretty sure they are ticked off at me as I get glares whenever i see them, but my space is quiet again and I dont want to murder them, so I think it's for the best.
  • Armanguy
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    Armanguy polycounter lvl 17
    Id tell the management first if that doesnt work cut there power somehow :)
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    First ask them, if they still dont, then tell the landlord. If that doesnt stop them, continue to complain, and make their lives a living hell until they turn it down.
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
  • Jeremy Wright
  • oobersli
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    oobersli polycounter lvl 17
    i'm an asshole but I'm kind enough to let the office handle it the first time. After that i call the police for disturbance. I live 30 feet from the police station so its handy. I've never met any neighbors worthy of being friends with so fk em.
  • greenj2
    Depending on the layout of your place, I'd suggest starting with an overly polite anonymous letter in their mailbox. Give them that one opportunity to be the reasonable, understanding neighbor.

    If that fails, you can do whatever you like to them and not feel like the proverbial cunt. :D
  • Rob Galanakis
    Why complain? Drop some E and have a dance party!
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    Retaliate with some grindcore death metal. Five hours of blast beats outta wake them up.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    agreed with above, print out a letter saying they've recieved several complaints and please keep the noise down and if they insist on playing it try during the daytime or something.
  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 20
    I would ask the neighbors in person first and if that doesn't work go to building management.

    You do need to realize that hearing your neighbors is part of living in an apartment building, however. I remember my downstairs neighbors in my first apartment would go to the building manager and complain every time I sneezed or walked across the floor. If you don't want to hear your neighbors at all then you need to look into renting / buying a house in the country ;)
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    Ha. As I read this, it is Karaoke night in the restaurant I'm above. I was assured the place closes at nine every night and that noise wouldn't be a problem.

    I kind of like it, though. I'm sitting on the floor and the vibrations are... soothing.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    I'm fine with noise during 'legal' hours. After 10pm, there had better be NO noise. When/if there is, I notify the front office. Usually by the second time, the tenants are cited or such by the apts. After the third time, I start calling the police (since technically, after 10pm it's in violation of noise pollution law).
  • Lord McMutton
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    Lord McMutton polycounter lvl 17
    Vassago wrote: »
    since technically, after 10pm it's in violation of noise pollution law.

    Yeah, and then you can get Al Gore on them.
  • hobodactyl
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    hobodactyl polycounter lvl 18
    I'm enjoying Frightmare now :P
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    yup, our upstairs neighbours are a pair of noisy twats.

    they seem to be able to literally jump up and down kn the floor for hours upon end.

    They also come down to smoke outside and talk really loudly outside our door. really pisses me off.

    some sod dumped some fly tipping outside our flat the other day and the neighbours decided to add to it.

    I did have words with them, with one of them giving me that look:)

    I am a fairly big fella these days, so he backed down after an evil glare of my own
  • kwakkie
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    kwakkie polycounter lvl 12
    wow, Im kind of amazed by some of the replies here... calling the police, telling the landlord, dropping anonymous letters in their mail... what ever happened to getting off your ass and solving your problems by yourself? Just drop by and explain that you work hard everyday and would like some rest when you get home, or if he could turn down his subwoofer a bit.

    If he agrees and does something about it> problem solved, give the man some beer(or drink it with him) for being considerate ;)
    If he agrees but doesnt do anything about it> ask him again
    If he doesnt agree> ask the landlord to give him a warning
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    This has happened several times.

    My girlfriend's neighbors beneath her would play loud music starting late during the weeknights, so one night I went down there and asked them to turn it down. They apologized and turned it off. Next week, they did the same shit, so I went downstairs with a hammer and when they answered I started yelling and cussing and waving my hammer. I told them I was going to call the cops if it happened again. They didn't do it again :)
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    Ely and I could come over there and throw some bows for ya.
    Though....Ely hits like a bitch.

