This was a test to see how fast I could bring a piece from a concept to realization. It took a great deal longer then expect a whooping two weeks, but all and all it was an excellent learning experience. The textures are 100% hand painted to emulate the concept art. The models were original done in Maya then exported into ut3. Feedback is appreciated.
Not bad! Looks like you have some unnecessary polys in the wire frame that could have been used to model out some more features in the structure. Also, the tiles are different sizes in places, which is weird. Break up the bottom like in the concept. Also the stone work on the stairs seems a bit large. It just seems like there are alot of right angles, where the concept is busted up. You have a lot of pictures here, but none of your hand painted textures, which I am sure you slaved over. Show them off! All in all, good job, take what you learned and keep going!
Nice, I would definatley bust it up at places to make it less symmetrical and fewer right angles as Cody said. I would also try to add something below the chimney and house part below it, those huuuge stones in the chimney doesn't really look like they could be supported by the small piece of house below it. Also the big difference in material between the stairs and the foundation coupled with the lack of transition between materials could need some work imo.
Good job making and putting this in ut3. You would have been better off posting sooner for because there's a lot of Mythic artists here that could have aimed you in the right direction. For one, I modeled this building in WAR.
For starters, the scale is way off, lots of interpretation errors, not enough modeled detail, textures too small, etc. Again, it's a lot of things. If you want me to be more specific I can, but understand it'll require you rebuilding this from the ground up.
Thank you all for your comments, they will help me improve this piece allot. Cholden your insight on this piece is very value. I would appreciate more specific feedback on improving it.
Keep up the good work.
For starters, the scale is way off, lots of interpretation errors, not enough modeled detail, textures too small, etc. Again, it's a lot of things. If you want me to be more specific I can, but understand it'll require you rebuilding this from the ground up.
Here's some reference:
Same building on the left
More empire close up detail