    What apartments did you land in, btw?
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    my neighbours used to play system of a down in their garden at 3 in the morning and shout alot :( I just went over to them and explained that people need to sleep and they shut it off, it wasnt too hard, true I had to do this 3 times but it eventually stopped. There are other noises which can be disturbing though, like my housemate and his girlfriend lol.
  • benclark
    I had this problem before. I went down to confront the guy and he came to the door with a hammer, 2 days later we got him and his brothers at our door with golf clubs - so yeah a letter might be a good call. Its one thing saying you should go down and confront the guy but its another thing if you get some drugged up prick at the door

    An asshole is an asshole though so chances are he wont care what you do unless he is seriously threatened with being kicked out :(
  • Michael Knubben
    Our downstairs neighbours aren't the type to confront in person either. I'm convinced I would have the same issue as Ben Clark, all the more because the issue we have with them is that the guy shouts at his wife as if she was a dog (and we really believed he was shouting at a dog, at first), and pounds his fists into the wall all the while. He sounds like a lovely guy, really.
    His favourite words are 'no' and 'fuck', and sometimes 'aaargarahahHGH' if he's feeling especially festive.
  • Mark Dygert
    Buy a set of headphones, and put them on their doorstep with a note that says: "Dear neighbor if you insist on being our neighborhood DJ and don't want to use these, please add these songs to your play list" Make sure to leave room for a blank play list.


    Just write up something official sounding and sign it "the management" and leave it on their doorstep. Make sure it will piss him/her off so they'll rat themselves out to the management when they go to complain that "the management" is threatening them.


    Check to see if your lease has any kind of a noise ordinance clause. Most do and you can use that when you go talk to the management. You can also leave an anonymous note in the managements box. Personally I'd go talk to the management first and be friendly, try to come at it as if you're on the same side and that getting this person to quite down is in everyones best interest.


    Introduce yourself to your other neighbors and see if this bothers them also, then take you're joint complaint to the management.

    If an entire section of the building is threating to break lease and move they'll take it more seriously, as they work hard to fight massive vacancies at the same time. Who's more likely to get the boot one noisy jackass that's violating their lease or a group of quite neighbors who just want to enjoy their quite homes.

    Of course it could backfire as they probably put language into your lease that prevents you from breaking or you face massive fees. But still they'll more then likely listen to many voices instead of just one person.


    When all else fails, be a dick. If you're lucky enough that the persons bedroom faces the parking lot, and they're on the ground floor, park in front and any time you hear the music go turn your lights on. If they say anything say "I'm sorry I don't know how I got out here. One minute I'm sitting in my apt and then I hear this music, off in the distance I hear these soft voices and the next thing I know I'm talking to you. Last time that happened I woke up in Tijuana with blood all over my hands, when I got back home my rug and my shovel where missing, weirdest thing..." then stare off into the distance until they go inside.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    Jonathan wrote: »

    It'd be one thing if it was just during the day for a short time, but it goes for hours, and often into the evening.

    into the Evening? Oh crumbs!

    I hope they turn it off by elevenses
  • JohnnyRaptor
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    JohnnyRaptor polycounter lvl 15
    whenever iv been playing music too loud at the late hours of the night or early mornings, my neighbors call the cops on me and they usually walk up to the house and tell me to turn it down. I guess you could do the same to your neighbor, or be a bit more social and just drop by and knock on his door and tell him to turn it down, which i wish my neighbors would do instead of wasting the cops time.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Sometimes, when I'm in the bathroom the same time my upstairs neighbor is, I can hear them pooping... for reals
  • System
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    System admin
    I cant live without loud music... i dont know what ill do when i move into somewhere new with neighbours! D:

    I think i'd go around and say "sup? You like music" - hopefully they do then i can just get them round and rock the fuck out! :p

    In all fairness, I dont mind being asked to turn it down in the evening... thats just common courtesy - so just go ask him, if hes a jackass about it then complain!
  • Mark Dygert
    Even if your neighbors like the same kind of music, it might not be the right time for them to listen to it. People work different shifts and sleep during the day, some people have kids. Some people just like to pretend that they don't live near anyone.

    Just curious, but whats wrong with loud music through headphones?
  • cgjeff
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    cgjeff polycounter lvl 17
    Vig wrote: »
    Just curious, but whats wrong with loud music through headphones?

    Absolutely nothing. I got myself a nice pair of wireless surround sound headphones for just this purpose. Because I'm sure my neighbors don't want to listen to my music/movies, and/or the people I talk to on skype. Though my neighbors seem to be pretty chill for the most part, mostly just college kids, and a young married couple.
  • diminished_Self
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    diminished_Self polycounter lvl 12
    id say grow a pair and talk to them. im in apartments for the first time in like 5 years and im not used to it yet...i was jamming the holy living shit out of some boris the other day and i heard a knock on the door, it was my nextdoor neighbor and they introduced themselves, told me a story about a baby that sleeps in the afternoons and asked me politely to keep my music down. they told me about when the baby sleeps, and said they didnt mind beyond that as long as i kept it outside of quiet hours.

    if they had gone to management i would have been like "fuck those assholes, its not quiet hours" but because they came to me first and treated me respectfully i treated them respectfully.
  • oobersli
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    oobersli polycounter lvl 17
    I look at the calling police as a second attempt type thing. If management can't get their tenants to be quiet then I'm going to use the police that my taxes pay for. Too many people fail to use the police and consider them only good for shooting people or cleaning up murder shiat. Most of them are sitting in their car looking for speeders... so help your friends in cars and get them off the radar and on domestic disturbances.

    I lived in la for 4 1/2 years and anytime I tried to get my neighbors to turn the club music *in an apt* off I get confronted by a stereotypical thug that wants to fight. Dunno y, but kill someones thuglife music and they want to kill you.

    You call the police, who are usually happy to help.. fkers get real and stfu! Plus it gives you a chance to talk with pigs and make friends. Having cop friends is always a good thing.
  • Daaark
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    Daaark polycounter lvl 17
    Replace their CD collection with Black Sabbath. Problem solved. Don't forget to stomp on the floor for them in sync with the drums at the opening of ironman, and yell real loud to let them know who you are.


    See how they like that.
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    I had neighbors who played loud music, or would have loud arguments with their girlfriends. If a loud knock on the wall or floor doesn't get them to turn it down, knock on their door and ask them to turn it down. If that doesn't work, let the office know, though they usually won't do shit.

    I stick to the no loud noise between 10pm & 8am philosophy.
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    I would ask them first if that doesn't help I would buy a surround sound system, a subwoofer and play a nice movie. Transfomers has a lot of explosions, Independence Day, etc. If you really want to be a dick however put a porno on instead? I'm sure when the building starts shaking they will stop or be like can we come by and watch tv... Maybe not.

  • Pedro Amorim
    this thread is epic. ahah
  • Ferg
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    Ferg polycounter lvl 18
    ok, so here's what you do. Go talk to them like the reasonable well-adjusted human being you are.

    And if that doesn't work... One day while they're gone at work, sneak in through their window and hide some cocaine and a bunch of baggies in their cupboard where they won't find em. Then call the cops. Problem solved. Works every time.
  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    id say grow a pair and talk to them. im in apartments for the first time in like 5 years and im not used to it yet...i was jamming the holy living shit out of some boris the other day and i heard a knock on the door, it was my nextdoor neighbor and they introduced themselves, told me a story about a baby that sleeps in the afternoons and asked me politely to keep my music down. they told me about when the baby sleeps, and said they didnt mind beyond that as long as i kept it outside of quiet hours.

    if they had gone to management i would have been like "fuck those assholes, its not quiet hours" but because they came to me first and treated me respectfully i treated them respectfully.

    This may be the most viable option to consider...
  • sprunghunt
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    sprunghunt polycounter
    I used to live below people who would use a jackhammer between 10am and 3pm during the week. You literally couldn't think. I just moved out - wasn't exactly the best but they seemed to be some kind of sculptor.
  • Jonathan
    I think someone must have already complained, 'cause it's been quiet several days in a row! :D

    I guess you'd have to understand these apartments, quite strict. You can't have clothes hanging outside on your patio/deck, can't have a car on the lot with broke window, messed up bumper, etc. among other rules. It's a nice place, and I guess they want to keep it that way.
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